flash cs5.5 的 AIR3 选项
把文件AdobeAIR3_0.xml放在 C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\Common\Configuration\Players...mac http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplatformruntimes/air3/air3_rc1_sdk_mac_090611.tbz2
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 安装 air3
air SDk 下载地址:http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/air3.html 参考:http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/495/cpsid_49532.html 安装: 1:下载 air3_rc1_sdk_win_090611.zip 到windows ...
Using the Adobe AIR 2 NativeProcess API to create a screen recorder
With the release of AIR 2, Adobe gives developers one of their most requested features—the ability to launch and communicate with native processes. You can still use Adobe AIR to build ...
AIR中文帮助 第三章 设置Flex SDK
在Windows下安装和配置Flex 3 SDK Adobe AIR 命令行工具需要安装Java,可以是JRE或JDK(1.4.2版本以上),JRE到这里下载 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html,JDK到这里下载... 注意:终端用户不
【AIR中文帮助】 第三章 设置Flex SDK
在Windows下安装和配置Flex 3 SDK Adobe AIR 命令行工具需要安装Java,可以是JRE或JDK(1.4.2版本以上),JRE到这里下载 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html,JDK到这里下载...
如果你的air sdk还没有升级到2.0 那显然是不行的. 如果有之前就建立好的应用,需要改应用 应用名-app.xml文件,将最上边一行中的 <application xmlns=”http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5″> ...
AIR这个东西一直都不讨下载站喜欢,主要是因为下载完成后用户不知道如何安装.其实从air2开始,已经可以直接...下载 http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/air/2/rc1/air2_rc1_sdk_win_051110.zip 解压后覆盖你的sdks
· iOS: full multi-screen support (AirPlay). Look for added Display class for an array of connected displays (only iOS is properly implemented now - all other platforms will have only one display in...
2110 AVR JTAGICE3 Debugger and Programmer 2122 XMEGA-A1 Explained evaluation kit 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2ff0 atmega32u2 DFU bootloader 2ffa at90usb162 DFU...
【USB】全球USB厂家 USB ID大全。更新时间:2018-01-04
2140 AVR JTAGICE3 (v3.x) Debugger and Programmer 2141 ICE debugger 2145 ATMEGA328P-XMINI (CDC ACM) 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2404 The Micro 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2fe6 Cactus V6 ...
Flash Builder 4 For Linux
原文:http://zengrong.net/post/1024.htm其实,Adobe labs有一个这样的项目:Flex Builder 3 for Linux,但这个项目多半已经停止开发了。因为Flash Builder是基于Eclipse的,而Eclipse本就跨平台,所以理论上可以将...
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2110 AVR JTAGICE3 Debugger and Programmer 2122 XMEGA-A1 Explained evaluation kit 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2ff0 atmega32u2 DFU bootloader 2ffa at90...
设备管理 USB ID
2110 AVR JTAGICE3 Debugger and Programmer 2122 XMEGA-A1 Explained evaluation kit 2141 ICE debugger 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2fe6 Cactus V6 (DFU) 2fea ...
[转]ubuntu中安装flex builder
工作原因,必须在Ubuntu下面安装Flash Builder和Flash CS4,搜索一番找到两篇文章: How to install Flash Builder on Linux Installing Adobe CS4 in Wine Flash Bu
【USB】全球USB厂家 USB ID大全。更新时间:2014.05.05
2110 AVR JTAGICE3 Debugger and Programmer 2122 XMEGA-A1 Explained evaluation kit 2141 ICE debugger 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2ff0 atmega32u2 DFU bootloader ...
【USB】全球USB厂家 USB ID大全。更新时间:2017-07-29
2140 AVR JTAGICE3 (v3.x) Debugger and Programmer 2141 ICE debugger 2145 ATMEGA328P-XMINI (CDC ACM) 2310 EVK11xx evaluation board 2404 The Micro 2fe4 ATxmega32A4U DFU bootloader 2fe6 Cactus V6 ...
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6 楼 hantsy 2011-09-09 13:04
5 楼 shicocn 2011-09-08 13:22
4 楼 kanny87929 2011-09-08 12:31
3 楼 yunzhongxia 2011-09-07 14:45
2 楼 viMory 2011-09-07 13:21
1 楼 jiorry 2011-09-07 12:57