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this is a book for iphone
************************************************** ' Title: PST2TXT ' ' Description: ' This VB application will export selected ' Outlook folders to file system as TXT files. ' The intent is to allow quick reference when ' burned to CD due to Outlook not opening ' Read Only PST files. ' ' Use: Paste ...
The SCNetworkReachability API allows an application to determine the status of a system's current network configuration and the reachability of a target host. One of the flags returned by the API, kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN, will tell you if a network connection to the target host uses the car ...
(Express Yourself By Edith N. Wagner) INFORMATIONAL WRITING is the process of selecting, combining, arranging, and developing ideas taken from oral, written, or electronically produced texts to demonstrate that you understand and are able to use this information for a variety of rhetorical purposes. ...
Objects: As the name implies, object-oriented programs are built around objects. An object associates data with the particular operations that can use or affect that data. In Objective-C, these operations are known as the object’s methods; the data they affect are its instance variables. In Object ...
http://iphonesdkdev.blogspot.com/2009/08/compatible-code-for-os-221-and-30.html Here are the steps involved (1) Base SDK set to iPhone Device 3.0 (2) In Project Settings, iPhone OS Deployment Target set to iPhone OS 2.2.1 (3) Change the source code in RootViewController.m that have setFont or setIm ...


It is quite old, I have to confess. 我必须承认。 confess adv freely, openly 坦率的承认 verb have to ,must  必须承认 prep to the sth, to sb  供认某事,向某人供认。

Scala First

URL http://www.scala-lang.org 1) Scala interaction cmd scala> def isPalindrome(str: String) = | str == str.reverse.toString() isPalindrome: (String)Boolean scala> isPalindrome("mom" ) res1: Boolean = true scala> isPalindrome("dude" ) res2: Boolean = false scala> 2) Sc ...


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