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Payload message
Message Message
Figure 2.6 FIPA message structure
under restriction of authorization by the AMS. The life of an agent with an AP terminates with its
deregistration from the AMS. After deregistration, the AID of that agent can be removed by the
directory and can be made available to other agents who should request it. Agent descriptions can
also be searched for within the AMS, and the AMS is the custodian of the AP description that can
be retrieved by requesting the action get-description.
The AMS can request that an agent performs a specic management function, such as to terminate
its execution, and has the authority to enforce the operation if the request is ignored. Only a single
AMS can exist in each AP and if the AP spans multiple machines, the AMS is the authority across
all those machines.
Message Transport Service (MTS): The MTS is a service provided by an AP to transport FIPA-
ACL messages between agents on any given AP and between agents on different APs. Messages
are providing a transport envelope that comprises the set of parameters detailing, for example, to
whom the message is to be sent. The general structure of a FIPA-compliant message is depicted in
Figure 2.6. Abstract Architecture
In addition to agent communication and agent management, between 2000 and 2002 an abstract
agent architecture was created and standardized as a means to circumvent the impact on platform
implementations of incremental revision to core specications. This was achieved by abstracting the
key aspects of the most critical mechanisms such as message transport and directory services into
a unied specication. The overall goal of the approach is to permit the creation of systems that
seamlessly integrate within their specic computing environment while interoperating with agent
systems residing in separate environments.
Agent systems built according to the earlier FIPA 97 and 98 specications can interoperate
with agent systems built according to the Abstract Architecture through transport gateways with
some limitations. The FIPA2000 architecture is a closer match and allows full interoperability via
gateways. Because the Abstract Architecture permits the creation of multiple concrete realizations,
it also provides mechanisms to permit them to interoperate including gateway transformations for
both transport and encodings.
The Architecture species the ACL message structure, message transport, agent directory services
and service directory services as mandatory. Other aspects are considered optional.
To date FIPA has produced 25 standard specications, with a further 14 remaining at the experi-
mental stage, and 3 at the preliminary stage. The complete list of specications is provided at the
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 17
end of the bibliography. In this section we highlight a selection of the key standard specications
in a logical, rather than numerical, order. FIPA Abstract Architecture Specication (SC00001)
As discussed previously, the FIPA Abstract Architecture exists to provide a common, unchanging
point of reference for FIPA-compliant implementations that captures the most critical and salient
features of agent systems while providing some isolation from small iterative changes that may
impact on the underlying FIPA2000 specication set.
The Architecture denes at an abstract level how two agents can locate and communicate with
each other by registering themselves and exchanging messages. Agents communicate by exchanging
messages which represent speech acts and which are encoded in an agent communication language.
Services provide support services for agents and include the standard services of agent directory
services, message transport services and service directory services. The Architecture is explicitly
neutral about how services are presented, stating that they may be implemented either as agents
or as software that is accessed via method invocation using programming. An agent providing a
service is more constrained in its behaviour than a general-purpose agent. In particular, these agents
are required to preserve the semantics of the service. This implies that these agents do not have
the degree of autonomy normally attributed to agents. They may not arbitrarily refuse to provide
the service.
Some of the most important items specied by the FIPA Abstract Architecture are:
Agent messages are the fundamental form of communication between agents. The structure of a
message is a set of key values written in FIPA-ACL. The content of the message is expressed
in a content language, such as FIPA-SL or FIPA-KIF, and content expressions can be grounded
by referenced ontologies. Messages can recursively contain other messages within their content
and must contain key parameters such as the sender and receiver names. Prior to transmission
messages must be encoded into a payload and a message transport envelope for the particular
protocol in use.
A message transport service is dened as the means to send and receive transport messages
between agents. This is considered a mandatory element of FIPA agent systems.
An agent directory service is dened as a shared information repository in which agents may
publish their agent directory entries and in which they may search for agent directory entries of
interest. This is considered a mandatory element of FIPA agent systems.
