' Title: PST2TXT
' Description:
' This VB application will export selected
' Outlook folders to file system as TXT files.
' The intent is to allow quick reference when
' burned to CD due to Outlook not opening
' Read Only PST files.
' Use: Paste the code into a VB5/6 module
' There is an optional Form explained in code
' Notes:
' This code is offered 'As Is'.
' No support will be provided by me.
' Author: Steven Harvey
' Free to use for all
Public Const MAX_PATH = 260
Public Type BrowseInfo
hWndOwner As Long
pIDLRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As Long
lpszTitle As Long
ulFlags As Long
lpfnCallback As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type
'APIs for the folder selection
Public Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long)
Public Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal lpString2 As String) As Long
Public Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long
Public Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" (ByVal pidList As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Private objNS As NameSpace
Private objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Private strDestination As String
Private strTopFolder As String
Private strLogFile As String
Private intErrors As Boolean
Public intUserAbort As Integer
Sub Main()
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.PickFolder
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
strTopFolder = CleanString(objFolder.Name)
strDestination = GetFileDir
If strDestination <> "" Or strDestination <> Null Then
strFolderName = CleanString(objFolder.Name)
strLogFile = strDestination & "\" & strFolderName & "\ExportLog.txt"
strDestination = strDestination & "\" & strFolderName
If FolderExist(strDestination) Then
MsgBox "This folder has already been exported here. Please clear the destination or choose another."
Exit Sub
'****** frmProcessing displays while processing messages.
'****** It has a message asking user to wait while processing.
'****** It also has a cancel button to set intUserAbort to 1.
'****** Form's button code is below
'*** Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
'*** intUserAbort = 1
'*** Unload Me
'*** End Sub
intUserAbort = 0
ProcessFolder objFolder, strDestination
'Unload frmProcessing
If intUserAbort = 0 Then
MsgBox "Export Complete!" & vbCrLf & "Export log file location:" & vbCrLf & strLogFile
MsgBox "Processing cancelled." & vbCrLf & "Export log file location:" & vbCrLf & strLogFile
End If
End If
MsgBox "Destination folder selection cancelled!"
End If
MsgBox "MAPI folder selection cancelled!"
End If
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Function FolderExist(sFileName As String) As Boolean
FolderExist = IIf(Dir(sFileName, vbDirectory) <> "", True, False)
End Function
Public Function StripNulls(ByVal OriginalStr As String) As String
If (InStr(OriginalStr, Chr$(0)) > 0) Then
OriginalStr = Left$(OriginalStr, InStr(OriginalStr, Chr(0)) - 1)
End If
StripNulls = OriginalStr
End Function
Public Function GetFileDir() As String
Dim ret As String
Dim lpIDList As Long
Dim sPath As String, udtBI As BrowseInfo
Dim RdStrings() As String, nNewFiles As Long
'Show a browse-for-folder form:
With udtBI
.lpszTitle = lstrcat("Please select a folder to export to:", "")
End With
lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(udtBI)
If lpIDList = 0 Then Exit Function
'Get the selected folder.
sPath = String$(MAX_PATH, 0)
SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sPath
CoTaskMemFree lpIDList
sPath = StripNulls(sPath)
GetFileDir = sPath
End Function
Sub ProcessFolder(StartFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder, strPath As String)
Dim objItem As Object
MkDir strPath
' process all the items in this folder
For Each objItem In StartFolder.Items
SaveAsMsg objItem, strPath
Set objItem = Nothing
' process all the subfolders of this folder
For Each objFolder In StartFolder.Folders
Dim strSubFolder As String
strSubFolder = strPath & "\" & CleanString(StartFolder.Name)
Call ProcessFolder(objFolder, strSubFolder)
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function CleanString(strData As String) As String
'Replace invalid strings.
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "_", "")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "L", "'")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "`", "'")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "{", "(")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "[", "(")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "]", ")")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "}", ")")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "/", "-")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "\", "-")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, ":", "")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, ",", "")
'Cut out invalid signs.
