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<!-- <H3>The blackjack dealer controls the game.</H3> The dealer registers itself at the DirectoryFacilitator and waits for player agents to join the table. --> <agent xmlns="http://jadex.sourceforge.net/jadex" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-inst ...
  AMI        Alternate mark inversion    信号交替反转编码   ALU        逻辑运算单元   A/N        字符/数字方式   ACF/VTAM   Advanced communication facility/Virtual telecommunication access method   APA        图形方式    ...


  • jade
链表实现 package jade.core; import jade.util.leap.Iterator; import jade.util.leap.LinkedList; import jade.util.leap.EnumIterator; import java.util.Vector; import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage; /** @author Giovanni Rimassa - Universita` di Parma @version $Date: 2003/11/11 13:08:30 $ $Revision: 2.6 $ */ cl ...
receive(MessageTemplate pattern)是一个线程安全的方法,对msgQueue做同步,即一次只有一个receive访问msgQueue,遍历队列,直到找到与pattern匹配的消息,先保存当前消息,再从队列中删除,并告知agenttoolkit已得到消息(MIDP与手机有关),再返回这个消息。 public final ACLMessage receive(MessageTemplate pattern) { ACLMessage msg = null; synchronized (msgQueue) { for (Iterator messages = ...
or other existing agents.Subsequent stages of refinement result in the creation of models at level 1,level 2 and so on. At level 0 the modelling process starts building the Organisation and the Goal/Task views.These views then act as inputs to creating the Agent/Role and the Domain Views.Finally the ...

message/uml 7

  • jade
2.3 Analysis Model Views An analysis model is a complex network of inter-related classes and instances derived from concepts defined in the MESSAGE/UML metamodel.MESSAGE defines a number of views that focus on overlapping sub-sets of entity and relationship concepts. Organisation view(OV)–This shows ...

message/uml 6

  • jade
Goal:A Goal associates an Agent with a Situation.If a Goal instance is present in the Agent’s working memory,then the Agent intends to bring about the Situation referenced by the Goal.Some Goals are intrinsic to the agent’s identity,and are derived from its purpose.These persist throughout the life o ...

message/uml 5

  • jade
services.A service is the knowledge level analogue of an object’s operation.The quality of autonomy means that an agent’s actions are not solely dictated by external events or interactions,but also by its own motivation.We capture this motivation in an attribute named purpose.The purpose will,for exa ...

message/uml 4

  • jade
2.2 Main MESSAGE Concepts 2.2.1 Foundations MESSAGE takes UML as a starting point and adds entity and relationship concepts required for agent-oriented modelling.Agent-oriented modelling borrows from the study of human organisations and societies in describing the way in which agents in a Multi-Agent ...

message/uml 3

  • jade
1.3 Outline and Contributions The MESSAGE/UML methodology covers MAS analysis and design and is designed for use in mainstream software engineering departments. This article focuses on analysis of MAS using MESSAGE/UML.Section 2 describes the principal“knowledge level”agent-oriented MESSAGE concepts ...

message/uml 2

  • jade
Most recent software engineering methodologies are designed for an object- oriented approach.Engineering of commercial MAS requires the availability of agent oriented software engineering(AOSE)methodologies.Most MAS systems will be implemented with object and component based technology in the near fu ...

message/uml 1

  • jade
Agent Oriented Analysis using MESSAGE/UML Giovanni Caire 1 ,Wim Coulier 2 ,Francisco Garijo 3 ,Jorge Gomez 3 ,Juan Pavon 3 , Francisco Leal 4 ,Paulo Chainho 4 ,Paul Kearney 5 ,Jamie Stark 5 ,Richard Evans 6 , Philippe Massonet 7 1 Telecom Italia LAB,Via Reiss Romoli 274,10148 Turin–Italy giovanni.cai ...

learn for code

  • jade
<%@ page import="jade.core.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="oldsnooper" class="examples.jsp.Snooper" scope="application"> <% try {     // Does not work for the moment     // JADE 1.4 String [] args = {"-platform", "buffer:examples.jsp.Buffer ...


  • jade
<agent xmlns="http://jadex.sourceforge.net/jadex" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jadex.sourceforge.net/jadex http://jadex.sourceforge.net/jadex-0.96.xsd" name="Stu" > </agent> 存为xml,直接在jadex.adapte ...
Conception of a Need.The first step may be a feeling of tension or excitement resulting from the realization that a writing job is to be done or a literary problem is to be solved.The need may arise merely because one has been asked to write a paper,to give a report to an employer,or to turn in a sto ...
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