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大家好,非常感谢大家能够点击链接进入到本文章,写下这篇文章的目的,一是希望能够给一些新手提供一些职业发展的思路;二是希望得到前辈们的指点;三是希望通过这篇文章来和大家进行交流。 文中说的不实或不对 ...
今天做了一个关于文件操作的数据处理,难度不大,但是对于C++文件操作的复习感觉还是有点作用的,下面就开始吧。。。 1.C++文件流简介 流,简单来说就是建立在面向对象基础上的一种抽象的处理数据的工具。在流中,定义了一些处理数据的基本操作,如读取数据,写入数据等,程序员是对流进行所有操作的,而不用关心流的另一头数据的真正流向。流不但可以处理文件,还可以处理动态内存、网络数据等多种数据形式。如果你对流的操作非常熟练,在程序中利用流的方便性,写起程序会大大提高效率的。 1.1简介 在C++中,有一个stream这个类,所有的I/O都以这个“流”类为基础的,包括我们要认识的文件I/O,st ...
今天对于我来说是个重要的日子,11.18号我自己的公司深圳市伯骐咨询有限公司正式开张营业了,一切都来的那么突然,记得11.11号那天我还准备去H公司报道,但是在填写入职表的时候我犹豫了良久,最终还是放弃了应用部经理&N W年薪的不错工作,然后下午就去中介看房子,租了办公室,张罗一个星期,公司总算是开张了!!! 下面讲讲这几个月发生在我身上的故事,记得4个月前,我还在和朋友第一次创业,当然创业最终失败了,记得当初我还写了篇博文(由于种种原因我删除了,还好有人复制了) 第一次创业还是失败了---分享失败的经验!!! 第一次创业团队散了以后,我和一批人就被调到H公司了,当时因为在我身上 ...
Mapping the Swaps Sorting an array can be done by swapping certain pairs of adjacent entries in the array. This is the fundamental technique used in the well-known bubble sort. If we list the identities of the pairs to be swapped, in the sequence they are to be swapped, we obtain w ...
严格说来我所在的团队并不算一个创业团队,因为本身是一个公司,不是三五个人十来枪,我呢,也每月领着工资。但是这个新的公司与原来的公司比较,实在是太小了,属于那种没有一个成功的项目就非常有可能会死掉的境 ...
The Sultan's Successors The Sultan of Nubia has no children, so she has decided that the country will be split into up tokseparate parts on her death and each part will be inherited by whoever performs best at some test. It is possible for any individual to inherit more than one or i ...
Transportation Ruratania is just entering capitalism and is establishing new enterprising activities in many fields including transport. The transportation company TransRuratania is starting a new express train from city A to city B with several stops in the stations on the way. ...
Problem I 23 Out of 5 Input:standard input Output:standard output Time Limit:1 second Memory Limit:32 MB Your task is to write a program that can decide whether you can find an arithmetic expression consisting of five given numbers(1<=i<=5) that will yield the value 23. For this proble ...
这个我是过来人,可以说下我的经历。之前做.net开发的、码农,做汽车行业的。学习BI的目的,说白了就是工资高,当时在公司里,有一个做BI的同事,同样的工作年限,他的工资比我高出很多。同时平常做的事情也不一样,我发 ...
The Settlers of Catan WithinSettlers of Catan, the 1995 German game of the year, players attempt to dominate an island by building roads, settlements and cities across its uncharted wilderness. You are employed by a software company that just has decided to develop a computer vers ...
Don't Get Rooked In chess, the rook is a piece that can move any number of squares vertically or horizontally. In this problem we will consider small chess boards (at most 44) that can also contain walls through which rooks cannot move. The goal is to place as many rooks on a board a ...
Getting in Line Computer networking requires that the computers in the network be linked. This problem considers a ``linear" network in which the computers are chained together so that each is connected to exactly two others except for the two computers on the ends of the chain ...
The Psychic Poker Player In 5-card draw poker, a player is dealt a hand of five cards (which may be looked at). The player may then discard between zero and five of his or her cards and have them replaced by the same number of cards from the top of the deck (which is face down). The objec ...
The Hamming Distance Problem The Hamming distance between two strings of bits (binary integers) is the number of corresponding bit positions that differ. This can be found by using XOR on corresponding bits or equivalently, by adding corresponding bits (base 2) without a carry. For e ...
Problem CGenerating Fast, Sorted Permutation Input:Standard Input Output:Standard Output Generating permutation has always been an important problem in computer science. In this problem you will have to generate the permutation of a given string in ascending order.Remember that your algorith ...
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