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- 来自: 福建省莆田市
tks for your info which helps m ...
setcontent和setcontentobject用的是同一片内存 -
in.tftpd -l -s /home/tmp -u ro ...
commands -
LINUX下的网络设置 ifconfig ,routeLINU ...
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安装 linux loopbackyum install um ...
Abstract.As agents gain acceptance as a technology there is a growing need
for practical methods for developing agent applications.This paper presents the
Prometheus methodology,which has been developed over several years in col-
laboration with Agent Oriented Software.The methodology has been taught ...
corresponding to communication pathways.Agent acquaintance
are directed graphs,and so an arc a
b indicates that a will
send messages to b,but not necessarily that b will send messages
to a.An acquaintance model may be derived in a straightforward
way from the roles,protocols,and agent mode ...
of the United States”,or“secretary of state for Education”are all
Such roles(or offices)are characterised by two types of
The permissions/rights associated with the role.
A role will have associated with it certain permissions,relat-
ing to the type and the amount of resources ...
This paper presents a methodology for agent-oriented analysis and
design.The methodology is general,in that it is applicable to
a wide range of multi-agent systems,and comprehensive,in that
it deals with both the macro-level(societal)and the micro-level
(agent)aspects of systems.The methodo ...
摘要:在Intel阵营的服务器产品中,“采用双核处理器,FBD内存(Fully Buffer DIMM,全缓冲内存),和SAS(串行SCSI)硬盘组合”形成的系统在性能上不仅比目前“双路XEON+DDRII+SCSI的组合”更为突出,而且由于搭配了SAS硬盘,使得其存储系统也有所改变。
标签:服务器硬盘 SAS
串行技术 - 包括SAS(串行连接SCSI)和SATA(串行ATA)- 比旧款的Intel Xeon服务器有了更好的RAS性能。当 ...
万全R350 G7 S5506 2G/500SN热插拔
机箱形态 5U机架式
处理器 四核英特尔® 至强® 处理器E5506 2.13G
Cache 4M
内存 2GB ECC Unbuffered DDR3-1066内存
热插拔硬盘 500G 热插拔SATA3.5寸硬盘(7200转)
网卡 集成两块1000M自 ...
package jadex.examples.blocksworld;
import java.util.*;
import jadex.runtime.*;
* Stack blocks according to the target configuration.
public class ConfigureBlocksPlan extends Plan
//-------- attributes --------
/** The desired target configuration. */
protected Table configuration; ...
Listening for bound property changes of a JavaBean is simple enough, and determining which bean fired the event is as straightforward as calling PropertyChangeEvent.getSource(). But what to do if the JavaBean in question has complex property values, each of which can have its own bound properties? Th ...
package jadex.examples.blocksworld;
import jadex.util.SimplePropertyChangeSupport;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
* A block in the blocks-world.
public class Block
//-------- static part --------
/** The block counter. */
protected static int counter ...
package jadex.examples.blocksworld;
import jadex.runtime.*;
* Stack a block on top of another.
public class StackBlocksPlan extends Plan
//-------- constants --------
/** The normal execution mode. */
public static final String MODE_NORMAL = "Normal";
/** The slow execut ...
<H3>The blocksword evaluation agent.</H3>
Uses the blocksworld scenario to evaluate Jadex performance.
Tests different settings for goal deliberation options.
Results are written to .csv file.
<agent xmlns="http://jadex.sourceforge.net/jadex"
xmlns:xsi=& ...
<H3>The blocksword agent.</H3>
Creates a blocks-world and moves blocks based on goals.
Its objective is to establish a given stack model.
<H4>Blocksword benchmark (use "benchmark" configuration).</H4>
Uses the blocksworld scenario to measure Jadex per ...
package jadex.examples.blackjack.dealer;
import jadex.examples.blackjack.*;
import jadex.runtime.*;
import jadex.util.SUtil;
* Play a game round (controls the plans responsible for single players).
public class DealerGameRoundMasterPlan extends Plan
//-------- methods --------
package jadex.examples.blackjack.dealer;
import jadex.adapter.fipa.*;
import jadex.examples.blackjack.*;
import jadex.examples.blackjack.player.strategies.*;
import jadex.runtime.IMessageEvent;
import jadex.runtime.Plan;
* Plan to handle join request of a player.
public class DealerRegist ...
package jadex.examples.blackjack.dealer;
import jadex.examples.blackjack.*;
import jadex.examples.blackjack.gui.*;
import jadex.runtime.AgentEvent;
import jadex.runtime.IAgentListener;
import jadex.runtime.IExternalAccess;
import jadex.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; ...