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Reverse an array

	private  void reverse(Object[] anArray){
		if (anArray == null){
//	private void reverseArgrithmOne(Object[] anArray){
//		int maxIndex = anArray.length - 1;
//		for (int index=(maxIndex-1)>>1;index>=0;index--) {		
//			Object temp = anArray[index];
//			anArray[index] = anArray[maxIndex - index];
//			anArray[maxIndex-index] = temp;
//		}
//	}
	private  void reverseArgrithmTwo(Object[] anArray){
		for (int index = 0; index<anArray.length/2;index++)
			Object temp = anArray[index];
			anArray[index]= anArray[anArray.length-1-index];
			anArray[anArray.length-1-index] = temp; 



The test cases go below:

	public void reverseAnArray(){
		Integer[] original = {3,5,1,-2,0};
		assertArrayEquals(new Integer[]{0,-2,1,5,3}, original);
	public void reverseAnOnlyOneElementArray(){
		Integer[] oneElementArray = {5};
		assertArrayEquals(new Integer[]{5}, oneElementArray);
	@Test public void reverseArrayHasZeroElement(){
		Integer[] zeroElementArray = new Integer[0];
		assertArrayEquals(new Integer[0], zeroElementArray);
	public void reverseNullArray(){
		Integer[] nullArray = null;



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