A service directory service is dened as a shared repository in which agents and services can
discover services. Services include, for example, message transport services, agent directory
services, gateway services and message buffering. A service directory service can also be used to
store the service descriptions of application-oriented services, such as commercial and business-
oriented services. This is considered a mandatory element of FIPA agent systems. FIPA-ACL Message Structure Specication (SC00061)
A FIPA-ACL message contains a set of one or more message parameters. Precisely which parameters
are needed for effective agent communication will vary according to the situation; the only parameter
that is mandatory in all ACL messages is the performative, although it is expected that most
ACL messages will also contain sender, receiver and content parameters. The FIPA-ACL message
parameters are shown in Table 2.1 without regard to specic encodings. FIPA denes three specic
encodings: String (EBNF notation), XML and Bit-Efcient.
User-dened message parameters may also be included by preceding the parameter name with
the string X- .
18 Agent Technology Overview
Table 2.1 ACL message parameters
Parameter Description
Performative Type of the communicative act of the message
sender Identity of the sender of the message
receiver Identity of the intended recipients of the message
reply-to Which agent to direct subsequent messages to within a conversation thread
content Content of the message
language Language in which the content parameter is expressed
encoding Specic encoding of the message content
ontology Reference to an ontology to give meaning to symbols in the message content
protocol Interaction protocol used to structure a conversation
conversation-id Unique identity of a conversation thread
reply-with An expression to be used by a responding agent to identify the message
in-reply-to Reference to an earlier action to which the message is a reply
reply-by A time/date indicating by when a reply should be received
This is a simple example of a FIPA-ACL message with a request performative:
:sender (agent-identifier :name alice@mydomain.com)
:receiver (agent-identifier :name bob@yourdomain.com)

:language FIPA-SL
:protocol fipa-request
(agent-identifier :name bob@yourdomain.com)
(book-hotel :arrival 15/10/2006
:departure 05/07/2002 ... )
) FIPA-ACL Communicative Act Library Specication (SC00037)
The FIPA-ACL denes communication in terms of a function or action, called the communicative
act or CA, performed by the act of communicating. This standard provides a library of all the CAs
specied by FIPA. The set of FIPA standardized CAs are listed in Table 2.2.
In general CAs are based on speech act theory (Searle, 1969) which denes the functions of sim-
ply specied actions. These functions are detailed in the FIPA CA Library specication (FIPA37),
but examples include interrogatives which query for information, exercitives which ask for an
action to be performed, referentials which share assertions about the world environment, phatics
which establish, prolong or interrupt communication, paralinguistics which relate a message to
other messages, and expressives which express attitudes, intentions or beliefs.
A message can perform several functions at the same time. For example the FIPA CA Agree
is described as the action of agreeing to perform some action possibly in the future. This is
phatic in terms of agreeing to proceed and is paralinguistic in terms of referring to another FIPA
CA Chence, Agree is principally classied as a phatic function. All FIPA CAs inherently support
the expressive function as a secondary function as they are dened in a modal logic form that
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 19
Table 2.2 The FIPA communicative acts
FIPA communicative act Description
Accept Proposal The action of accepting a previously submitted proposal to perform an
Agree The action of agreeing to perform some action, possibly in the future
Cancel The action of one agent informing another agent that the rst agent no
longer has the intention that the second agent performs some action
Call for Proposal The action of calling for proposals to perform a given action
Confirm The sender informs the receiver that a given proposition is true, where the
receiver is known to be uncertain about the proposition
Disconfirm The sender informs the receiver that a given proposition is false, where the
receiver is known to believe, or believe it likely that, the proposition is
Failure The action of telling another agent that an action was attempted but the
attempt failed
Inform The sender informs the receiver that a given proposition is true
Inform If A macro action for the agent of the action to inform the recipient whether
or not a proposition is true
Inform Ref A macro action allowing the sender to inform the receiver of some object
