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Learning Coding Parallelization (Was Tim's Erlang Exercise - Round V)
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Updated Oct 16: After testing my code on different machines, I found that disk/io performed varyingly, for some very large files, reading file in parallel may cause longer elapsed time (typically on non-server machine, which is not equipped for fast disk/io). So, I added another version tbray4b.erl, in this version, only reading file is not parallalized, all other code is the same. If you'd like to have a test on your machine, please try both.
Well, I think I've learned a lot from doing Tim's exercise, not only the List vs Binary in Erlang, but also computing in parallel. Coding Concurrency is farely easy in Erlang, but coding Parallelization is not only about the Languages, it's also a real question.
I wrote tbray3.erl in The Erlang Way (Was Tim Bray's Erlang Exercise - Round IV) and got a fairly good result by far on my 2-core MacBook. But things always are a bit complex. As Steve pointed in the comment, when he tried tbray3.erl on his 8-core linux box:
"I ran it in a loop 10 times, and the best time I saw was 13.872 sec, and user/CPU time was only 16.150 sec, so it’s apparently not using the multiple cores very well."
I also encoutered this issue on my 4-CPU Intel Xeon CPU 2.80GHz debian box, it runs even worse (8.420s) than my 2-core MacBook (4.483s).
I thought about my code a while, and found that my code seems spawning too many processes for scan_chunk, as the scan_chunk's performance has been improved a lot, each process will finish its task very quickly, too quick to the file reading, the inceasing CPUs have no much chance to play the game, the cycled 'reading'-'spawning scan process' is actually almost sequential now, there has been very few simultaneously alive scanning processes. I think I finally meet the file reading bound.
But wait, as I claimed before, that reading file to memory is very fast in Erlang, for a 200M log file, it takes less than 800ms. The time elapsed for tbray3.erl is about 4900ms, far away from 800ms, why I say the file reading is the bound now?
The problem here is: since I suspect the performance of traversing binary byte by byte, I choose to convert binary to list to scan the world. Per my testing results, list is better than binary when is not too longer, in many cases, not longer than several KBytes. And, to make the code clear and readable, I also choose splitting big binary when read file in the meanwhile, so, I have to read file in pieces of no longer than n KBytes. For a very big file, the reading procedure is broken to several ten-thousands steps, which finally cause the whole file reading time elapsed is bit long. That's bad.
So, I decide to write another version, which will read file in parallel (Round III), and split each chunk on lastest new-line (Round II), scan the words using pattern match (Round IV), and yes, I'll use binary instead of list this time, try to solve the worse performance of binary-traverse by parallel, on multiple cores.
The result is interesting, it's the first time I achieved around 10 sec in my 2-core MacBook when use binary match only, and it's also the first time, on my dummy 4-CPU Intel Xeon CPU 2.80GHz debian box, I got better result than my MacBook.
(Updated Oct 15: Steve run the code on his 8-core 2.33 GHz Intel Xeon Linux box, with the best time was 4.920 sec, which was exactly 100% speedup to my 4-core box (Although, they are two different machines, we can not compare the results linearly) :
"the best time I saw for your newest version was 4.920 sec on my 8-core Linux box. Fast! However, user time was only 14.751 sec, so I’m not sure it’s using all the cores that well. Perhaps you’re getting down to where I/O is becoming a more significant factor."
Please see Steve's One More Erlang Wide Finder and his widefinder attempts.)
Result on 2.0GHz 2-core MacBook:
$ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4_bin start o1000k.ap 4 -s erlang halt 8900 : 2006/09/29/Dynamic-IDE 2000 : 2006/07/28/Open-Data 1300 : 2003/07/25/NotGaming 800 : 2003/10/16/Debbie 800 : 2003/09/18/NXML 800 : 2006/01/31/Data-Protection 700 : 2003/06/23/SamsPie 600 : 2006/09/11/Making-Markup 600 : 2003/02/04/Construction 600 : 2005/11/03/Cars-and-Office-Suites Time: 10375.53 ms real 0m10.788s user 0m11.216s sys 0m3.851s
Result on 4-CPU Intel Xeon CPU 2.80GHz debian box,:
# When process number is set to 20: $ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4_bin start o1000k.ap 20 -s erlang halt real 0m9.894s user 0m20.521s sys 0m1.668s # When process number is set to 1: $ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4_bin start o1000k.ap 1 -s erlang halt real 0m28.193s user 0m27.218s sys 0m0.984s # On a 940M 5 million lines log file: $ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4_bin start o5000k.ap 400 -s erlang halt 44500 : 2006/09/29/Dynamic-IDE 10000 : 2006/07/28/Open-Data 6500 : 2003/07/25/NotGaming 4000 : 2003/10/16/Debbie 4000 : 2003/09/18/NXML 4000 : 2006/01/31/Data-Protection 3500 : 2003/06/23/SamsPie 3000 : 2006/09/11/Making-Markup 3000 : 2003/02/04/Construction 3000 : 2005/11/03/Cars-and-Office-Suites Time: 66456.95 ms real 1m6.767s user 2m7.512s sys 0m8.489s
On the 4-CPU linux box, comparing the elapsed time between ProcNum = 20 and ProcNum = 1, the elapsed time of parallelized one was only 35% of un-parallelized one, speedup about 185%. The ratio was almost the same as my pread_file.erl testing on the same machine.
