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Why clone() is protected rather than public,it's a bug


 Why clone() is protected rather than public ?

一直以来不明白,网上给的解释貌似也不合理,看到sun的bug repository上的一个帖子,感觉这是sun的一个bug,参见http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4098033

Bug ID: 4098033
Votes 25
Synopsis Cloneable doesn't define .clone
Category java:classes_lang
Reported Against 1.1.4 , 1.1.5 , 1.2beta2 , kestrel-rc1
Release Fixed
State 11-Closed, Will Not Fix, request for enhancement
Priority: 4-Low
Related Bugs 4103477
Submit Date 09-DEC-1997
Cloneable doesn't define clone. This means that programmers cannot
polymorphically clone objects, such as in:

for (int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); i++) {
((Cloneable) myVector.elementAt()).clone(), i);

Secondly, programmers have no idea whether clones are deep or shallow.

Since interfaces cannot be changed, suggested solution:
add an interface for deep clones:

public interface interface Copyable {
public Object clone(); // guarantees deep clone
xxxxx@xxxxx 11/3/04 21:17 GMT
Work Around


Get the Class object, examine the interfaces it implements to see if
it implements Cloneable(), if so do a dynamic method call on the
clone() method....
(Review ID: 102333)

xxxxx@xxxxx 2000-03-13

Oh, yes, this is certainly possible. It is *really*, ugly.
So it should be documented as a workaround, but it should not deter
us from fixing the problem. This is in the "workaround as painful
as needles under your fingernails" realm.
Evaluation Cloneable doesn't define a public clone() operation, making it practically
useless. For obvious reasons, we'll never be able to add a public clone
operation to Cloneable, but we will be able to make a new interface that
extends Cloneable and does what Cloneable should have done. What to call this
new interface is open to debate (Clonable? Copyable? Herbert?)

At any rate, I believe that this should definitely be implemented in the
next major release after 1.2.

xxxxx@xxxxx 1998-04-28


You know, I just thought of something. The "obvious" reason we can't
add clone() to Cloneable is that adding new methods to interfaces is
an incompatible change. The reason adding new methods is incompatible
is that is makes concrete classes suddenly abstract.

But in this case that wouldn't happen -- existing classes *all* have
a clone method. No such class would be abstract. This may be an
exception to the incompatible change-ness of adding methods to interfaces.
We at least ought to consider this, because if we *can* add it to
Cloneable it fixes a problem with existing systems, whereas if we add
a new interface we only fix new code written by highly-informed people.

The downside I see is that we will public-ify the clone method of any
existing class that both implements Cloneable but doesn't declare clone
as public. I have always found it hard to imagine the value of such
a thing, and so I doubt this is a serious issue in deep principle. But
others may disagree.

In any case, this is clearly the ideal fix, and our instincts that it
isn't possible are probably wrong.

xxxxx@xxxxx 2000-02-28:

Unfortunately, this does not work; the clone method in Object is protected, not public. All methods in interfaces are inherently public. Thus, a class that currently implements Cloneable but has no public clone method would break. In practice, I doubt that there are many such classes out there, but there are almost certainly a few.

It is worth noting that adding methods to interfaces breaks source compatibility, and not binary compatibility. In this instance, we might consider intentionally breaking source compatibility, knowing that the odds of a problem are low.

xxxxx@xxxxx 2000-02-28

Ah, yes, if I inherit a public method from an interface that is satisified
by an inherited method of the same signature from my superclass, but with
more restricted access, I must redeclare the more restricted access method
that statisfies it as public -- it is not made public by inference. I had
forgotten that point, and so assumed that the protected method would be
made public by virtue of inheriting a public method of the same signature.
Sigh, at least in this case. It could have solved it so much nicer.

xxxxx@xxxxx 2000-02-29

Sun's Technical Review Committee (TRC) considered this issue at length
and recommended against taking any action other than improving the documentation
of the current Cloneable interface. Here is the full text of the recommendation:

The existing Java object cloning APIs are problematic. There is
a protected "clone" method on java.lang.Object and there is an
interface java.lang.Cloneable. The intention is that if a class
wants to allow other people to clone it, then it should support
the Cloneable interface and override the default protected clone
method with a public clone method. Unfortunately, for reasons
conveniently lost in the mists of time, the Cloneable interface
does not define a clone method.

This combination results in a fair amount of confusion. Some
classes claim to support Cloneable, but accidentally forget to
support the clone method. Developers are confused about how
Cloneable is supposed to work and what clone is supposed to do.

Unfortunately, adding a "clone" method to Cloneable would be
an incompatible change. It won't break binary compatibility,
but it will break source compatibility. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that in practice there are a number of cases where
classes support the Cloneable interface but fail to provide
a public clone method. After discussion, TRC unanimously
recommended that we should NOT modify the existing Cloneable
interface, because of the compatibility impact.

An alternative proposal was to add a new interface
java.lang.PubliclyCloneable to reflect the original intended
purpose of Cloneable. By a 5 to 2 majority, TRC recommended
against this. The main concern was that this would add yet
more confusion (including spelling confusion!) to an already
confused picture.

