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http://www.doc88.com/p-387479664274.html 所有文档>>计算机>>计算机教材>> RFSD—基于RFID的三网支付系统
Nokia与Windows的联系人同步 2009-06-11 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 http://shenhh.blogbus.com/logs/40870422.html 1.在Nokia的PC套件中导出的联系人,outlook的联系人文件:pst文件。 2.在导出的pst文件中,因为默认把手机号放在其他电话里,所以可以通过在Outlook里运行下面的VBA,拷贝每个联系人的其他电话到手机号里。在outlook里按alt+f11,就可以出现VBA编辑界面。 Public Function UpdatePhoneNumber() Dim O As ...
This configuration file is used to create queues. The queue is very useful function. It allows you to bring more professional services to your customers. Thanks to the queues, the system is able to answers each call immediately without considering whether there is an available operator or not. If all ...
Configuring a queue The following queue works as following: all calls are monitored, i.e. saved to disk if after 60 seconds on the queue the call is unanswered, the call is routed to voicemail there are two levels of agents: agents 302 and 303 will answer the queue (level 1); only if none of the ...
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+config+queues.conf Asterisk config queues.conf ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) distributes incoming calls in the order of arrival to the first available agent. The system answers each call immediately and, if necessary, holds it in a queue until it can ...
1、啊~没事,就是清明上坟的时候,突然想起你,为什么那么多人死,你还不死呢? 2、玩感情? 我会让你哭的很有节奏… 3、喜欢你的时候你说什么就是什么, 不喜欢你的时候, 你说你是什么? 4、和人接触的时间越长,我就越 ...
VMware Workstation 7.1 正式版 + 注册 ZZ1W2-AQX00-489VZ-CYQ5G-ZFAY0 http://www.vcbeta.net/read.php/456.htm
Generate private key "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -genkey -alias myhost -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keystore myhost.keystore -storepass secret -keypass secret -dname "CN=cName, OU=orgUnit, O=org, L=city, S=state, C=countryCode" "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -certreq - ...
# # This is the Apache server configuration file providing SSL support. # It contains the configuration directives to instruct the server how to # serve pages over an https connection. For detailing information about these # directives see <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_ssl.htm ...
基于SSL的电子证书配置 1) 创建root CA 如果你有自己的CA(Certificate Authority),或者打算购买商业CA证书,那么这个步骤可以省略了,后面的步骤也会不同,但是不管如何,我们假定现在我们得到的CA私钥名字是 rootca.key。 现在我们自己来创建自己的root CA 第一步,创建root CA的私钥,为了安全,我们采取2048bit加密方式,设置的密码也应该足够复杂 # openssl genrsa -des3 2048 >rootca.key Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus      ...
find -name "*.txt" -print > filelist tar czf xxx.tar -T filelist
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