believed by the sender to correspond to a specic descriptor, for example
a name
Not Understood The sender of the act (for example, i) informs the receiver (for example, j)
that it perceived that j performed some action, but that i did not
understand what j just did. A particular common case is that i tells j that
i did not understand the message that j has just sent to i
Propagate The sender intends that the receiver treat the embedded message as sent
directly to the receiver, and wants the receiver to identify the agents
denoted by the given descriptor and send the received propagate
message to them
Propose The action of submitting a proposal to perform a certain action, given
certain preconditions
Proxy The sender wants the receiver to select target agents denoted by a given
description and to send an embedded message to them
Query If The action of asking another agent whether or not a given proposition is true
Query Ref The action of asking another agent for the object referred to by a referential
Refuse The action of refusing to perform a given action, and explaining the reason
for the refusal
Reject Proposal The action of rejecting a proposal to perform some action during a
Request The sender requests the receiver to perform some action
One important class of uses of the request act is to request the receiver to
perform another communicative act
Request When The sender wants the receiver to perform some action when some given
proposition becomes true
Request Whenever The sender wants the receiver to perform some action as soon as some
proposition becomes true and thereafter each time the proposition
becomes true again
Subscribe The act of requesting a persistent intention to notify the sender of the value
of a reference, and to notify again whenever the object identied by the
reference changes
20 Agent Technology Overview
expresses attitudes, intentions and beliefs. Additionally, all FIPA CAs can refer to concepts from
an explicit conceptualization dened by, for example, an ontology. FIPA-SL Content Language Specication (SC00008)
The FIPA Semantic Language (SL) is used to dene the intentional semantics for the FIPA CAs as
a logic of mental attitudes and actions, formalized in a rst-order modal language with identity. SL
is dened in terms of a string expression grammar, dened to be a sub-grammar of the more general
s-expression syntax. Content expressions are dened in terms of action expressions or propositions.
These in turn are represented as well-formed formulas (wff) consisting of terms (constant, set,
sequence, functional term, action expression) and constants (numerical constants, string, datetime).
A well-formed formula is constructed from an atomic formula by applying construction opera-
tors or logical connective operators. Examples of these include negation, conjunction, disjunction,
implication, equivalence, universal quantier, belief, intention, done, iota, any and all. Details of
all these and others are provided in the specication document.
FIPA denes three subsets of SL (SL0, SL1 and SL2), differing in terms of which operators are
supported. FIPA SL1 extends the minimal representational form of FIPA SL0 by adding Boolean
connectives to represent propositional expressions, such as not, and, or. FIPA SL2 extends SL1 by
adding construction, logic modal operators and the action operator feasible. SL2 allows rst-order
predicate and modal logic but is restricted to ensure that it must be decidable. Different CAs require
the use of different SL subsets, e.g. queries requires the use of a referential operator to assign a
value for the results as dened in SL2, whereas requests requires use of the action operator done
dened in SL0.
A FIPA-SL content expression may be used as the content of an ACL message. There are three
1. A proposition, which may be assigned a truth value in a given context. A proposition is used
in the inform CA and other CAs derived from it.
2. An action, which can be performed. An action may be a single action or a composite action
built using the sequencing and alternative operators. An action is used as a content expression
when the act is request and other CAs derived from it.
3. An identifying reference expression, which identies an object in the domain. This is the refer-
ential operator and is used in the inform-ref macro act and other CAs derived from it.
There follows a simple example depicting an interaction between agents A and B that makes use
of the iota operator, where agent A is supposed to have the following knowledge base KB= {P(A),
Q(1, A), Q(1, B)}. The iota operator introduces a scope for the given expression (which denotes
a term), in which the given identier, which would otherwise be free, is dened. The expression
(iota x (P x)) may be read as the x such that P [is true] of x . The iota operator is a constructor
for terms which denote objects in the domain of discourse.