It's actually a combination of code in my four previous blogs. Although the performance is not so good as tbray3.erl on my MacBook, but I'm happy that this version is a fully parallelized one, from reading file, scanning words etc. it should scale better than all my previous versions.
The code: tbray4.erl
-module(tbray4). -compile([native]). -export([start/1, start/2]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). start([FileName, ProcNum]) when is_list(ProcNum) -> start(FileName, list_to_integer(ProcNum)). start(FileName, ProcNum) -> Start = now(), Main = self(), Counter = spawn(fun () -> count_loop(Main) end), Collector = spawn(fun () -> collect_loop(Counter) end), pread_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector), %% don't terminate, wait here, until all tasks done. receive stop -> io:format("Time: ~10.2f ms~n", [timer:now_diff(now(), Start) / 1000]) end. pread_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector) -> ChunkSize = get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum), pread_file_1(FileName, ChunkSize, ProcNum, Collector). pread_file_1(FileName, ChunkSize, ProcNum, Collector) -> [spawn(fun () -> Length = if I == ProcNum - 1 -> ChunkSize * 2; %% lastest chuck true -> ChunkSize end, {ok, File} = file:open(FileName, [read, binary]), {ok, Bin} = file:pread(File, ChunkSize * I, Length), {Data, Tail} = split_on_last_newline(Bin), Collector ! {seq, I, Data, Tail}, file:close(File) end) || I <- lists:seq(0, ProcNum - 1)], Collector ! {chunk_num, ProcNum}. collect_loop(Counter) -> collect_loop_1([], <<>>, -1, Counter). collect_loop_1(Chunks, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) -> receive {chunk_num, ChunkNum} -> Counter ! {chunk_num, ChunkNum}, collect_loop_1(Chunks, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter); {seq, I, Data, Tail} -> SortedChunks = lists:keysort(1, [{I, Data, Tail} | Chunks]), {Chunks1, PrevTail1, LastSeq1} = process_chunks(SortedChunks, [], PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter), collect_loop_1(Chunks1, PrevTail1, LastSeq1, Counter) end. count_loop(Main) -> count_loop_1(Main, dict:new(), undefined, 0). count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ChunkNum) -> print_result(Dict), Main ! stop; count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum) -> receive {chunk_num, ChunkNumX} -> count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNumX, ProcessedNum); {dict, DictX} -> Dict1 = dict:merge(fun (_, V1, V2) -> V1 + V2 end, Dict, DictX), count_loop_1(Main, Dict1, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum + 1) end. process_chunks([], ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq, _) -> {ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq}; process_chunks([{I, Data, Tail}=Chunk|T], ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) -> case LastSeq + 1 of I -> spawn(fun () -> Counter ! {dict, scan_chunk(<<PrevTail/binary, Data/binary>>)} end), process_chunks(T, ChunkBuf, Tail, I, Counter); _ -> process_chunks(T, [Chunk | ChunkBuf], PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) end. print_result(Dict) -> SortedList = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, dict:to_list(Dict))), [io:format("~b\t: ~s~n", [V, K]) || {K, V} <- lists:sublist(SortedList, 10)]. get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum) -> {ok, #file_info{size=Size}} = file:read_file_info(FileName), Size div ProcNum. split_on_last_newline(Bin) -> split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, size(Bin)). split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, Offset) when Offset > 0 -> case Bin of <<Data:Offset/binary,$\n,Tail/binary>> -> {Data, Tail}; _ -> split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, Offset - 1) end; split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, _) -> {Bin, <<>>}. scan_chunk(Bin) -> scan_chunk_1(Bin, 0, dict:new()). scan_chunk_1(Bin, Offset, Dict) when Offset =< size(Bin) - 34 -> case Bin of <<_:Offset/binary,"GET /ongoing/When/",_,_,_,$x,$/,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/,Rest/binary>> -> case match_until_space_newline(Rest, 0) of {Rest1, <<>>} -> scan_chunk_1(Rest1, 0, Dict); {Rest1, Word} -> Key = <<Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/, Word/binary>>, scan_chunk_1(Rest1, 0, dict:update_counter(Key, 1, Dict)) end; _ -> scan_chunk_1(Bin, Offset + 1, Dict) end; scan_chunk_1(_, _, Dict) -> Dict. match_until_space_newline(Bin, Offset) when Offset < size(Bin) -> case Bin of <<Word:Offset/binary,$ ,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, Word}; <<_:Offset/binary,$.,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, <<>>}; <<_:Offset/binary,10,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, <<>>}; _ -> match_until_space_newline(Bin, Offset + 1) end; match_until_space_newline(_, _) -> {<<>>, <<>>}.