TRC unanimously recommended that we should add additional
documentation to the existing Cloneable interface to better
describe how it is intended to be used and to describe "best
practices" for implementors.

xxxxx@xxxxx 2000-07-14

A new SR opened for this report suggests that only classes
failing to support the contract of Cloneable would encounter
a source incompatibility. This is incorrect. A Cloneable class
with a protected (not public) clone method would be faithfully
honoring its contract, but would no longer compile.
xxxxx@xxxxx 11/3/04 21:42 GMT
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Submitted On 12-JAN-1998
sschell I agree that the Cloneable interface should define
the clone() method, it doesn't make a whole lot of
sense otherwise. Also, can anyone answer the question:
Why don't all Objects have the ability to clone()
themselves? It seems odd that it's defined in
the Object class itself (protected), yet is not
available (public) to the rest of the classes.
I'd be happy to hear comments why this particular
method is not public in java.lang.Object for I
believe it could be very useful.
Scott Schell
Member Technical Staff
Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Database Technologies
11900 Pecos St. RM2H-35
Westminster, CO 80234
(303) 538-4954

Submitted On 27-AUG-1998
jgeist I agree that this is a problem. Object should
define a public clone() method. If it did, would
there even be a need for a Cloneable interface?
Currently, there is no way to write code capable
of copying classes that can handle both ordinary
classes and wrapper classes(i.e., java.lang.String,
java.lang.Integer, etc...). For example, suppose
I want to write a program that uses ObjectStreams
to send objects over a Socket. Because of a weird
feature (BUG) in the ObjectStream code (see bug
#4065324), I must copy each Object before I send it
over the stream. This means I need to write extra
code to handle Strings, Points, Rectangles, etc...,
because they the only way to copy them is to call
a constructor (i.e., &quot;new String(blah)&quot;, where blah
is the string I want to send). I would much rather
be able to use a clone() method that is consistant
across all Objects, instead of testing each Object
to determine what class it is, and then using the
constructor for that class.
If anyone has any suggestions for a better
workaround, please email me.
Jonathan Geist

Submitted On 25-NOV-1998
Nexirius I have the same opinion as 'saschell'. The Object.clone() Method
should scan (using the reflection package) the class for attributes
and call their clone method (deep copy).
The same is true for the streamability interface.
A powerful language like Java should support a
basic functionality for persistence.

Submitted On 05-MAR-1999
kriff I'm perfectly satisfied with clone making shallow
copies. If deep-copies are desired, its a trivial
matter to implement clone() to do that.
My pet peeve with Cloneable is that
CloneNotSupportedException is a checked exception.
That means that you have to write a silly catch
block everytime you implement clone(). And what
happens if you inherit from a class that implements
Cloneable, but you want to prevent your class from
being cloned ? You usually can't throw
CloneNotSupportedException because the clone()
method you inherit doesn't contain a throws clause.
CloneNotSupportedException should extend
RuntimeException but I don't know if that change
can be made safely.
And make Object.clone() public and forget about
making a new interface. That change should be
perfectly safe.

Submitted On 08-JUN-1999
DougO You can get around this with reflection, but it's really slow:
obj.getClass().getMethod(&quot;clone&quot;, null).invoke(obj, null);
(catching all the appropriate exceptions, of course).
Not pretty, but it does work. My vote is for simply making Object.clone()
public-- this doesn't violate binary compatibility, does it?
As for shallow vs. deep copy, I think there ought to be two different methods,
because sometimes you really do want both, for the same class, e.g. Vector.
Please add something like deepClone() or deepCopy() to Object or Cloneable or
Herbert or whatever ends up being the real home of clone()...

Submitted On 04-DEC-2000
gberche As of JDK, the API documentation both for Cloneable
and for java.lang.Object.clone() has not been modified.
Until then this bug should be open, since the TRC decided
to do so. Please correct the API documentation and then
mark this bug as closed!

Submitted On 10-JAN-2001
gberche Serializable has even started being used to provide such polymorphic clone feature: see TomCat 3.1 's
It's a problem that needs fixing!

Submitted On 10-JAN-2001
gberche In addition, please also document more clearly that the preferred copy mechanism for the collections classes
is &quot;conventional copy&quot;
Set originalSet=...
Set copiedSet = new HashSet(originalSet);

Also please document better recommended ways to implement the clone() method
My understanding is that it should be something like
class MyClass {
public Object clone() {
MyClass copy = (MyClass) super.clone();
//for each field that need deep copy and that have defined
//the clone() method as part of their interface
copy.field = this.field.clone();
return copy;

This unintuitive API and the lack of documentation is really annoying!! Please fix!

Submitted On 15-MAY-2004
mikkotommila See bug 5045376 for a suggested alternative solution.

Submitted On 27-AUG-2009
May I ask why after twelve (!) years, this issue has still not been resolved? What can be so hard about adding a Copyable interface to the runtime library, as was suggested? This is really annoying because people are forced to use reflection where they shouldn't have to use it.

PLEASE NOTE: JDK6 is formerly known as Project Mustang





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