Configuring a queue
The following queue works as following:
all calls are monitored, i.e. saved to disk
if after 60 seconds on the queue the call is unanswered, the call is routed to voicemail
there are two levels of agents: agents 302 and 303 will answer the queue (level 1); only if none of them is available the call is routed to agent 301 (level 2). If nobody is available, the queue keeps trying until timeout is reached.
; ...queue description.....
exten =>
exten => s,2,Queue(q-sample|n|||)
exten => s,3,Playback(voicemail-invitation)
exten => s,4,VoiceMail,s2001
music = default
announce = q-sample-announce
strategy = roundrobin
timeout = 60
retry = 5
maxlen = 0
announce-frequency = 0
announce-holdtime = no
monitor-format = wav
monitor-join = yes
queue-youarenext = silence
queue-thankyou = q-sample-thankyou
More information on configuring a queue can be found at Understanding queue logic.
Home Page - Understanding queue logic - Recording queue transfers to disk - Compiling Asterisk with OH323 - Installing the Asterisk GUI - Connecting to FWD using IAX - Compiling Asterisk 1.4 beta - Peering two Asterisk servers using IAX - Script to convert music-on-hold to native formats - Compiling Asterisk 1.2 with TDM400 and H323 - QueueMetrics - Installing QueueMetrics - Installing QueueMetrics from scratch - Compiling Asterisk 1.4 with TDM400 and H323 - Upgrading QueueMetrics licences - AddQueueMember and the queue_log file - Installing Queuemetrics on Debian - asterisk - Avoiding queue_log file rotation - Using a HT-488 with Asterisk - Managing agents that dynamically log-on - Installing QueueMetrics on Fonality PBXtra - Listening to recorded calls using XC-AST - QueueMetrics logs - Manually updating QueueMetrics - Installing Queuemetrics on PBX-in-a-Flash - Administering QueueMetrics using Tomcat - Debugging Qloaderd installation - Installing QueueMetrics using Yum - Rebuilding Fonality queue_log
#popular monitor queue
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