=====> Updated Oct 16:After testing my code on different machines, I found that disk/io performed varyingly, for some very large files, reading file in parallel may cause longer elapsed time (typically on non-server machine, which is not equipped for fast disk/io). So, I wrote another version: tbray4b.erl, in this version, only reading file is not parallalized, all other code is the same. Here's a result for this version on a 940M file with 5 million lines, with ProcNum set to 200 and 400)
# On 2-core MacBook: $ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4b start o5000k.ap 200 -s erlang halt real 0m50.498s user 0m49.746s sys 0m11.979s # On 4-cpu linux box: $ time erl -smp -noshell -run tbray4b start o5000k.ap 400 -s erlang halt real 1m2.136s user 1m59.907s sys 0m7.960s
The code: tbray4b.erl
-module(tbray4b). -compile([native]). -export([start/1, start/2]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). start([FileName, ProcNum]) when is_list(ProcNum) -> start(FileName, list_to_integer(ProcNum)). start(FileName, ProcNum) -> Start = now(), Main = self(), Counter = spawn(fun () -> count_loop(Main) end), Collector = spawn(fun () -> collect_loop(Counter) end), read_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector), %% don't terminate, wait here, until all tasks done. receive stop -> io:format("Time: ~10.2f ms~n", [timer:now_diff(now(), Start) / 1000]) end. read_file(FileName, ProcNum, Collector) -> ChunkSize = get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum), {ok, File} = file:open(FileName, [raw, binary]), read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, 0, Collector). read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, I, Collector) -> case file:read(File, ChunkSize) of eof -> file:close(File), Collector ! {chunk_num, I}; {ok, Bin} -> spawn(fun () -> {Data, Tail} = split_on_last_newline(Bin), Collector ! {seq, I, Data, Tail} end), read_file_1(File, ChunkSize, I + 1, Collector) end. collect_loop(Counter) -> collect_loop_1([], <<>>, -1, Counter). collect_loop_1(Chunks, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) -> receive {chunk_num, ChunkNum} -> Counter ! {chunk_num, ChunkNum}, collect_loop_1(Chunks, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter); {seq, I, Data, Tail} -> SortedChunks = lists:keysort(1, [{I, Data, Tail} | Chunks]), {Chunks1, PrevTail1, LastSeq1} = process_chunks(SortedChunks, [], PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter), collect_loop_1(Chunks1, PrevTail1, LastSeq1, Counter) end. count_loop(Main) -> count_loop_1(Main, dict:new(), undefined, 0). count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ChunkNum) -> print_result(Dict), Main ! stop; count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum) -> receive {chunk_num, ChunkNumX} -> count_loop_1(Main, Dict, ChunkNumX, ProcessedNum); {dict, DictX} -> Dict1 = dict:merge(fun (_, V1, V2) -> V1 + V2 end, Dict, DictX), count_loop_1(Main, Dict1, ChunkNum, ProcessedNum + 1) end. process_chunks([], ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq, _) -> {ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq}; process_chunks([{I, Data, Tail}=Chunk|T], ChunkBuf, PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) -> case LastSeq + 1 of I -> spawn(fun () -> Counter ! {dict, scan_chunk(<<PrevTail/binary, Data/binary>>)} end), process_chunks(T, ChunkBuf, Tail, I, Counter); _ -> process_chunks(T, [Chunk | ChunkBuf], PrevTail, LastSeq, Counter) end. print_result(Dict) -> SortedList = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, dict:to_list(Dict))), [io:format("~b\t: ~s~n", [V, K]) || {K, V} <- lists:sublist(SortedList, 10)]. get_chunk_size(FileName, ProcNum) -> {ok, #file_info{size=Size}} = file:read_file_info(FileName), Size div ProcNum. split_on_last_newline(Bin) -> split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, size(Bin)). split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, Offset) when Offset > 0 -> case Bin of <<Data:Offset/binary,$\n,Tail/binary>> -> {Data, Tail}; _ -> split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, Offset - 1) end; split_on_last_newline_1(Bin, _) -> {Bin, <<>>}. scan_chunk(Bin) -> scan_chunk_1(Bin, 0, dict:new()). scan_chunk_1(Bin, Offset, Dict) when Offset =< size(Bin) - 34 -> case Bin of <<_:Offset/binary,"GET /ongoing/When/",_,_,_,$x,$/,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/,Rest/binary>> -> case match_until_space_newline(Rest, 0) of {Rest1, <<>>} -> scan_chunk_1(Rest1, 0, Dict); {Rest1, Word} -> Key = <<Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,$/,M1,M2,$/,D1,D2,$/, Word/binary>>, scan_chunk_1(Rest1, 0, dict:update_counter(Key, 1, Dict)) end; _ -> scan_chunk_1(Bin, Offset + 1, Dict) end; scan_chunk_1(_, _, Dict) -> Dict. match_until_space_newline(Bin, Offset) when Offset < size(Bin) -> case Bin of <<Word:Offset/binary,$ ,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, Word}; <<_:Offset/binary,$.,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, <<>>}; <<_:Offset/binary,10,Rest/binary>> -> {Rest, <<>>}; _ -> match_until_space_newline(Bin, Offset + 1) end; match_until_space_newline(_, _) -> {<<>>, <<>>}.
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