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wonderfan 写道TALK ABOUT THE HTTO ...
不知所云,还不如用汉语说呢,英语不好就不要拿出来,另外写错单词 ...
<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNzQ2OTMyMzIw/v.swf" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> ...
awk命令是允许程序员依照模式来查找文件以及修改这些文件中的记录的编程语言。awk起名始源于它的三个创始者姓氏的第一个字母的合称。从1978年开始,awk已经成为UNIX系统的一部分。目前有三种版本的awk:原始的awk;新版的nawk ...
ESB is a common integration buzzword and there are a lot of definitions by integration vendors, market analysis and business users. When a service consumer communicates with a service provideer via the ESB, the consumer does not need to know the actual location of the service provider. This means tha ...
- 2009-06-04 20:43
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The power of 64-bit computing can be imaged when you consider the thearetical limit for addressable memory. In unsigned 16-bit computing, we could directly address 64k of memory. For a standard oracle database, this allowed a tremendously increased system global area. The sga is where the most often ...
- 2009-04-17 09:14
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Struts2是一个新的框架,我们把它视为第二代的web应用框架。Struts2 除了包含开发者期望新框架所有的最前段技术外,它还对很多结构做了更新,这是许多开发者所不知道的。实际上知道了ActionInvocation做什么就等于知道了Strust2如何处理请求。ActionInvocation封装了所有处理Action的细节;当 Struts2 框架收到一个请求时,它先决定URL映射的Action,对应的Action的实例被添加到新产生的ActionInvocation的实例,然后Struts2 框架咨询由xml或者Java annotations产生的声明式框架来找到需要启动的interc ...
A package is a collection of pl/sql elements that are packaged or grouped together within a special begin-end syntax, a kind of meta-block. here is a partial list of the kind elements you can place in a package:*cursor;*variables(scalars,records,tables,ect) and constants;*exception names and pragra,s ...
The cocoon project has taken the concepts of publishing using xml/xslt and implemented them in an effective platform.This has been achieved by not only providing the transformation capabilities ,but also looking at some of the wider issues of the separation of logic and presenation along with multich ...
- 2009-02-17 11:03
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You manually rendered your views by creating a view object,assigning variables,and calling a render() method. The
Zend Framework has a default component called the view renderer,which handles two of these steps for
you:automatically creating a view instance and rendering a view script. The view i ...
The Zend framework's controller,Zend_controller is designed to support websites with clean urls.To achieve this, all requests need
to go through a single index.php file known as the bootstrapper. This provides us with a central point for all pages of the application
and ensures that the environme ...
- 2009-02-03 17:29
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Apache acts your web server. Its main job is to parse any file requested by a browser and display the correct results according to the
code within that file. PHP is a server scripting language that allow your web site to be truly dynamic. PHP stands for Hypertext
PHP programs are ...
- 2009-02-03 17:28
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xslt可以输出xml,html或者普通文本格式。<xsl:output>元素定义了输出的method以及输出方式的控制。如果<xsl:output>包含在样式表中,它必须是<xsl:stylesheet>元素的一级子节点。在xslt文件中,所有<xsl:stylesheet>元素的一级子节点被称为top-level元素。<xsl:output>元素语法如下:<xsl:output method="xml or html or text"
there are two ways of chainging schemas together .import import a schema from another namespace into target schema. include include a schema that reside in the same namespace as the target schema.these goals are in tension with one another.the working group's strategix guidlines for changes between v ...
core j2ee patterns describes a controller as a component that interacts with a client,controlling and managing the handling of each request. and tells us that it is used in both presentation-tier and business-tier patterns. in general, a controller does the following: accepts requests;performs any co ...
- 2008-12-26 11:05
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when requests are received at the servlet container,they are forwarded to either a servlet or a filter that will handler processign the request. in struts2, a filter is used; and the class for handling the request is the filterdispatcher class.
the filter and a dispatcher class are the heart of the s ...
the commons project already has more than three dozen components; some have been developed from scratch, and other have been pulled out of bigger projects under jarkata.
the components that are part of jakarta commons are categorized into two parts:
commons proper: this section holds components that ...
- 2008-12-21 13:35
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