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转自: http://www.cnblogs.com/dsxniubility/p/5817776.html   记一次git amend事故处理方案   一、问题回顾 问题是git commit --amend 引起的。 一条commit已经push到远端develop了,但是后来又在这条commit上进行了amend操作,导致这条commit的哈希码发生了变化。并且后续又在这条commit之后进行了N条commit操作。 <Begin> 大概的情况画了个简图,如图所示。下面的绿色就是最后相同的地方,红色的那条做的是相同的功能message是一样的,但是提完 ...
转自: http://blog.csdn.net/luanlouis/article/details/41576373?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral   HashMap在Java开发中有着非常重要的角色地位,每一个Java程序员都应该了解HashMap。     本文主要从源码角度来解析HashMap的设计思路,并且详细地阐述HashMap中的几个概念,并深入探讨HashMap的内部结构和实现细节,讨论HashMap的性能问题,并且在文中贯穿着一些关于HashMap常见问题的讨论。        读完本文,你会了解到: ...
New Support Classes for @RequestMapping methods in Spring MVC 3.1 Spring 3.1 introduced a new set of support classes for @RequestMapping methods called RequestMappingHandlerMapping and RequestMappingHandlerAdapter respectively. They are recommended for use and even required to take advantage of new ...
转自:http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/20130308/225914771123.shtml 太原市代市长耿彦波:人生的四种选择
保证每天八小时工作的效率: 1. 首先做最重要最紧急的事情。 2. 不做与工作无关的事情。 3. 将复杂的工作分成一些小的任务或目标,一步一步的完成。决定开始做一个小任务时(这样的决定不是很困难)就集中精力直到把它做完,小任务结束后才继续做下一个任务。做小任务的时候,心里要有明确的方向感,切记小猫钓鱼而导致迷航。 4. 严格按照计划进行。 5. 平和的心态。 6. 思考,反省,总结。
1. 下载安装gcc所需要的rpm包。首先要查看所安装的linux版本,然后根据版本到centos网站上下载相关rpm包。 #lsb_release -a        笔者安装的是centOS release 5.8 (final) 对应所有的的rpm包的地址为:http://centos.mirror.fr.planethoster.net/5.8/os/i386/CentOS/   2. 在页面上找到以下几个rpm包,并以下面顺序依此安装。 #rpm -ivh kernel-headers-2.6.18-308.e15.i386.rpm #rpm -ivh glibc-he ...
本章要点如下:   题目:用任意一种面向对象语言实现一个计算器控制台程序。要求输入两个数和运算符号, 得到结果。   程序应该做到:(1)可维护;(2)可复用;(3)可扩展;(4)灵活性好。 可维护:就是说代码 ...
《大话设计模式》  程杰 著   阅读策略: 第一遍:粗读。了解本书所讲的各种设计模式的大概。关键:尽可能快的读完。 第二遍:细读。理解书中每张的例子程序,并用java语言实现一遍。关键:只关注本章的              例子程序,程序能够实现并跑起即可。至于中间的一步步的分析过程能理解多少              是多少。 第三遍:深读。进一步理解书中的例子程序,思考为什么要用这种模式,能不能使用其他模              式实现。 第四遍:精读。脱离书中的例子程序,每一种模式可以开一个专题,广泛阅读。 第五遍:心读。抛开书本和网络,对每一种设计模式有自己 ...
Agile Process的四个理念: Individuals and interactions  over    processes and tools Working software                  over   comprehensive document Customer collaboration          over   contract negotiation Responding to change           over   following a plan   HW. 1 Simplicity-the art of maximi ...


Very pleased to meet you! My name is xxx. (This is my resume, please have a look.) Firstly, I would introduce myself from education background,project experiences,career planning,hobbies,etc. I promise what I will say is true. I graduated from southwest university of science and technology. In June ...
5. Identifying people by occupation Who are you? I am a student. Who is that over there? He is a student too. (He's) Is that lady a student? No,she isn't. Those men are students either. Am I your teacher? Yes,you are. That man is a teacher,isn't he? Yes,he is. Who are those people? May b ...
Under international law, refugees are the only displaced people with a guaranteed right to education. But that guarantee often means little. Schools in refugee camps often have limited money for teachers and supplies. Last year, Pauline Rose visited the Dadaab camps in northern Kenya. Those camps sh ...
开始做一个小的JSF程序。 主要用到的工具及软件有: Eclipse Java EE IDE(Version: Juno Release) apache-tomcat-6.0.35 m2eclipse( jdk1.7.0_05 helloworld主要实现用户输入名字,然后单击Say hello to按钮或回车,下面相应显示"Hello xxx!"。下面是开发的主要步骤(默认jdk、tomcat、maven等已经配置好了。):   (1)新建一个maven项目。File>New>Other>Maven ...
Conflicts around the world are keeping tens of millions of young people from going to school. Many have physical or emotional injury that make hard or even impossible for them to learn. Later this year UNESCO will release its twenty-twelve Education for All Global monitoring report. UNESCO is United ...
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