:sender (agent-identifier :name B)
:receiver (set (agent-identifier :name A))
"((iota ?x (p ?x)))"
:language fipa-sl
:reply-with query1)
:sender (agent-identifier :name A)
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 21
:receiver (set (agent-identifier :name B)
" ((= (iota ?x (p ?x)) alpha)) "
:language fipa-sl
:in-reply-to query1)
The only object that satises proposition P(x) is alpha; therefore, the query-ref message is replied
by the inform message as shown. FIPA Request Interaction Protocol Specication (SC00026)
Depicted by the sequence diagram in Figure 2.7, the FIPA Request Interaction Protocol (IP) allows
one agent, the Initiator, to request another, the Participant, to perform an action. The Participant
processes the request and makes a decision whether to accept or refuse the request.
Initiator Participant
[agreed and
notification necessary]
inform-done : inform
inform-result : inform
Figure 2.7 The FIPA Request Interaction Protocol
22 Agent Technology Overview
If conditions indicate that an explicit agreement is required (that is, notication necessary is
true), then the Participant communicates an agree. This agreement may be optional depending on
circumstances, for example, if the requested action is very quick and can happen before a time
specied in the reply-by parameter. Once the request has been agreed upon, then the Participant
must communicate either:
A failure if it fails in its attempt to ll the request,
An inform-done if it successfully completes the request and only wishes to indicate that it is
done, or
An inform-result if it wishes to indicate both that it is done and notify the interaction Initiator
of the results.
Any interaction using this interaction protocol is identied by a globally unique, non-null
conversation-id parameter, assigned by the Initiator and set in the ACL message structure. The
agents involved in the interaction must tag all of its ACL messages with this conversation identier.
This enables each agent to manage its communication strategies and activities; for example, it allows
an agent to identify individual conversations and to reason across historical records of conversations.
At any point in the IP, the receiver of a communication can inform the sender that it did not
understand what was communicated. This is accomplished by returning a not-understood message.
Figure 2.7 does not depict a not-understood communication as it can occur at any point in the IP.
The communication of a not-understood within an interaction protocol may terminate the entire IP
and termination of the interaction may imply that any commitments made during the interaction
are null and void.
In addition, at any point in the IP, the Initiator may cancel the interaction by initiating the
Cancel Meta-Protocol shown in Figure 2.8. The conversation-id parameter of the cancel interaction
is identical to the conversation-id parameter of the interaction that the Initiator intends to cancel.
The semantics of cancel should roughly be interpreted as meaning that the Initiator is no longer
interested in continuing the interaction and that it should be terminated in a manner acceptable to
both the Initiator and the Participant. The Participant either informs the Initiator that the interaction
is done using an inform-done or indicates the failure of the cancellation using a failure.
Initiator Participant
inform-done : inform
[not failed]
Figure 2.8 The FIPA Cancel Meta-Protocol
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 23
FIPA-Contract Net-Protocol
Initiator Participant
cfp m
i 2n refuse
j = n i propose
reject-proposal k 2j
accept-proposal I = j k
inform-done : inform
inform-result : inform
Figure 2.9 The FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol Specication (SC00026)
As an example of a slightly more complex interaction protocol, the FIPA Contract Net Interaction
Protocol (IP) describes the case of one agent (the Initiator) that wishes to have some task performed
by one or more other agents (the Participants) and further wishes to optimize a function that
characterizes the task. This characteristic is commonly expressed as cost, but could also be soonest
time to completion, fair distribution of tasks, etc. For a given task, any number of the Participants
may respond with a proposal; the rest must refuse. Negotiations then continue with the Participants
that proposed. The IP is depicted in Figure 2.9.
The Initiator solicits m proposals from other agents by issuing a call for proposals (cfp) CA
which species the task and any conditions the Initiator places upon the execution of the task.
Participants receiving the call for proposals are viewed as potential contractors and are able to
generate n responses. Of these, j are proposals to perform the task, specied as propose CAs.
The Participant s proposal includes the preconditions that the Participant is setting out for the
task, which may be the price, time when the task will be done, etc. Alternatively, the i = n j
Participants may refuse to propose. Once the deadline passes, the Initiator evaluates the received
24 Agent Technology Overview
j proposals and selects agents to perform the task; one, several or no agents may be chosen. The l
agents of the selected proposal(s) will be sent an accept-proposal CA and the remaining k agents
will receive a reject-proposal CA. The proposals are binding on the Participant, so that once the
Initiator accepts the proposal the Participant acquires a commitment to perform the task. Once the
Participant has completed the task, it sends a completion message to the Initiator in the form of
an inform-done or a more explanatory version in the form of an inform-result. However, if the
Participant fails to complete the task, a failure message is sent.
