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We have been implementing our product to support real time queries on HBase(version 0.94.0 with hadoop-1.0.0) & to improve performance of read & write operation, I have tunned hadoop/hbase configuration.

I will try to summaries all exceptions got in CRUD operation with their corresponding configuration changes to resolve that.

  • LeaseExpiredException/UnknownScannerException/ScannerTimeoutException:
It occurs mostly as client is making very slow call to server & in next() batch call of scan doesn't find its lease & it throws the exception, To fix this increase the lease timeout.
About this more information, can be find here.
Exception: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.LeaseException: lease '*************' does not exist
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:


  • Zookeeper Session TimeOut:
Session timeout occurs when server doesn't hear any heartbeat from client within timeout interval. It should be less and also JVM GC should be configured accordingly. By default it is 60 sec. I configured it to 20 sec. For more information, can find here:
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • RegionServer Handler Count:
The number of RPC listeners/threads that answers incoming requests to region server. It should be set according to memory allocated to region servers, otherwise out of memory exception occurs. By default it is 10 & very low in order to prevent users from killing their region servers when using large write buffers with a high number of concurrent clients. If you are using co-processors, than it should be increased. I configured it to 50. For more information, findhere:
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • Zookeeper MaxClient Connection:
Number of concurrent connections may make to a single member of the ZooKeeper ensemble. It should set high to avoid zk connection loss issues. By default, it is set to 300. I configured it to 1000.
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException:KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • Scanner Caching Size:
It tells the scanner how many rows to fetch at a time from the server, higher caching value makes scanner faster but eats up more memory. So it should configured based on allocated memory as well as it shouldn't configured too high as next() call takes more time than lease timeout. By default it is set to 1 & gives very poor results. We configured it to 100.
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • Maximum HStore file Size:
If any one of a column families' HStoreFiles has grown to exceed this value, the hosting HRegion is split in two. In older version it is set to be 256MB but in 0.94.0 onwards it set to 10GB. It is better to high, so no split occur in between any CRUD operation. If in high region size, performance is poor than split manually according to your need. More information, can be find here:
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • Major Compaction:
There are two types of compactions: minor and major. Minor compactions will usually pick up a couple of the smaller adjacent StoreFiles and rewrite them as one. Minors do not drop deletes or expired cells, only major compactions do this. After a major compaction runs there will be a single StoreFile per Store, and this will help performance usually. But it rewrite all of the Stores data. So its better to do manually major compaction. By default it is set to 1 day. I set this property to 0 for disabling it and running manually on hbase shell "major_compact 'tableName'".
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml:

  • Memstore File Size:
All writes/updates goes to memstore, when the memstore size hits its defined flush size, it will be flushed to disk & mutate operations are blocked in either case of blockMultiplier*flushSize or blockingStoreFiles is reached. 
To stop blocking of update operation, we increased blockMultiplier(default 2) to 4 & blockingStoreFiles(number of storeFiles in a store, default 7) to 30. 
For more information, find here:
Changes in conf/hbase-site.xml: 

  • HeapSize of HBase:
The maximum amount of heap that can be used by HBase, is 1000MB by default & it's very low. We configured it to 4000MB and for region servers 8000MB.
Exception: OutOfMemoryExceptions
Changes in conf/hbase-env.sh:
export HBASE_HEAPSIZE=4000

  • GC Configuration: 
Bigger heap size makes longer GC pauses. As we configured heap size as 8GB & if it takes 10sec/GB than it pauses for 80sec & it can throw zookeeper session timeout exception if it reached timeout. Longer GC pause disables server to send heartbeats & others will assume this server is dead. More information can be find here. 
Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 
To avoid longer GC pause, we configured GC in such way:
Changes in conf/hbase-env.sh: 
export HBASE_OPTS="$HBASE_OPTS -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:NewSize=64m -XX:MaxNewSize=64m -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

  • Datanode Xcievers:
An upper bound on the number of files that it will serve at any one time. If it is not properly configured, we can get exceptions about missing blocks due to xcievers exceeded. More information, can be find here:
Exception: Could not obtain block blk_***_**** from any node: java.io.IOException: No live nodes contain current block. Will get new block locations from namenode and retry...
Changes in conf/hdfs-site.xml:



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    ——HBase性能优化 1、从配置角度优化 1.1 修改Linux配置 Linux系统最大可打开文件数一般默认的参数值是1024,如果你不进行修改并发量上来的时候会出现“Too Many Open Files”的错误,导致整个HBase不可运行,你...

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    3. **HBase配置调整**:例如增大`hbase.hregion.max.filesize`以控制Region大小,调整`hbase.regionserver.handler.count`以增加处理线程数,或者优化`hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size`以平衡内存和磁盘IO。...



    HBase配置文件与HBase doc文档

    6. **性能调优**:涵盖JVM参数、HBase配置、硬件选择、数据分布策略等方面的优化技巧。 7. **监控和故障排查**:如何通过HBase的仪表盘和日志进行监控,以及在遇到问题时的排查方法。 8. **复制和备份**:HBase...


    在"HBase配置文件若干配置.zip"中,我们可能找到了与这些配置相关的模板或修改建议。 首先,`hbase.rootdir`是HBase的数据目录,它定义了HDFS上的路径,用于存储HBase的所有表数据和元数据。例如,可以设置为`hdfs:...


    hbase优化总结 HBase 是一个基于列存储的 NoSQL 数据库,广泛应用于...HBase 的优化需要从多方面考虑,包括 Linux 系统、JVM 配置、HBase 配置等方面。通过合理的调整,可以提高 HBase 的性能,满足实际应用的需求。


    1. **HBase配置文件** HBase的配置主要通过`hbase-site.xml`文件进行,此文件位于`$HBASE_HOME/conf`目录下。在这个XML文件中,你可以设置各种系统参数,如Zookeeper地址、HBase的根目录等。 2. **Zookeeper配置**...




    本文将探讨一种新的方法——基于机器学习的HBase配置参数优化研究,其主要目的就是解决这一难题。 在引入机器学习技术之前,传统的优化方法主要依靠人工经验来调整HBase配置。然而,随着数据量的激增以及应用场景的...



    Hadoop和Hbase 配置文件-完整好的



    这份“HBase配置项说明及调优建议”资料,旨在帮助用户理解HBase的核心配置参数,并提供实用的优化策略。 首先,我们要了解HBase的几个关键配置类别: 1. **Master节点配置**:Master节点负责管理表和Region的分配...


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    "HBase性能优化" HBase是一种高性能的NoSQL数据库,广泛应用于大数据存储和处理领域。然而,HBase的性能优化是非常重要的,特别是在大...HBase性能优化是非常重要的,需要根据实际情况调整各种参数和配置来提高性能。


    在HBase性能优化中,有两个关键的配置参数需要关注:`hbase.hregion.max.filesize`和`autoflush`设置。这些参数对HBase的写入性能、数据一致性和系统稳定性有显著影响。 1. `hbase.hregion.max.filesize`的设定: ...

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