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iPhone 4信号问题和诚信问题

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To Sean:

I have presented my understanding on how the whole thing happened and accept iPhone 4 as the best smartphone with a reception issue meanwhile satisfied with apple's solution

I am happy to highlight the truth I heard step by step and if u like please tell me what step u think apple was doing it wrong and can't accept it in ur logic
1 apple developed the iphone4 and put a lot of innovation techs in it and also re-design the form factor
2 apple and ATT went through the laughing procedure and found the reception issue
3 following the procedure from both side. Apple and AT&T decided to give it a go due to this is a common issue and not meet the blocking level
4 users found this issue and report it to apple
5 22 days later after the issue was first reported, apple held a press conference and announced free case and full refund within 30 days solution
6 apple acknowledged it as a issue by saying apple is not perfect and this issue caused a incovienence to users but what apple has been doing hardly is surprise users by innovative techs

My logic follows above as well and again please let me know what's ur point or any steps ur not happy with
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Feiing 写道
seen 写道

你是不是点根烟等着我一条条来回你? 我早说了,跟X粉谈具体X好不好,是没有意义的,纯属狗拿耗子。



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   发表时间:2010-07-19   最后修改:2010-07-19
Maybe some more words to all:

Apple is a  business company and earning money for the stakeholder is the first job but who isn't except the charity. I like apple is because it can bring something really awesome and keep pushing the industry forward to make better products for everybody. Before apple entered into mobile phone industry in 2007. I used mobile phone nine years but from nokia 3310 to samsung nothing really changed but since 2007 mobile phone is changing everyday. Same thing happened to thin laptop, now I can buy a really thin and light laptop even it doesn't have to be Mac air.

Why we have to be so small even can't tolerate just once to a company which brought some many good  things to us. Innovation is not coming freely and at some moments we may need to pay. Actually we don't really have to pay it and it's apple to pay it due to the full refund.then tell me what else really pissed us.

I like apple because it surprises me it provides me options it let me be typing this now in the bed by my iphone. I like apple because jobs inspired me in many ways. 
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MyJavaRoad 写道
To Sean:

I have presented my understanding on how the whole thing happened and accept iPhone 4 as the best smartphone with a reception issue meanwhile satisfied with apple's solution

I am happy to highlight the truth I heard step by step and if u like please tell me what step u think apple was doing it wrong and can't accept it in ur logic
1 apple developed the iphone4 and put a lot of innovation techs in it and also re-design the form factor
2 apple and ATT went through the laughing procedure and found the reception issue
3 following the procedure from both side. Apple and AT&T decided to give it a go due to this is a common issue and not meet the blocking level
4 users found this issue and report it to apple
5 22 days later after the issue was first reported, apple held a press conference and announced free case and full refund within 30 days solution
6 apple acknowledged it as a issue by saying apple is not perfect and this issue caused a incovienence to users but what apple has been doing hardly is surprise users by innovative techs

My logic follows above as well and again please let me know what's ur point or any steps ur not happy with


1 苹果的天线问题不是实质性问题,是大部分智能手机都有的问题
2 苹果测试部门在发布之前知道这个问题,但他们和运营商商量过了,认为这个问题可以接受
3 乔布斯在这件事上没有对大众撒谎,他被测试部门蒙在鼓里了,直到被新闻报道了,他本人才知道

1 根据你掌握的情报,所有在西方运营商上市的手机,都有很多问题,因此苹果的天线问题不是实质问题;根据目前的出货量和报修率数据来看,终端用户反响不大;根据股票市场来看,投资者没有把天线问题当成大问题
2 根据你对无线运营商的了解,应该是这样
3 根据乔本人的发言,和你对他的了解,应该是这样




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potian 写道
Feiing 写道
[quote="seen<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/themes/advanced/langs/zh.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/plugins/javaeye/langs/zh.js"></script>uot;]
你是不是点根烟等着我一条条来回你? 我早说了,跟X粉谈具体X好不好,是没有意义的,纯属狗拿耗子。




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seen 写道
potian 写道
Feiing 写道
[quote="seen<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/themes/advanced/langs/zh.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/plugins/javaeye/langs/zh.js"></script>uot;]
你是不是点根烟等着我一条条来回你? 我早说了,跟X粉谈具体X好不好,是没有意义的,纯属狗拿耗子。






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   发表时间:2010-07-19   最后修改:2010-07-19
Ok Seen, I already knew what's difference between us. My default setting is trusting people who has credits and stay positive but ur default setting is doubting everything and being ready to give a sh*t whenever u can.

U don't have to doubt my knowledge I have been working in a top three  carrier(worldwide) for years and my everyday job is following launching procedure with htc nokia etc.. So programming u better than me but if talk about handsets I know more than u.

Still u did not highlight anything u r not happy with and all u keeping saying is ur telling bullsht he is telling bullsht all is bullsht

What's wrong with u man. I trust jobs and apple based on my koweledge and their credit then tell if u doubted then based on WHAT? Only based on a ugly attitude?
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potian 写道
seen 写道
potian 写道
Feiing 写道
[quote="seen&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/themes/advanced/langs/zh.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.iteye.com/javascripts/tinymce/plugins/javaeye/langs/zh.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;uot;]
你是不是点根烟等着我一条条来回你? 我早说了,跟X粉谈具体X好不好,是没有意义的,纯属狗拿耗子。







你是专门爱扯淡是不是? 我说常识重要,你就说常识是民科的爱好;我说资格老的人应该有自信,你就说资格老不能乱说话。
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MyJavaRoad 写道
Ok Sean I already knew what's difference between us. My default setting is trusting people who has credits and stay positive but ur default setting is doubting everything and being ready to give a sh*t whenever u can.

U don't have to doubt my knowledge I have been working in a top three  carrier(worldwide) for years and my everyday job is following launching procedure with htc nokia etc.. So programming u better than me but if talk about handsets I know more than u.

Still u did not highlight anything u r not happy with and all u keeping saying is ur telling bullsht he is telling bullsht all is bullsht

What's wrong with u man. I trust jobs and apple based on my koweledge and their credit then tell if u doubted then based on WHAT? Only based on a ugly attitude?

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   发表时间:2010-07-19   最后修改:2010-07-19
Ok I quit

Good luck with ur better life without apple.

Ps. I am not a gay so I have no any feeling on u ok? If u want one that would be a sorry.
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