This IP requires the Initiator to know when it has received all replies. In the case that a Participant
fails to reply with either a propose or a refuse CA, the Initiator may potentially be left waiting
indenitely. To guard against this, the cfp CA includes a deadline by which replies should be
received by the Initiator. Proposals received after the deadline are automatically rejected with the
given reason that the proposal was late. The deadline is specied by the reply-by parameter in the
ACL message. FIPA Agent Message Transport Service Specication (SC00067)
A FIPA Message Transport Service (MTS) provides the mechanism for the transfer of FIPA-ACL
messages between agents using a Message Transport Protocol (MTP). The agents involved may
be local to a single AP or on different APs. On any given AP, the MTS is provided by an Agent
Communication Channel (ACC).
A message is made up of two parts: a message envelope for expressing transport information and a
message payload comprising the encoded ACL message of the agent communication. Any MTP may
use a different internal representation to describe a message envelope, but must express the same
terms, represent the same semantics and perform the corresponding actions. A message envelope
comprises a collection of parameters each of which is a name/value pair with the mandatory elds
of to, from, date and acl-representation.
An ACC provides an MTS and is responsible for sending and receiving messages on an AP. An
ACC must transfer the messages it receives in accordance with the transport instructions contained
in the message envelope and is only required to read the message envelope; it is not required to
parse the message payload. In performing message transfer tasks, the ACC may be required to
obtain information from the AMS or DF on its own AP. Some implementations of ACCs may
provide some form of buffering capability to help agents manage their messages.
Each ACC handling a message may add new information to the message envelope, but it may
never overwrite existing information. ACCs can also add new parameters to a message envelope
which override existing parameters that have the same parameter name; the mechanism for disam-
biguating message envelope entries is specied by each concrete message envelope syntax. The
message forwarding behaviour of an ACC is determined by the instructions for message delivery
that are expressed in the message envelope, the parameters of which are described in Table 2.3.
The recipients of a message are specied in the to parameter of a message envelope and take
the form of AIDs. Depending upon the presence of intended-receiver parameter, the ACC
forwards the message in one of the following ways:
If an ACC receives a message envelope without an intended-receiver parameter, then it
generates a new intended-receiver parameter from the to parameter (possibly containing
multiple AIDs). It may also generate multiple copies of the message with different intended-
receiver parameters if multiple receivers are specied. In all cases, the ACC is required to
process all entries in the to eld parameter and not to add and not to remove any AID that was
contained in the original message. The intended-receiver parameters form a delivery path
showing the route that a message has taken.
If an ACC receives a message envelope with an intended-receiver parameter, this is used
for delivery of this instance of the message and the to parameter is ignored.
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 25
Table 2.3 FIPA message envelope parameters
Parameter Description
to The names of the primary recipients of the message
from The name of the agent that sent the message
comments Text comments
acl-representation The syntax representation of the message payload
payload-length The length in bytes of the message payload
payload-encoding The language encoding of the message payload
date The creation date and time of the message envelope
intended-receiver The name of the agents to whom this instance of a message is to be delivered
received A stamp indicating the receipt of a message by an ACC
transport-behaviour The transport requirements of the message
If an ACC receives a message envelope with more than one intended-receiver parameter,
the most recent is used.
Before forwarding the message, the ACC adds a completed received parameter to the message
envelope. Once an ACC has forwarded a message it no longer needs to keep any record of the
existence of that message.
The AID given in the to or intended-receiver parameter (in the case of both parameters
being present, the information in the intended-receiver parameter is used) of a message
envelope may contain multiple transport addresses for a single receiving agent. The ACC uses the
following method to try to deliver the message:
Try to deliver the message to the rst transport address in the addresses parameter; the rst
is chosen to reect the fact that the transport address list in an AID is ordered by preference.
