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  Windows Speed Secrets - Things Microsoft doesn't want you to ,PDF格式,非常不错,大家可以试一试。 - Windows Vista论坛,Vista SP1,Vista主题网站,Windows Vista下载; |% z* \) `* `& Y! X" T" XVista之家论坛/ Z" I, g. H' \# q Simple Ways to Increase the Performance of your Windows XP or Vista PC in 5 Minutes or Les ...
老外搜集整理的3000 JavaScripts脚步范例,即插即用,非常经典。 英文简介:Welcome to JavaScript Source Code 3000. With almost 800 ready-to-use Java Scripts that you can cut & paste into your own web pages, this package is the largest collection of JavaScripts available anywhere!All of the scripts have been organized by catego ...
Dreamweaver Plugins All-In-One 2007 ISO 插件大全,使用Dreamweaver进行网站设计的,有福了,超多有用插件,开发起来如虎添翼啊!文件大小64MB。   download)   
《Building Websites with Joomla 1.5》最终版下载地址:http://www.softshome.com/html/ebooks/program/200809/28-835.html一本不错的《Joomla Template Design》(原版PDF)下载地址:http://www.softshome.com/html/ebooks/program/200810/07-900.html <script src="tag.php?action=relatetag&amp;amp;rtid=82622" type="tex ...
非常值得推荐的一本《PHP 5 In Practice》书籍,CHM格式。英文原版书籍。 下载地址:http://www.softshome.com/html/ebooks/program/200809/30-861.html
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2008年9月出版的新书。全书720页,高清晰PDF格式,共计18,9 MB 。 英文简介:This text provides a comprehensive look at computer networking from the point of view of the network administrator. It guides readers from an entry-level knowledge in computer networks to advanced concepts in Ethernet networks; router configuration; TCP ...
很多人期待已久的书籍,终于出来了,PDF格式,全书624页,亚马逊评价5星级。 很多人期待已久的书籍,终于出来了,PDF格式,全书624页,亚马逊评价5星级。 About the Author Dan Allen is a passionate enterprise software developer, scholar, and mentor with over eight years of development experience using technologies that include Java frameworks (Seam, JSF, EJB3, Hibernat ...
2008-07-27出版的编程书籍,全书560页,PDF格式,大小11,6 MB。 [img] http://www.softshome.com/uploads/userup/0809/2QPKc249.jpg[/img] 英文简介: Apple's new Xcode 3 is the most powerful Mac development suite ever created. In Xcode 3 Unleashed, renowned Mac developer Fritz Anderson has written the definitive guide to maki ...
2008年9月才出版的新书,PDF格式,全书832页,高清晰版本,一本不错的书籍。 SQL Fundamentals,Third Edition, teaches you how to Build simple statements to retrieve, store, or modify data Craft complex queries that draw information from multiple tables Sort and summarize your data just the way you want it Create and edit your own ta ...
CNET科技资讯网9月22日国际报道 微软新一波广告攻势先以笑星Jerry Seinfeld和盖茨打头阵,两个星期来播出一系列广告,仍令许多人摸不着头脑。新系列广告则诉求鲜明,把矛头直接指向竞争对手苹果公司。         微软员工 ...
OpenMP并行编程设计,英文名:Parallel Programming in OpenMP,PDF格 Parallel Programming in OpenMP is the first book to teach both the novice and expert parallel programmers how to program using this new standard. The authors, who helped design and implement OpenMP while at SGI, bring a depth and breadth to the ...
2008年6月出版的WEB开发书籍〈Building Facebook Applications For Dummies〉,英文版,PDF格式,全书342页。 [img] http://www.softshome.com/uploads/userup/0809/2P60FRB0.jpg[/img] 英文简介: There’s no doubt about it — Facebook is cool. Along with users who want to interact with friends, businesses are using Facebook as a marke ...
《高性能并行数据库处理与网格数据库》英文原版书籍,推荐大家阅读,PDF格式。英文全名:《High.Performance.Parallel.Database.Processing.and.Grid.Databases》 英文简介: This book targets the theoretical/conceptual details needed to form a base of understanding and then delivers information on development, implementations, and analytical modeling o ...
五星级的《The Annotated Turing》(英文版djvu格式),大家期待已久的书籍。 英文简介: Anyone who has explored the history, technology, or theory of computers has likely encountered the concept of the Turing Machine. The Turing Machine is an imaginary — not even quite hypothetical — computer invented in 1936 by English mathem ...
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