Conflicts around the world are keeping tens of millions of young people from going to school. Many have physical or emotional injury that make hard or even impossible for them to learn.
Later this year UNESCO will release its twenty-twelve Education for All Global monitoring report. UNESCO is United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural organization. The yearly publication is part of global campaign to provide primary education to all children within the next three years.
The report documents the situation in countries that have made the least progress toward the Millennium Development Goals. These goals require universal primary education and equality for boys and girls in schooling by twenty-fifteen.
Pauling Rose is the direct of the report.
In those thirty-five conflict-affected countries, we have find twenty-eight million children out of school. In some countries, it's just that schools are not even accessible in conflict zones. The teachers aren't there. The schools are sometimes even attacked.
The Geneva Conventions bar the targeting of public places like schools and hospitals. In some cases, schools are targeted because they represent the government. Pauling Rose says in other cases, schools are targeted for religious or political reasons.
So in Afghanistan, given that the idea of girls going to school has been part of the concern of some militant groups, that has been a cause for their direct attack on girls schools. In other parts of the world, it might be more that schools are caught in the crossfire.
Conflicts also put girls and boys at risk of sexual violence. Schoolchildren are also at risk of being forced to become soldiers.
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