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early adopter

early adopter   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_adopter   an early adopter or lighthouse customer is an early customer of a given company, product, or technology.   Typically this will be a customer who, in addition to using the vendor's product or technology, will also provide co ...
for exampe: mv -- -a.txt   The -- delimit the option list. Later arguments, if any, are treated a operands even if they begin with - or --. This applies to all commands such as rm, cp, mv, ls, ln and so on: command -- 'file' command [ options] -- 'file' rm -- '--file ...
1. <xsd:any> cannot be used in <xsd:all> 2. problems when <xsd:all> is used in <xsd:extension>
What is Optimistic Locking vs. Pessimistic Locking from http://www.dbasupport.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-7282.html   These are methodologies used to handle multi-user issues. How does one handle the fact that 2 people want to update the same record at the same time? 1. Do Nothing - Use ...
我承认我好傻,工作了那么多年竟然不知道eclipse有conditional debug这个功能。 Eclipse->Help->Tips and Tracks
@SmallTest  @MediumTest and @LargeTest   Feature Small Medium Large Network access
only junit 3 is supported. Damn
add the following into .screenrc termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@ termcapinfo xterm-color ti@:te@   This will let you use the Terminal.app scrollbar instead of relying on screen's scrollback buffer.
I added to my “.vimrc” file: map <F2> <Esc>:1,$!xmllint --format -<CR> Now I can press “F2″ button, and vim indents the text.      

css sprite

http://css-tricks.com/css-sprites/ http://spriteme.org/
how stupid and tricky js is! damn   http://www.quirksmode.org/js/this.html
http://hi.baidu.com/hy0kl/blog/item/5508384fec1ec438aec3ab0e.html http://hi.baidu.com/hy0kl/blog/item/6151c3dcb0f789afcc116616.html http://hi.baidu.com/hy0kl/blog/item/caf7383baf4ffae414cecb12.html http://hi.baidu.com/hy0kl/blog/item/03737a34c50b0440251f1418.html      
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