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "*", "'")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "?", "")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, """", "'")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "<", "")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, ">", "")
strData = ReplaceChar(strData, "|", "")
CleanString = Trim(strData)
End Function
Private Function ReplaceChar(strData As String, strBadChar As String, strGoodChar As String) As String
Dim tmpChar, tmpString As String
For i = 1 To Len(strData)
tmpChar = Mid(strData, i, 1)
If tmpChar = strBadChar Then
tmpString = tmpString & strGoodChar
tmpString = tmpString & tmpChar
End If
Next i
ReplaceChar = Trim(tmpString)
End Function
Private Sub SaveAsMsg(objItem As Object, strFolderPath As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strSaveName As String
If Not objItem Is Nothing Then
Select Case TypeName(objItem)
Case "AppointmentItem"
strSaveName = Format(objItem.Start, "mm-dd-yyyy hh.nn.ss") & " " & IIf(Len(strFolderPath & objItem.Subject) > 255, Left(objItem.Subject, 255 - Len(strFolderPath)), objItem.Subject)
Case "MailItem"
strSaveName = Format(objItem.ReceivedTime, "mm-dd-yyyy hh.nn.ss") & " " & IIf(Len(strFolderPath & objItem.Subject) > 255, Left(objItem.Subject, 255 - Len(strFolderPath)), objItem.Subject)
If Err Then
WriteToLog "Error #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " Unable to process message '" & strFolderPath & "\" & objItem.Subject & "'."
strSaveName = strFolderPath & "\" & objItem.Subject
End If
Case "NoteItem"
strSaveName = objItem.Subject
Case "TaskItem"
strSaveName = objItem.Subject
Case "ContactItem"
strSaveName = objItem.FileAs
Case Else
strSaveName = ""
End Select
objItem.SaveAs strFolderPath & "\" & CleanString(strSaveName) & ".txt", olTXT
If Err Then
WriteToLog "Error #" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " Unable to process message '" & strFolderPath & "\" & objItem.Subject & "'."
WriteToLog "Success: " & strFolderPath & "\" & CleanString(strSaveName)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WriteToLog(strMessage As String)
intErrors = True
Open strLogFile For Append As #1
Write #1, strMessage
Close #1
End Sub
OutlookAttachView scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the ...
There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and produce the result in the desired format. Visit our web-site for details: ...
EMS Advanced Data Export VCL v4.13.... There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format.
- 导出类:使用`__declspec(dllexport)`关键字标记要导出的类。在DLL的头文件中,这个关键字告诉编译器这个类需要被其他模块使用。 - 导入类:在使用DLL的客户端代码中,使用`__declspec(dllimport)`导入所需的类...
来自俄罗斯网站的好东东 ... There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format.
There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format. Key Features Data export into 17 ...
There will be no need to waste your time on tiresome data conversion - Advanced Data Export will do the task quickly and will give the result in the desired format. Key Features Data export into 17 ...
If format masks correspond to system masks, they were not saved in the dfm file. Fixed now. 9. When removing a delimiter in the Formats property, it was replaced by #0 in the corresponding format ...
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3. **自定义设置**:tableExport提供了丰富的配置选项,可以定制导出时的样式、分隔符、编码等参数,以满足特定的格式要求或者提高导出数据的可读性。 4. **兼容性**:由于是基于JavaScript实现,该工具具有良好的...
- fixed output of the check boxes on the highlighted lines in PDF export - fixed bug with PDF anchors - fixed bug when using two or more macroses in memo version 4.12 --------------- + added support ...
然而,有时在使用Pandoc进行导出时,可能会遇到“pandoc export failed”的错误提示,这可能会对我们的工作流程造成困扰。本文将深入探讨这个问题,分析其可能的原因,并提供相应的解决策略。 首先,我们要理解...
Data export into 17 most popular formats: MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV, SYLK, DIF, LaTeX, SQL and Windows Clipboard ...
在 MATLAB 环境中,`export_fig` 是一个非常实用的工具,它允许用户将图形以高质量的格式导出,适用于出版、报告或者网页展示。这个“export_fig.rar_export_fig_fig”压缩包可能包含了 `export_fig` 工具以及一个...
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