If this fails, because the agent or AP was not available or because the ACC does not support the
appropriate message transport protocol, etc., then the ACC creates a new intended-receiver
parameter containing the AID with the failed transport address removed. The ACC then attempts
to send the message to the next transport address in AID in the intended receiver list (now the
rst in the newly created intended-receiver parameter).
If delivery is still unsuccessful when all transport addresses have been tried (or the AID contained
no transport addresses), the ACC may try to resolve the AID using the name resolution services
listed in the resolvers parameter of the AID. Again, the name resolution services should be
tried in the order of their appearance.
Finally, if all previous message delivery attempts have failed, then an appropriate error message
for the nal failure is passed back to the sending agent.
An ACC uses the following rules in delivering messages to multiple intended receivers:
If an ACC receives a message envelope with no intended-receiver parameter and a to
parameter containing more than one AID, it may or may not split these up to form separate
messages. Each message would contain a subset of the agents named in the to and intended-
receiver parameters.
If an ACC receives a message envelope with an intended-receiver parameter containing
more than one AID, it may or may not split these up to form separate messages.
If an ACC splits a message as described above, then it is enforced not to add and not to remove
any AID that was contained in the original message.
The resulting messages are handled as in the single receiver case.
26 Agent Technology Overview
An agent has three options when sending a message to another agent resident on a remote AP:
1. Agent A sends the message to its local ACC using a proprietary or standard interface. The ACC
then takes care of sending the message to the correct remote ACC using a suitable MTP. The
remote ACC will eventually deliver the message.
2. Agent A sends the message directly to the ACC on the remote AP on which Agent B resides.
This remote ACC then delivers the message to B. To use this method, Agent A must support
access to one of the remote ACC s MTP interfaces.
3. Agent A sends the message directly to Agent B, by using a direct communication mechanism.
The message transfer, addressing, buffering of messages and any error messages must be handled
by the sending and receiving agents. This communication mode is not covered by FIPA.
Finally, the transport description forms part of an AP and is expressed in fipa-sl0. The following
transport description is for an AP which supports IIOP and HTTP-based transports:
:name myAPDescription
:name myIIOPMTP
:type fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std
:name myHTTPMTP
:type fipa.mts.mtp.http.std
http://agents.fipa.org:8080/acc))) )
We recall that FIPA is based on the tenet that only the external behaviour of system components
should be specied, leaving internal architecture and implementation details to the developers
of individual platforms. This ensures seamless interoperation between fully compliant platforms.
JADE complies with this notion by ensuring complete compatibility with the primary FIPA2000
specications (communication, management and architecture) that provide the normative framework
within which FIPA agents can exist, operate and communicate, while adopting a unique, proprietary
internal architecture and implementation of key services and agents.
JADE is of course only one of several agent platforms, applications and collaborative projects
that have been, and are continuing to be, compliant with the FIPA standards. This compliance has
been tested on several occasions through such events as the FIPA interoperability tests conducted in
1999 and 2001 and the large-scale Agentcities project (Agentcities) that integrated several globally
distributed FIPA-compliant platforms. With the continued growth of inter-organization application
domains such as supply networks and inter-provider telecommunications, there is an increased
likelihood that open interoperation will become an important factor.
The Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents (FIPA) 27
In terms of its coverage of the FIPA standards, JADE implements the complete Agent Manage-
ment specication including the key services of AMS, DF, MTS and ACC. Of course through use
and experience these services have been extended with additional features, but the core compliance
to FIPA has been maintained. JADE also implements the complete FIPA Agent Communication
stack, ranging from the availability of FIPA-ACL for message structure, FIPA-SL for message
content expression, plus support for many of the FIPA interaction and transport protocols.
An example of where JADE exceeds, but does not break, the FIPA standards, is the JADE
transport mechanism which supports all specied operations, but is also capable of adapting a
connection type by seamlessly selecting the best available protocol according to the particular
usage situation.
