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趟过2011年的无数浑水,很幸运地完成了一件人生的大事。 2012年,即将步入而立之年,我回首之前的这几年,还是失去了很多的时间来做应该做好的事情,我希望这一年里,我能够把想做的事情好好做好,做得扎实,而不是朝三暮四地东张西望。 真正地做一点实际的事情,不再辜负自己的付出。
原来Handler是一个任务队列,要后台执行线程的,可以用Handler。 具体的API请看文档。
    2011悄然到来了,在新的一年起始的日子里,我在JavaEye上写上一个普通IT人对自己的新年寄语。         在新的一年,自己最大的事就是能把人生大事顺利地办完,办好,办得大家都开心,迎接新生活新开始,以告慰早逝的母亲和一切关心我,帮助过我的人们。     在新的一年,我要继续学习Google Android,这次一定不能再间断。     在新的一年,我要参加软考,争取拿到自己所期望所获的证书。     在新的一年,我要继续提高自己的技术能力,无论是Java EE领域的诸多框架、项目里用到的数据库,中间件还是MySQL、Tomcat等自己比较感兴趣的开源软件。     ...
ANDROID SDK FEATURES ANDROID SDK的诸多特性 The true appeal  of Android as a development environment lies  in the APIs it provides. As an application-neutral  platform, Android gives you the opportunity to create applications that are as much a part of the phone as anything provided out of the box. The fo ...
ANDROID: AN OPEN PLATFORM FOR MOBILE DEVELOPMENT ANDROID:一个开放的手机开发平台 Google’s Andy Rubin describes Android as: 谷歌的Andy Rubin这样描述Android: The first truly  open and comprehensive  platform for mobile devices, all of the software to run a mobile phone but witho ...
  In mobile development it was considered normal for third-party applications to receive different hardware access and execution rights from those given to native applications written by the phone manufacturers , with MIDlets often receiving few of either. Android 考虑了普通的第三方应用像手机厂商开发的本地应用 ...
  第一章 Hello, Android   WHAT ’ S IN THIS CHAPTER? ➤   A background to mobile application development ➤   What Android is (and what it isn ’ t)
Hello, Android WHAT ’S IN THIS CHAPTER?  A background to mobile application development  What Android is (and what it isn ’t)  An introduction to the Android SDK features  What devices Android runs on  Why develop for mobile and Android?  An introduction to the SDK and the Andro ...
SOURCE CODE 源码   As you work through the examples in this book, you may choose either to type in   all the code manually or to use the source code files that accompany the book. 如果你工作中需要用本书的例子,你要选择是手工输入所有代码还是使用本书配套的源代码。 All the source code used in this book is ava ...
HOW THIS BOOK IS STRUCTURED 本书结构 This book is structured in a logical sequence to help readers of different development backgrounds learn how to write advanced Android applications. There’s no requirement to read each chapter sequentially , but several of the sample projects are developed o ...
WHAT THIS BOOK COVERS Chapter 1 introduces Android, including what it is and how it fits into existing mobile development. What Android offers as a development platform and why it’s an exciting opportunity for creating mobile phone applications are then examined in greater detail. 第1章介绍了Android,包括An ...
This book is a hands-on guide to building mobile applications using version 2 of the Android software development kit. Chapter by chapter, it takes you through a series of sample projects, each introducing new features and techniques to get the most out of Android. It covers all the basic functionali ...
INTRODUCTION Now is an exciting time for mobile developers. Mobile phones have never been more popular, and powerful smartphones are now a popular choice for consumers . Stylish and versatile phones packing  hardware features like GPS, accelerometer s, and touch screens, combined with fixed-rate, rea ...
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