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Opera Masks

It is a application that introduce the chinese opera masks. Features:   ※ More than 110 opera masks. ※ Characters introduce. ※ Search by Pin Yin.   
下面的文件是StarDict的词库格式说明文件: Format for StarDict dictionary files------------------------------------StarDict homepage: http://stardict.sourceforge.netStarDict on-line dictionary: http://www.stardict.org{0}. Number and Byte-order ConventionsWhen you record the numbers that identify sizes, offsets, etc. ...
Submitting High Scores To The Leaderboard Submitting the high scores is very simple. I have created a method that you can drop right in your code and use to submit the scores to your server. Here is the code for this method. - (void) submitScore:(float) theScore username:(NSString *) username ...
Displaying The Scores Table As mentioned before, we will be displaying a table on a webpage. The url that the webview will access will be something like this http://icodeblog.com/ws/get_scores.php?sort=score%20DESC There are quite a few parameters that can be used with my script that will ...
Inserting Scores Into The Database   Inserting scores is very simple to do. We will simply make a GET request from our iPhone app to our put_score.php page and pass in information through the GET parameters. An example of this might be http://icodeblog.com/ws/put_score.php?udid=012345678901234 ...
As you may have seen, there are quite a few services out there offering free leaderboards.  These are great and all, but sometimes you want to have complete control over your data.  I have put together a complete tutorial detailing step by step how you can create your own online leaderboard for use ...
This will be a simple tutorial showing you how to put a UITextField in a UIAlertView. This is simple and just a couple lines if code. You will learn CGAffineTransform and coding UITextField programmatically. Heres a screenshots of what we should get.  So lets go ahead and get started… 1. Create ...
A lot of applications you see have an email button. When you click it then it will leave the application and take you to the Mail application. It can get really annoying leaving the application and then going back in after your done sending the email. This is just a great way to show off your app a ...
之前写过类似的文章,这篇以做总结,希望能帮助刚上船的兄弟。^_^iPhone系统中的Objective-C的内存管理机制是比较灵活的,即可以拿来像C/C++一样用,也可以加个AutoreleasePool让它升级为半自动化的内存管理语言。当然,也不能拿JAVA虚拟机中的全自动化GC来比〜一,引用计数是实例对象的内存回收唯一参考引用计数(retainCount)是Objective-C管理对象引用的唯一依据。调用实例的release方法后,此属性减一,减到为零时对象的dealloc方法被自动调用,进行内存回收操作,也就是说我们永不该手动调用对象的dealloc方法。它的内存管理API老简单老简单了 ...

tell user the status

+(UIView *)waitingView { CGRect frame = CGRectMake(90, 190, 32, 32); UIActivityIndicatorView* progressInd = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [progressInd startAnimating]; progressInd.activityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge; ...
I see many people asking for SQLite tutorials around, and since I am using SQLite for the next part in theAdvanced RSS Reader Tutorial , I thought I would write up a quick tutorial on using SQLite with the iPhone SDK. 1. Project Requirements I suggest that you have at least a basic understanding ...
Objective-C 2.0增加了一些新的东西,包括属性和垃圾回收。那么,我们在学习Objective-C 2.0之前,最好应该先了解,从前是什么样的,为什么Objective-C 2.0要增加这些支持。 这一切都跟Cocoa内存的管理规则有关系,我们知道,Objective-C中所有变量都定义为指针。指针是一个特殊的变量,它里面存储的数值被解释成为内存里的一个地址,如果使用不当,就会出错或者造成内存的泄露。要了解这些,就需要看看其内存管理的规则到底是什么样的。 这篇文章也应该做为苹果开发工具中提供的性能调试工具Instruments使用前必读知识进行阅读。Cocoa China将 ...
首先,本文讨论的是很简单的算法。高手莫入。 在飞行射击游戏中,恐怕没有一个游戏不用到跟踪算法的。比如在玩街机的时候,是不是经常挂于BOSS的“跟踪弹”? 这是怎样实现的呢?很简单,只要有高中的一点数学知识就行 ...
一说到电脑AI(人工智能),就会有人认为它是高深莫测东西。其实并没那么复杂,电脑AI其实是一组if语句。各类型游戏有各类型的AI,RPG(冒险类)游戏的AI最简单,只要用函数产生随机数在对攻击对象取余即可,稍微复杂点的 ...
好久没搞这些东西了...想了十分钟才勉强回忆起来... 写了三个钟头...好累啊... 四种算法是DFS,BFS,Heuristic DFS, Heuristic BFS (A*) 用了两张障碍表,一张是典型的迷宫: char Block[SY][SX]= {{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }, {1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 }, {1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1 }, {1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1 }, {1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1 }, {1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1 }, {1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ...
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