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message/uml 5

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services.A service is the knowledge level analogue of an object’s operation.The
quality of autonomy means that an agent’s actions are not solely dictated by external
events or interactions,but also by its own motivation.We capture this motivation in
an attribute named purpose.The purpose will,for example,influence whether an
agent agrees to a request to perform a service and also the way it provides the service.
SoftwareAgent and HumanAgent are specialisations of Agent.
Organisation:An Organisation is a group of Agents working together to a common
purpose.It is a virtual entity in the sense that the system has no individual
computational entity corresponding to an organisation;its services are provided and
purpose achieved collectively by its constituent agents.It has structure expressed
through power relationships(e.g.superior-subordinate relationships)between
constituents,and behaviour/co-ordination mechanisms expressed through Interactions
between constituents.
Role:The distinction between Role and Agent is analogous to that between Interface
and(object)Class:a Role describes the external characteristics of an Agent in a
particular context.An Agent may be capable of playing several roles,and multiple
Agents may be able to play the same Role.Roles can also be used as indirect
references to Agents.This is useful in defining re-usable patterns.
Resource:Resource is used to represent non-autonomous entities such as databases or
external programs used by Agents.Standard object-oriented concepts are adequate for
modelling Resources.
The main types of Activity are:
Task:A Task is a knowledge-level unit of activity with a single prime performer.A
task has a set of pairs of Situations describing pre-and post-conditions.If the Task is
performed when a pre-condition is valid,then one can expect the associated post-
condition to hold when the Task is completed.Composite Tasks can be expressed in
terms of causally linked sub-tasks(which may have different performers from the
parent Task).Tasks are StateMachines,so that e.g.UML activity diagrams can be
used to show temporal dependencies of sub-tasks.
Interaction and InteractionProtocol:The MESSAGE concept of Interaction
borrows heavily from the Gaia methodology[6].An Interaction by definition has
more than one participant,and a purpose which the participants collectively must aim
to achieve.The purpose typically is to reach a consistent view of some aspect of the
problem domain,to agree terms of a service or to exchange to results of one or more
services.An InteractionProtocol defines a pattern of Message exchange associated
with an Interaction.
The internal architecture of an agent typically is based on one of several models
derived from cognitive psychology.MESSAGE is intended to be applicable to a
variety of agent cognitive architectures.However,without some basic abstract
reference model it is difficult to say anything meaningful.We suppose that the
architecture separates an inference mechanism from a knowledge base and a working
memory.The knowledge base contains fixed or slowly changing domain or problem-
solving knowledge in a declarative form.The working memory contains more
transient sensed or derived information.We view this working memory as an abstract
database holding instances of MentalStateEntities,and its contents define the Agent’s
mental state.For present purposes we focus on one type of MentalStateEntity:Goal.



    3. **序列图**:描述对象之间的动态交互,通过“Message”图标添加消息传递,可以显示时间顺序和消息传递路径。 4. **协作图**:类似于序列图,但更强调角色之间的结构关系。 5. **状态图**:展示对象在生命周期中的...


    **5. 编辑对象与关系** 在类图中,你可以添加接口、抽象类,并定义类之间的关系,如依赖、泛化、实现、关联等。只需拖动预设的连接线图标到相应的位置并完成连接。 **6. 创建序列图** 序列图用来描述系统组件之间的...

    UML中文 in action

    它包括一系列的服务器端组件和服务,如Java Servlets、JavaServer Pages (JSP)、JavaServer Faces (JSF)、EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)、JMS(Java Message Service)等。这些组件协同工作,可以处理Web应用的事务...


    ### 5. UML在软件开发中的应用 UML贯穿软件开发生命周期,从需求分析到设计、编码、测试和维护,都能发挥重要作用。它可以帮助: - **清晰表达设计思想**:通过图形化方式让团队成员更容易理解系统设计。 - **捕捉和...


    - **消息(Message)**:连接对象表示交互,有同步和异步之分。 - **泳道(Lane)**:在协作图中,区分不同的角色或对象。 - **转移(Transition)**:在状态图中表示状态间的转换条件。 - **决策节点(Decision Node)*...


