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小学的时候某天在上课,大家一起在教室里看nba。她是AI的粉丝(因为长得帅). 看到AI的镜头时, 她说:艾弗森好强啊... 另一同学说:艾弗森算个p啊...   于是很生气,抄起板凳就开始打那个同学。  
Given that there are many cases where it is necessary to communicate between plug-ins in different sandboxes, what can we do? 1. We can communicate through a shared data structure or event passing system that lives in a sandbox   that is a parent to both plug-ins. You can create your mechanisms to ...
copy from http://bbs.et8.net/bbs/archive/index.php/t-876835.html   feiyan 2007-08-26, 16:46 Debug into rt.jar August 4th, 2007 If you ever use Eclipse trying to debug into Java’s system APIs, such as java.lang.String or java.math.BigInteger, you may find that even you can step over or ...


抗战期间,她在日本人那里上班。她得知一个消息,她同学的爷爷被日本银抓走了,但是他们家里一无所知。 于是她偷偷的把消息告诉那家人。准备劫狱,她做内应。那家人让她垫后,他们从地道跑了。日本人发现之后, 她就在那装说不知道,说自己也受到攻击了......    
copy from  http://www.janeg.ca/scjp/oper/promotions.html#unary   Operators and Assignments - Numeric Promotion Unary Numeric Promotion the Unary operators + and - when applied to byte, char or short numeric types result in the operand being automatically promoted to an int.(JLS §5.6.1) Exam ...
copy from http://www.janeg.ca/scjp/lang/arrays.html   Array declarations arrays are Java objects all Java arrays are technically one-dimensional. Two-dimensional arrays are arrays of arrays. declaring an array does not create an array object or allocate space in memory; it creates a v ...
private void reverse(Object[] anArray){ if (anArray == null){ return; } reverseArgrithmTwo(anArray); } // private void reverseArgrithmOne(Object[] anArray){ // int maxIndex = anArray.length - 1; // for (int index=(maxIndex-1)>>1;index>=0;index--) { // Object tem ...
copy from http://www.cavdar.net/2008/07/21/junit-4-in-60-seconds/   played with JUnit 4 library this weekend and here is the short introduction to it: @Test Mark your test cases with @Test annotations. You don’t need to prefix your test cases with “test”.  In addition, your class does no ...


1. 掌柜的(我们一个朋友)一夜之间开了一个大饭店,据说是祖传数代传下来的。(祖上积德啊......)   2.家里的狗狗露露去上狗学校了,和老虎一起锻炼身体。于是跟妈妈说:以后露露看家肯定很厉害,都和老虎    是同学诺......   3.我一个同学失踪了,但是她看见那位失踪的同学了。看到她被卖到某山沟里去了,被痛打一顿,还被用了    杨叫兽的电击。(我可怜的某位同学啊,对不起你啊.....)   用了电机后,她竟然会飞了(杨叫兽牛啊)   4.梦见我家未来的房子了,在**小区**门牌号,那个门牌号是五位数的。于是在梦里去实地考察了那个房子。(好吧以后只    买门牌号是 ...


早晨一睁眼,两声"哼哼“之后喊出的第一句话就是"离就离!",接着一句是"你不是不回来了吗?".原来她梦见我带着小三抛弃她母女二人了......   被日本人抓了,吊在牢里,头朝下的那种,下面还有很多大灰狼咬她。 "你是不是吓死了啊"我汗道。 "没有" "那你咬大灰狼了啊" "没有,我在想我发内功把它们都震死......"   梦中我俩一起去旅游,走到一个地方,她梦见我跟她说"这个地方我以前和**小三来过,还和**一起在这个宾馆里hx了.... ...
Why a trap ? First ,let's take a look at the comments of this API provided by Sun:     /**      * Returns the same hash code for the given object as      * would be returned by the default method hashCode() ,      * whether or not the given object's class overrides      * hashCode(). ...
 Why clone() is protected rather than public ? 一直以来不明白,网上给的解释貌似也不合理,看到sun的bug repository上的一个帖子,感觉这是sun的一个bug,参见http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4098033 Bug ID: 4098033 Votes 25 Synopsis Cloneable doesn't define .clone Category ...
refer to http://www.xml.com/pub/a/1999/01/namespaces.html XML Namespaces by Example by Tim Bray January 19, 1999     January 14th saw the arrival of a new W3C Recommendation, Namespaces in XML. "Recommendation" is the final step in the W3C process; the status means that the do ...
refer to http://www.saxproject.org/ Quickstart This document provides a quick-start tutorial for Java programmers who wish to use SAX2 in their programs. Requirements SAX is a common interface implemented for many different XML parsers (and things that pose as XML parsers), just as the JDBC ...
import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.Assert; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; public class DynamicProxyTest extends TestCase {     private Object proxy;           ...
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