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3.0模仿object-c的痕迹少了,看上去更C++了,这是官方说滴。 object减少了那么多复杂的功能,我认为还得拆分。不过cocos2d-x正朝着这个方向努力。 比如原来的object:public copying就被干掉了。并不是一切东西我们都希望可拷贝的。 现在换成了组合的模式,比如: class CC_DLL Array : public Object, public Clonable Clonable是个纯虚类: /** Interface that defines how to clone an object */ class CC_DLL Clonable { ...
A lock is a mechanism that prevents destructive interactions, which are interactions that incorrectly update data or incorrectly alter underlying data structures, between transactions accessing shared data. Locks play a crucial row in maintaining database concurrency and consistency. Locking Be ...
我要实现很简单的像下面的东东: 左边的是LabelTTF,右边用EditBox。这里有个建议,大家写代码的就不要再用CC前缀的,有命名空间了还用那玩意干毛呢。。。纯粹是cocos2d-x作者仿制的cocos2d的不好的东东。 好,下面写代码了: CCDictionary *strings = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFile("word.xml"); const char *keyWordsFind = ((String*)strings->objectForKey("KeyWordsFind&q ...
Problem D: The Necklace My little sister had a beautiful necklace made of colorful beads. Two successive beads in the necklace shared a common color at their meeting point. The figure below shows a segment of the necklace: But, alas! One day, the necklace was torn and the beads were ...
Play on Words Some of the secret doors contain avery interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is no other way to open the doors, the puzzle is very important for us. There is alarge number of magnetic plates on every door. Every plate ...
网上很多这样的文档,3.0只不过是有些变动。 直接上代码: 保存的XML文件放到resources文件夹里,具体格式自己定,但要是uft8的。比如: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dict> <key>KeyWordsFind</key> <string>关键字查找</string> <key>SuarAyaFind</key> <string>按章节查找&l ...
1.首先是读取XML,这个可以用tinyXML,在win32上可以,不知道跨平台会不会影响;如http://blog.csdn.net/liuyuyefz/article/details/8041582 2.就是button,其实sprite就行,给张贴图就结了,;如http://blog.csdn.net/musicvs/article/details/8242963 3.然后就是输入框,可以在CCTextFieldTTF基础上进行扩展,很多网友已经做了很多实验,比如http://blog.csdn.net/onerain88/article/details/7572315;http:// ...
Problem H Morning Walk Time Limit 3 Seconds Kamalis aMotashotaguy. He has got a new job inChittagong. So, he has moved toChittagongfromDinajpur. He was getting fatter inDinajpuras he had no work in his hand there. So, moving toChittagonghas turned to be a blessing for ...
来自:Alex Zhou的程序世界,本文链接:http://codingnow.cn/cocos2d-x/706.html 接下来需要把win32上测试成功的demo移植到android上运行。首先需要下载最新ndk和eclipse,因为本项目完全使用NDK自带的编译器,没有用到cygwin ,所以需要NDK R7B以上的版本。步骤如下: (1)把cocos2d-x安装目录下的HelloWorld项目下的android文件夹赋值到SimpleGame项目下。
Bicoloring In 1976 the ``Four Color Map Theorem" was proven with the assistance of a computer. This theorem states that every map can be colored using only four colors, in such a way that no region is colored using the same color as a neighbor region. Here you are asked to solv ...
看了偶尔e网事童鞋的那篇博客,我也依葫芦画瓢。 就是点击不同的按钮切换场景: 场景的代码: #include "TestLayer.h" bool TestLayer::init(const std::string& layerName,const std::string& imageFolder) { bool bRet=false; do { if(!CCLayer::init()) { return false; } CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirecto ...
原创作品,转载请标明:http://blog.csdn.net/jackystudio/article/details/12830971 cocos2d-x采用的是笛卡尔平面坐标系,也就是平面上两条垂直线构成的坐标系,平面上任意一点都可以用(x,y)来表示。 (1)就坐标系方向而言,cocos2d-x分为屏幕坐标系和OpenGL坐标系。 (2)就节点本身而言,cocos2d-x分为绝对坐标系和相对坐标系。
网上什么转载的,网友写的都见浮云去吧,github网站给出的才最权威。建议大家直接去看英文,别看其他blog写的浪费时间啦。 https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys Generating SSH Keys MAC
还是把框架理解透比较好。首先看下是一个用py建立的最简单的project是如何运行起来的。 USING_NS_CC; int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, i ...
问题的提出 每过一段时间我总会收到一些程序员发来的电子邮件,他们会问我是用什么编程语言来编写自己的游戏的,以及我是如何学习这种编程语言的。因此,我认为在这篇博文里列出一些有关C语言的最佳读物应该能帮到 ...
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