Some of the ancillary aspects of the FIPA standards, such as some of the more esoteric interaction
protocols and non-standardized work such as the ontology service, have yet to be developed for
JADE even if programmers can nd all the tools and abstractions needed to implement them.
However, there are also many JADE components that go far beyond the FIPA specications.
For example, JADE provides a distributed, fault tolerant, container architecture, internal service
architecture, persistent message delivery, semantic framework, security mechanisms, agent mobility
support, web-service interaction, graphical interfaces, and much more. Many of these are described
in the main body of this book, as is the critical aspect of agent-oriented systems that FIPA does
not address C the internal architecture of agents themselves.
Due to its open source status, strong support from industry and a broad user community, JADE
is now generally considered to be the leading FIPA-compliant open source agent framework.
The JADE Platform
This chapter provides a basic overview of the JADE platform and the main components constituting
its distributed architecture. Furthermore, it describes how to launch the platform with the various
command-line options and how to experiment with the main graphical tools.
The rst software developments, that eventually became the JADE platform, were started by Tele-
com Italia (formerly CSELT) in late 1998, motivated by
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capabilities 2/3
2010-08-11 22:57 749Fig.3.Element creation cases:a) ...
《Developing Multi-Agent System with Jade》是一本专为学习和实践多智能体系统(Multi-Agent Systems,MAS)开发而编写的指南,尤其聚焦于使用JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment Framework)平台。JADE是一个开源的、...
另一本书《Developing multi-agent System with JADE.pdf》则是关于使用JADE开发多智能体系统的实战指南。这本书可能会逐步讲解从项目规划到系统实现的全过程,包括如何设计智能体的逻辑,如何处理代理之间的交互,...
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COMSOL三维锂离子电池全耦合电化学热应力模型:模拟充放电过程中的多物理场耦合效应及电芯内应力应变情况,COMSOL锂离子电池热应力全耦合模型,comsol三维锂离子电池电化学热应力全耦合模型锂离子电池耦合COMSOL固体力学模块和固体传热模块,模型仿真模拟电池在充放电过程中由于锂插层,热膨胀以及外部约束所导致的电极的应力应变情况结果有电芯中集流体,电极,隔膜的应力应变以及压力情况等,电化学-力单向耦合和双向耦合 ,关键词: 1. COMSOL三维锂离子电池模型; 2. 电化学热应力全耦合模型; 3. 锂离子电池; 4. 固体力学模块; 5. 固体传热模块; 6. 应力应变情况; 7. 电芯中集流体; 8. 电极; 9. 隔膜; 10. 电化学-力单向/双向耦合。,COMSOL锂离子电池全耦合热应力仿真模型
