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WRITER'S MAGIC By A.GROVE DAY University of Hawaii "I wish I could write!I have a mass of material;I know all I need to know about grammar and composition;I could tell a useful story if only I could get started!" More people than ever are saying this today.The war and the needs of the post ...
like an automobile without a steering wheel-it might take you almost any- where or just keep going around in circles;we have seen student writing that did both. I have taken a long time to belabora reallyvery obviouspoint-that purpose, meaning a purpose for the writer or speakerand a purposefor the r ...
might rebel against such high-handed and unreasonableprocedures.But even when they do not rebel,we shall have lost them so far as effective teaching is concerned,if indeedwe have not stifled onceandforall theirpropensityforeffec- tive communicationin writing. We have all had the experience of being i ...
Everyone complains of our young people’s inability to write clearly and effectively. Employers complain that the young men and women who graduate from our high schools or our colleges cannot write. Teachers in other subjects complain that their students cannot write reports, and teachers in our own f ...
使用jadex jade Adapter从命令行运行jade和jadex。C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>java jade.Boot rma:jadex.adapter.jade.tools.rma.rma 直接新建agent,即可弹出jadex的选择ADF对话框 使用jadex jade Adapter从命令行运行jadex入门中的例子TranslationB1 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>java jade.Boot -gui hello:jadex.adapter.jade. ...
How can i retrieve event information from body of some plan (getInitialEvent() in jadex 0.96 version) in jadex 2.0 ? The method getInitialEvent() has been replaced by the getReason() method. This has been done, because you can now also get information about other triggering reasons for executing a p ...
本文其他格式: PDF 和 TXT GNU 较宽松公共许可证 (简体中文翻译版) 声明! 这是一份 GNU 较宽松公共许可证非正式的中文翻译。它不是自由软体基金会所发布,并且不能适用于使用 GNU LGPL 的软体 —— 只有 GNU LGPL 英文原文的版本才 ...
开发多智能体学习支持系统得到的教训:I-Help的经验 Jim Greer,Gordon McCalla,Julita Vassileva,Ralph Deters,Susan Bull,Lori KettelARIES Laboratory,Department of Computer Science,University of Saskatchewan,Canada. 摘要:本文着眼于基于智能体对端互助学习支持系统I-Help的几个真实大规模部署得到的教训。这些教训主要分为两类:软件工程方面的教训和用法方面的教训。 In the deployments of I-Help to date w ...
jade.wrapper.gateway.GatewayAgent.java processCommand在传入参数为Behaviour时,把这个命令和它相应的releaseCommand一起放入一个序列命令,并把序列命令添加到GatewayAgent的行为集中。如果传入参数不是一个行为就提示unknown command protected void processCommand(final Object command) { if (command instanceof Behaviour) { SequentialBehaviour sb = new SequentialB ...

jade 4.0发布了

  • jade
2010-5-20 JADE4.0发布!
2007年的老新闻了:) 在我国法制建设的过程中,法律语言的理解和使用有许多不规范甚至混乱现象。这一点日益引起人们的注意。法律语言学者宋北平博士任所长的北京政法职业学院法律语言应用研究所,于2005年底提出了实施中国法律语言规范化工程方案,成立了“法律语言语料库”科研攻关课题组,并邀请有关专家组成法律语言规范化研究专家委员会。最高人民法院原副院长刘家琛大法官担任委员会主任,最高人民检察院副部级专职检委、中国人民大学刑事法律科学研究中心主任戴玉忠教授和应用语言学专家、教育部语言文字信息管理司司长李宇明教授分别担任副主任,21位委员都是司法机关和行政执法部门、法学理论界、语言学界、法律语言学界和逻 ...
  电脑是一项划时代的发明.它深刻地影响了社会的方方面面,其中就包括写作.造纸术、印刷术被列为中国古代的四大发明,就因为提供了写作的便利,极大地提高了社会生产效率。如今互联网高度发达,个人电脑高度普及,网民数量数以亿,电脑技术已经深刻地改变着写作。有多少作品是纯手工写作?有多少人在用电脑写作?“复制、粘贴”这个基本编辑技术有多少人不知道呢?中国的80后、90后,创造了网络上的“火星文”。   在这种情况下,写作与电脑技术怎么能不认真研究呢?国外的教师在电脑出现时就开始关注,而中国的教师却从来只把眼光盯在高考、四六级考试和各种应试教育的指挥棒上。差距就是这么大,需要中国的研究人员认真研究、努力赶上 ...
literacy, technology, and society: confronting the issues literacy and technology evolving perspectives on computers and composition studies: questions for the 1990s computers and writing: theory, research, and practice critical perspectives on computers in composition instruction
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