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官方文档上有一个针对这种需求的文档:http://activemq.apache.org/web-console.html 实际配置过程如下 1、下载activemq-web-console和activemq-all 前者直接复制到tomcat的webapps目录下即可。后者复制到tomcat/lib目录下。 地址:http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/activemq/activemq-web-console/5.4.2/ http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/activemq/activemq-all/ ...
mybatis-generator可以读取数据库表自动生成对应的pojo类,接口和映射xml,非常好的工具。 体验了一下它的用法。 IDEA中安装插件idea-mybatis-generator   1.在IDEA中新建一个maven项目,在pom中添加如下内容 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3 ...
如下语法可在elk的搜索框中使用 详情参见 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current//query-dsl-query-string-query.html#query-string-syntax 再实现一个查询: 字段name包含"mary"或"john" date大于2014-09-10 _all字段中包含"aggregations"或"geo" +name:(mary john) +date:> ...
1.仅支持int 和 float Optionally you can add a data type conversion to your grok pattern. By default all semantics are saved as strings. If you wish to convert a semantic’s data type, for example change a string to an integer then suffix it with the target data type. For example %{NUMBER:num:int} which ...
在 /etc/sysconfig/logstash中添加对JAVA_HOME的配置 如 JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre1.8.0_40  执行如下命令,使修改生效 source /etc/sysconfig/logstash  
ELK简介 ​ELK似乎是当前最为流行的日志收集-存储-分析的全套解决方案. Elasticsearch Logstash and Kibana can be used to gather and visualize the syslogs of your systems in a centralized location. Logstash is an open source tool for collecting, parsing, and storing logs for future use. Kibana 4 is a web interface that can be us ...
How to add a CentOS user to the sudoers list vi /etc/sudoers ...## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple## systems).## Syntax:####     user    MACHINE=COMMANDS#### The COMMANDS section may have other opti ...
问题描述:数据结构<任务id,资源类型,发布日期,词,频度> 已经按 任务id,资源类型,发布日期,词 汇总了频度信息,现在需要以<任务id,资源类型,发布日期>为分组,组内按频度倒排,提取前200条记录   参考hadoop自带示例中的org.apache.hadoop.examples.SecondarySort实现 复合key: WordFreq<TagHead,词,频度>,其中TagHead表达group,即<任务id,资源类型,发布日期> 1.在WordFreq中通过Override compareTo实现组内按频度倒排 @ ...
We have been implementing our product to support real time queries on HBase(version 0.94.0 with hadoop-1.0.0) & to improve performance of read & write operation, I have tunned hadoop/hbase configuration.I will try to summaries all exceptions got in CRUD operation with their corresponding con ...
运行后,map的0%都没完成,直接 org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild: Error running child : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 受到这句话的启发 For us to see why your job is running out of memory we would probably need to see your code. Perhaps you are creating memory-intensive objects every map() that could inst ...
问题描述:使用org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.BloomFilter,将Hdfs文件夹中的所有文件内容添加到BloomFilter,然后将其持久化到Hdfs。 直接从主函数运行正常 从web程序调用,发现文件总是0.0b 错误原因: FSDataOutputStream输出流未flush,未close 正确代码: public static boolean bloomFilterInit(Configuration config, int numbers, String fromuri, String touri) throws IOException { ...
背景描述:想导出 服务器HBase里面的一张表remine_4520及其数据,我能通过java连接HBase库,浏览器能访问master的信息。 方案:版本一样的话直接distcp表目录过来   然后hbck一下就行 HBase0.94.8,Hadoop 1.1.2,集群使用了loz压缩,远端HBase master节点域名为namenode 期间遇到了各种问题 问题1:执行 ./hadoop distcp hdfs://namenode/hbase/remine_4250 hdfs://       现象:opy failed: java.net.ConnectE ...
测试用例40w条记录 插入到mysql5.0.95库中 1.远程客户端文件方式,用时23.42sec 注意登录时指定--local-infile belinda@ubuntu:~$ mysql --local-infile -h -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 5 Server version: 5.0.96-community-nt MySQL Community Edit ...
参考 http://blog.csdn.net/zhangxh1013/article/details/7320860 linux配置jdk环境变量 环境配置 ① $sudo vi /etc/profile ② 在末尾行添加 #set java environment JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_75 CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib.tools.jar PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH PATH 保存退出 ③$ source /etc/profile  使更改 ...
1.linux 环境下redis安装,运行,关闭 1.1.安装  wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-2.8.19.tar.gz tar xzf redis-2.8.19.tar.gz cd redis-2.8.19 make make install cp redis.conf /etc/ 1.2.运行  加载配置文件并后台运行 redis-server /etc/redis.conf & 1.3 关闭redis服务   redis-cli shutdown  可指定端口关闭  redis-cl ...
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