基于传递矩阵法的一维层状声子晶体振动传输特性及其优化设计与应用,声子晶体传递矩阵法解析及应用,Matlab 一维层状声子晶体振动传输特性 传递矩阵法在声子晶体的设计和应用中具有重要作用。 通过调整声子晶体的材料、周期和晶格常数等参数,可以设计出具有特定带隙结构的声子晶体,用于滤波、减震、降噪等应用。 例如,通过调整声子晶体的周期数和晶格常数,可以改变带隙的位置和宽度,从而实现特定的频率范围内的噪声控制。 此外,传递矩阵法还可以用于分析和优化声子晶体的透射谱,为声学器件的设计提供理论依据。 ,Matlab; 一维层状声子晶体; 振动传输特性; 传递矩阵法; 材料调整; 周期和晶格常数; 带隙结构; 滤波; 减震; 降噪; 透射谱分析; 声学器件设计,Matlab模拟声子晶体振动传输特性及优化设计研究
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永磁同步电机FOC、MPC与高频注入Simulink模型及基于MBD的代码生成工具,适用于Ti f28335与dspace/ccs平台开发,含电机控制开发文档,永磁同步电机控制技术:FOC、MPC与高频注入Simulink模型开发及应用指南,提供永磁同步电机FOC,MPC,高频注入simulink模型。 提供基于模型开发(MBD)代码生成模型,可结合Ti f28335进行电机模型快速开发,可适用dspace平台或者ccs平台。 提供电机控制开发编码器,转子位置定向,pid调试相关文档。 ,永磁同步电机; FOC控制; MPC控制; 高频注入; Simulink模型; 模型开发(MBD); Ti f28335; 电机模型开发; dspace平台; ccs平台; 编码器; 转子位置定向; pid调试。,永磁同步电机MPC-FOC控制与代码生成模型
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内容概要:文章深入讨论了工业乙醇发酵的基本原理及工艺流程,特别是在温度和气体排放(如CO2及其他有害气体)影响下的发酵效果分析。文章介绍了乙醇发酵的重要环节,如糖分解、代谢路径、代谢调控以及各阶段的操作流程,重点展示了如何通过Matlab建模和仿真实验来探索这两个关键环境因素对发酵过程的具体影响。通过动态模型仿真分析,得出合适的温度范围以及适时排除CO2能显著提升发酵产乙醇的效果与效率,从而提出了基于仿真的优化发酵生产工艺的新方法。 适用人群:从事生物工程相关领域研究的科学家、工程师及相关专业师生。 使用场景及目标:适用于实验室环境、学术交流会议及实际生产指导中,以提升研究人员对该领域内复杂现象的理解能力和技术水平为目标。 其他说明:附录中有详细的数学公式表达和程序代码可供下载执行,便于有兴趣的研究团队重复实验或者继续扩展研究工作。
本资源包专为解决 Tomcat 启动时提示「CATALINA_HOME 环境变量未正确配置」问题而整理,包含以下内容: 1. **Apache Tomcat 9.0.69 官方安装包**:已验证兼容性,解压即用。 2. **环境变量配置指南**: - Windows 系统下 `CATALINA_HOME` 和 `JAVA_HOME` 的详细配置步骤。 - 常见错误排查方法(如路径含空格、未生效问题)。 3. **辅助工具脚本**:一键检测环境变量是否生效的批处理文件。 4. **解决方案文档**:图文并茂的 PDF 文档,涵盖从报错分析到成功启动的全流程。 适用场景: - Tomcat 9.x 版本环境配置 - Java Web 开发环境搭建 - 运维部署调试 注意事项: - 资源包路径需为纯英文,避免特殊字符。 - 建议使用 JDK 8 或更高版本。
这是一款仿照京东商城的Java Web项目源码,完美复现了360buy的用户界面和购物流程,非常适合Java初学者和开发者进行学习与实践。通过这份源码,你将深入了解电商平台的架构设计和实现方法。欢迎大家下载体验,提升自己的编程能力!
系统选用B/S模式,后端应用springboot框架,前端应用vue框架, MySQL为后台数据库。 本系统基于java设计的各项功能,数据库服务器端采用了Mysql作为后台数据库,使Web与数据库紧密联系起来。 在设计过程中,充分保证了系统代码的良好可读性、实用性、易扩展性、通用性、便于后期维护、操作方便以及页面简洁等特点。
实验一: 1、进行CCS6.1软件的安装,仿真器的设置,程序的编译和调试; 2、熟悉CCS软件中的C语言编程; 3、使用按键控制LED跑马灯的开始与停止、闪烁频率; 4、调试Convolution、FFT、FIR、FFT-FIR实验,编制IIR算法并调试,并在CCS软件上给出实验结果。 实验二: 1、利用定时器周期中断或下溢中断和比较器比较值的修改来实现占空比可调的PWM波形; 2、改变PWM占空比控制LED灯的亮暗,按键实现10级LED灯亮暗调整; 3、模拟数字转换,转换过程中LED指示,并在变量窗口显示转换结果; 4、数字模拟转换,产生一个正弦波,转换过程中LED指示,转换完成后在CCS调试窗口显示波形。 实验三: 1、SCI异步串行通信实验; 2、SPI及IIC同步串行通信实验; 3、CAN现场总线串行通信实验; 4、传输过程中LED指示。 实验四: 1、电机转速控制实验。