    5. **状态图(State Diagram)与活动图(Activity Diagram)** - 状态图关注单个对象在其生命周期中的行为,描述了对象从一个状态到另一个状态的转换。 - 活动图主要用于流程或工作流的建模,展示了一系列连续的...


    - **消息**(Message):表示对象间的通信。 3. **状态机图**(State Machine Diagrams): - **定义**:状态机图描述了对象在其生命周期内的状态变迁。 - **组成元素**: - **初始状态**(Initial State):...

    Uml Programming Guide

    5. **UML在敏捷开发中的应用** - 在敏捷开发中,UML作为沟通工具,用于快速迭代和需求变化的环境中。 6. **模型驱动的软件开发(MDSD)** - UML是MDSD的关键部分,通过模型到代码的自动转换,提高开发效率和代码...


    - 其主要元素包括生命线(Lifeline)、消息(Message)、激活期(Activation)和消息类型(Sync/Async、Return Message)。 - 初学者需掌握如何构建序列图,以清晰地表达对象间的交互流程。 4. **协作图...


    **C++程序员UML实务手册之序列图** 在软件开发过程中,有效的沟通和设计文档是至关重要的。统一建模语言(UML)提供了一种标准化的方法来表达系统的行为和结构,其中序列图是UML中描述对象间交互的常用工具。对于...


    《UML期末考试试题解析与学习指南》 UML,全称统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language),是软件工程领域中一种重要的建模工具,它用于可视化、构建和文档化软件系统的设计。作为一门课程,UML的学习不仅要求学生...


    其次,消息(Message)是对象间进行交互的载体,包括同步消息、异步消息、返回消息等类型,它们在图中以箭头表示。消息从发送者的生命线指向接收者的生命线,并显示了对象间交互的时间顺序。 UML序列图的核心在于...

    UML 统一建模语言电子书

    - 主要元素有生命线(Lifeline)、消息(Message)、激活期(Activation)和组合片段(Collaboration Fragment)。 **状态图(State Diagram)**: - 描述一个对象在其生命周期内可能经历的状态变化和触发这些变化...


    - **活动**:如`Buildmessage`。 - **并发分支**:同时执行多个活动。 - **并发合并**:将多个活动流合并为一个。 - **决策与分支**:根据条件选择不同的路径。 - **对象流**:对象在活动之间的传递。 - **涌道**:...


    对于初学者,了解EJB(Entity Beans、Session Beans、Message-driven Beans)在UML中的表示方式是很有帮助的,因为它们是J2EE架构的核心组件。 EJB的UML表示可能包括: - **实体Bean**:通常用类图表示,强调持久性...


    5. D. 序列图在设计模型中展示了实现特定用例场景时对象之间的交互,有助于理解对象如何协同工作。 6. D. 一般化(Generalization)关系代表“是一种”关系,例如类的继承。 7. B. 图标 代表的是聚合关系,表示一...


    ### 5. 结论 UML序列图作为描述系统行为的重要工具,帮助开发者和设计师直观地理解对象间的交互顺序和流程。通过熟练掌握序列图的绘制和解析,可以提高软件设计的质量和效率。在实际项目中,应结合其他UML图,如用例...

    UML 时序图 课件 ppt

    5. 如果需要可视化消息的嵌套或实际计算发生时的时间点,可以用激活修饰每个对象的生命期。 6. 如果需要说明时间或空间的约束,可以用时间标记修饰每个消息,并附上合适的时间和空间约束。 7. 如果需要更形式化的...


    5. **测试计划**:测试用例可以基于UML图来创建,确保覆盖所有关键路径。 6. **代码生成**:一些工具能从UML模型自动生成Java代码,提高开发效率。 **总结** UML和J2EE的结合使得软件开发更加规范和高效。UML提供...

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