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xslt可以输出xml,html或者普通文本格式。<xsl:output>元素定义了输出的method以及输出方式的控制。如果<xsl:output>包含在样式表中,它必须是<xsl:stylesheet>元素的一级子节点。在xslt文件中,所有<xsl:stylesheet>元素的一级子节点被称为top-level元素。<xsl:output>元素语法如下:<xsl:output method="xml or html or text"
    omit-xml-declaration="yes or no"
    standalone="yes or no"
    cdata-section-elements="CDATA sections"
    indent="yes or no"/>

<xsl:element name="element name"
    use-attribute-sets="attribute set names"
    namespace="namespace URI">

<xsl:attribute>可以被用来动态的添加元素的属性。用法:xsl:attribute name="attribute name"
               namespace="namespace URI">
<xsl:text>标签正如其名,可以插入PCDATA文本到目标文件,用法:<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes or no">


It is often necessary to design distributed systems where the code to run an application is spread across multiple computers.In order to make an rpc, you need to know a number of things:@where does the code you want to call reside?@does the code any parameters? @ will the procedure return any data? A protocol is a set of rules that allow different applications or even different computers to communicate. These protocola specify how to provide an address for the remote computer,how to package up data to be sent to the remote procedures and how to get any return data back,how to initiate the call,how to deal with errors and all of the other details that need to be addressed to allow multiple computers to communicate with each other. SOAP just solves part od the distributed computing problem:it allows you to make remote procedure calls,however, in order to make use of a procedure which is avaible through soap, you have to know where that procedure is located as well as exactly how to pass the information to that procedure-how to format the body of the soap message. you may also need other information about the procedure. The web service description language is an xml-based lanuage that provides a contract between a web service and the outside world. XLINK provides a mechanism for defining links,including links which involve multiple resources and multiple traversal direction between those resources. XPointer provides functionality for pointing to document fragments from xml documents.

XLink provides a number of global attributes which can be attached to any xml element to define a link. The attributes are as follows:@type specifies the type of xlink element being created @href specifies the uri used to retrieve a resource@role is used to specify the function of a link's resource in machines readable fashion@title is used to specify the function of a link' resource in a human-readable fashion@show specifies how the resource should be displayed when retrieved@actuate specifies when the specified resource should be retrieved@the from and to attributes specify link directions. Which attributes can used on an element depends on the value of type which is mandatory on any xml element being used to define a link.There are six types:#simple;#extended;#locator;@arc;@resource;@title.

XLink defines two main types of links: a simple link and an extended link. A simple link is what we have been working with all along in html. It deals with only two resources and is unidirectional. Extended links provide extra functionality that html links do not.



    XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)是一种用于转换XML(Extensible Markup Language)文档的语言,它允许开发者通过定义样式表来控制XML数据的呈现方式。在XSL开发中,理解和掌握XSL函数、XSL元素以及XPath是至...


    ### XSL简明教程(5): 使用Order-by属性进行排序 在XML与XSL的世界里,数据处理变得异常灵活和强大。本章节我们将探讨如何利用XSL中的`order-by`属性来对XML文档进行排序,这在实际应用中非常有用,尤其是在需要根据...


    【XSL:开启XML的转换之旅】 XML(Extensible Markup Language)是一种用于标记数据的语言,它使得数据结构清晰,易于机器解析和人类阅读。然而,XML文档本身并不包含任何关于如何显示这些数据的信息。这就引入了...


    在IT领域,XML(eXtensible Markup Language)是一种用于存储和传输数据的标记语言,而XSL(eXtensible Stylesheet Language)则是一种样式表语言,用于转换XML文档的结构和格式。本主题主要关注如何使用XSL解析XML...


    XSLT(XSL Transformations)是实现这一转换的具体语言,它是XSL的一部分,用于编写转换规则。通过XSLT,我们可以定义一系列的模板和规则,将XML文档的结构和内容映射到新的格式上。 XSLT的工作原理是匹配XML文档中...


    ### XSL基础教程知识点 #### 一、XSL与XML的关系 XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language,可扩展样式表语言)是一种用于控制XML文档显示的标记语言。它主要用于将XML文档转换为其他格式,例如HTML或PDF。XSL允许...

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    在IT行业中,XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)是一种用于转换XML(Extensible Markup Language)文档的语言,而XPath(XML Path Language)则是用于在XML文档中查找信息的查询语言。JavaScript,作为Web开发中...


    使用java解析word文件里得数学公式时,会用到该文件.可以将公式的格式转为目标格式. Mathml (MML) ...Office在安装目录中提供了将OMML转为MathML的xsl工具:MML2OMML.XSL 注:试用前,请先打开文件并阅读第一行.



    xml xsl网页生成



    一本非常好的XSL入门教程, 分成以下几大单元 1.第一个XML文档 2.XSL入门 3.XSL模板与匹配模式 4.测试模式 5.XSL中的choose 6.运算符,关系与逻辑运算符,特殊字符等 7.XSL函数之一 8.脚本与...



    XSL 中文教程大全

    XSL,全称为eXtensible Stylesheet Language,是一种用于转换XML文档格式的语言。它允许开发者将XML数据转换成HTML、PDF、XML或其他格式,以便于呈现或进一步处理。本教程大全是为初学者设计的,包含了一系列丰富的...


    XSL由三部分组成:XSLT(XSL Transformations)、XPath(XML Path Language)和XSL-FO(XSL Formatting Objects)。 XSLT是XSL的核心,用于定义转换规则,将XML文档转换成其他形式。它通过模板匹配和模式选择来决定...

    java XSL解析器

    XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)是一种样式表语言,设计用来转换XML文档,而Java XSL解析器就是实现这一转换的核心组件。在Java中,XSLT处理主要依赖于`javax.xml.transform`包中的类,如`Transformer`、`...


    在IT领域,XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)是一种用于转换XML(Extensible Markup Language)文档的样式表语言。Excel则是Microsoft Office套件中的电子表格应用程序,广泛用于数据处理、分析和报告。当我们...

    XSL-FO 教程

    XSL-FO 简介 XSL-FO 的简介。包括其概念和作用。 XSL-FO 文档 本章将解 XSL-FO 文档的结构。 XSL-FO 区域 本章讲解 XSL-FO 的区域模型(area model)。 XSL-FO 输出 本章讲解 XSL-FO 文档的输出元素(Output ...


    标题中的“用XSL把XML转化在EXCEL导出”是指使用XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)转换技术,将XML(Extensible Markup Language)数据转换成Excel电子表格格式的过程。这种转换通常是为了便于数据分析、报表...


    而XSL(eXtensible Stylesheet Language)是用于转换XML文档格式的语言,它通过使用样式表来控制XML数据的呈现方式。XSLT(XSL Transformations)是XSL的一部分,专门用于转换XML文档。在本示例中,我们将深入探讨...

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