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随着NetBeans 6.5 beta正式发布,第一个beta版本的Scala插件也发布了,功能包括: 1、Full featured Scala editor syntax and semantic coloring outline navigator code folding mark occurrences go to declaration instant rename indentation formatting pair matching error annotations code completion 2、Project management (build/run/debu ...
重新写过的Scala for NetBeans现在可以在NetBeans 6.1RC或者最新的Nightly Build上测试,你可以从NetBeans Update Center获得,方法是: "Tools"->"Plugins", 检查"Setting"看"Last Development Build"是否在Update Centers列表中, url是: http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/javadoc-nbms/lastSuccessfulBuild/art ...
ErlyBird 0.16.0 Released - An Erlang IDE based on NetBeans I'm pleased to announce ErlyBird 0.16.0, an Erlang IDE based on NetBeans. This is an important feature release in size of 25M. If you have latest NetBeans nightly build installed, you can also install ErlyBird modules via update center. CHA ...
Tim的WideFinder习题让多核和并行编程实践在一个简单的问题上有了多种语言作一次比较的机会,所以参与者甚多,我觉得也是很有意义的一件事。今天有点时间,作一个小总结。 目前排行榜上列第一、第二、第三的分别是OCaml+JoCaml,Erlang和Python。C/C++的版本理论上应该可以有很好的结果,但现在还没出来,这反倒说明用C/C++来完成这么一个简单的并行任务并不是很顺畅。 就Erlang的实现而言,基本上是一些象我这样的初学者慢慢摸索(Anders和Steve也都是初学者),加上专家们在一些关键地方的适时指点的过程。 现在看来,几个重要的转折在: 1、min_heap_si ...
Today, Shanghai Security Index (000001.SS) touched 2100, and, from my previous neural network research on 0000001.SS, about 4 months passed. In that blog, I placed a prediction picture, and now, here it's a verification picture of the actual price trends comparing to the prediction: The Blue line is ...
Updated Oct 16: After testing my code on different machines, I found that disk/io performed varyingly, for some very large files, reading file in parallel may cause longer elapsed time (typically on non-server machine, which is not equipped for fast disk/io). So, I added another version tbray4b.erl, ...
Playing with Tim's Erlang Exercise is so much fun. I've been coding in Erlang about 6 months as a newbie, in most cases, I do parsing on string (or list what ever) with no need of regular expressions, since Erlang's pattern match can usaully solve most problems straightforward. Tim's log file is als ...
My first solution for Tim's exercise tried to read file in parallel, but I just realized by reading file module's source code, that file:open(FileName, Options) will return a process instead of IO device. Well, this means a lot: It's a process, so, when you request more data on it, you actually sen ...
Updated Oct 09: Added more benchmark results under linux on other machines. Updated Oct 07: More concise code. Updated Oct 06: Fixed bugs: 1. Match "GET /ongoing/When/" instead of "/ongoing/When/"; 2. split_on_last_newline should not reverse Tail. Backed from a short vacation, a ...
I will be there, Sun Tech Days, Seattle, Sep 6, 2006. As I'm now in Vancouver, it's about 2 or 3 hours trip to Seattle. I'm glad to have a chance to meet those great guys who develop NetBeans IDE and Platform. As you know, the AIOTrade (formerly Humai Trader) is built on NetBeans Platform using NetB ...
As NetBeans IDE 6.0M7 released, I tried the Ruby module for it, and it's almost useful now. To get and install, 1. Downloand NetBeans IDE 6.0M7 from: http://www.netbeans.info/downloads/dev.php Select 'Q-Build' and download the newest M7 2. Update Ruby modules: 1) [Tools] -> [Update Center] 2) ...
Update - Mar 29,2007: If you got exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when try completion, please check the version number of your "Generic Languages Framework" module (Tools -> Module Manager -> Language Support), if the version number is less than 1.70, you can g ...
I've got "Go to declaration of function call and var" if the declarations are in the same module file, and "Highlighting for function call/function arguments" working. To go to the declaration of function call or var, just press down "Ctrl", and put cursor on the functio ...
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