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ErlyBird 0.16.0 Released

ErlyBird 0.16.0 Released - An Erlang IDE based on NetBeans

I'm pleased to announce ErlyBird 0.16.0, an Erlang IDE based on NetBeans. This is an important feature release in size of 25M. If you have latest NetBeans nightly build installed, you can also install ErlyBird modules via update center.


    * Project metadata file is changed, please see Notes
    * Instant rename (put caret on variable or function name, press CTRL+R)
    * Go-To-Declaration to macros that are defined included header files
    * Fixed: Go-To-Declaration to -inlcudelib won't work again after this include header file was opened in editor once
    * Fixed: syntax broken for packaged import attribute
    * Fixed: syntax broken for wild attribute
    * Completion suggestion will not search other projects
    * Track GSF changes, reindex performance was improved a lot; Can live with other GSF based language support now (Ruby, Groovy etc)

Java JRE 5.0+ is required.

To download, please go to: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=192439

To install:

   1. Unzip erlybird-bin-0.16.0-ide.zip to somewhere.
   2. Make sure 'erl.exe' or 'erl' is under your environment path
   3. For Windows user, execute 'bin/erlybird.exe'. For *nix user, 'bin/erlybird'.
   4. Check/set your OTP path. From [Tools]->[Options], click on 'Erlang', then 'Erlang Installation' tab, fill in the full path of your 'erl.exe' or 'erl' file. For instance: "C:/erl/bin/erl.exe"
   5. The default -Xmx option for jvm is set to 256M, ErlyBird now works good with less memory, such as -Xmx128M. If you want to increase/decrease it, please open the config file that is located at etc/erlybird.conf, set -J-Xmx of 'default_options'.

When run ErlyBird first time, the OTP libs will be indexed. The indexing time varies from 10 to 30 minutes deponding on your computer.


   1. Since project metadata format is changed, to open old ErlyBird created project, you should modify project.xml which is located at your project folder: nbproject/project.xml, change line:




   2. If you have previous version ErlyBird installed, you should delete the old cache files which are located at:
          * *nix: "${HOME}/.erlybird/dev"
          * mac os x: "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/erlybird/dev"
          * windows: "C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\.erlybird\dev" or some where

The status of ErlyBird is still Alpha, feedbacks and bug reports are welcome.
5 楼 dcaoyuan 2008-06-08  
4 楼 fatdong 2008-06-08  
为什么我在NB内导入完成后,在New Project里面无法看到 create erlang project呢?
3 楼 dcaoyuan 2008-03-19  
2 楼 wainwen 2008-03-19  
奇怪,用最新版本无法创建新项目,在最后一步finish时,出现 String index out of range: -1

1 楼 mryufeng 2008-03-18  


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