Professional Android 2 Development - 7
In mobile development it was considered normal for third-party applications to receive different hardware access and execution rights from those given to native applications written by the phone manufacturers , with MIDlets often receiving few of either.
Android 考虑了普通的第三方应用像手机厂商开发的本地应用一样地接收来自不同硬件存取和执行权限,而MIDlet 程序几乎很少收到的。
The introduction of Java MIDlets expanded developers’ audiences, but the lack of low-level hardware access and sandboxed execution meant that most mobile applications are regular desktop programs or web sites designed to render on a smaller screen, and do not take advantage of the inherent mobility of the handheld platform.
为关注Java MIDlet 开发的程序员写的介绍,访问底层受限制和沙盒执行意味着大多手机程序被像桌面程序或Web 站点那样设计在一个小屏幕上,且无法利用手机平台固有的移动能力。
The Future
Android sits alongside a new wave of mobile operating systems designed for increasingly powerful
mobile hardware. Windows Mobile, the Apple iPhone, and the Palm Pre now provide a richer, simplified development environment for mobile applications.
Android 处在一个新的为高性能硬件设计手机操作系统的高潮时期。Windows Mobile ,苹果iPhone ,Plam Pre 现在都提供了一个更丰富的,简化了的手机应用开发环境。
However, unlike Android, they’re built on proprietary operating systems that in some cases prioritize native applications over those created by third parties, restrict communication among applications and native phone data, and restrict or control the distribution of third-party apps to their platforms.
然而,不像Android ,它们构建在厂商自己的操作系统上在一些情况下厂商的本地应用覆盖了那些第三方应用,限制应用程序和本地电话数据之间的通信,限制或控制在他们的平台上发 布第三方应用。
Android offers new possibilities for mobile applications by offering an open development environment built on an open-source Linux kernel. Hardware access is available to all applications through a series of API libraries, and application interaction, while carefully controlled, is fully supported.
Android 通过一个构建在开源Linux 内核上的开放开发环境为手机应用提供了新的 发展潜力 。所有的应用通过一系列API 库可以访问硬件、在小心的控制之下与其他应用交互。
In Android, all applications have equal standing. Third-party and native Android applications are written with the same APIs and are executed on the same run time. Users can remove and replace any native application with a third-party developer alternative; even the dialer and home screens can be replaced.
在Android 中,所有应用的身份都是相等的。第三方应用和本地Android 应用都使用相同的API ,运行在相同的JRE 上。用户们可以选择第三方应用移除、替换任何本地应用。甚至连拨号器和主屏都可以被替换掉。
ANDROID 是与不是之— 不是
As a disruptive addition to a mature field, it’s not hard to see why there has been some confusion about what exactly Android is. Android is not:
Android 作为进入一个成熟领域的搅局者,不难看出为什么对Android 到底是什么还存在一些困惑。Android 不是:
➤ A Java ME implementation Android applications are written in the Java language, but they
are not run within a Java ME virtual machine, and Java-compiled classes and executables will
not run natively in Android.
➤ 不是一个Java ME 实现 Android 应用程序都用Java 语言编写,但是他们不运行在Java ME 虚拟机上,编译后的class 文件和可执行文件将不会在Android 中像本地程序一样执行。
➤ Part of the Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS) or the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)
Android runs on an open-source Linux kernel, but, while their goals are similar, Android’s
complete software stack approach goes further than the focus of these standards-defining organizations.
➤ 不是Linux 手机标准社区(LiPS )或开放手机联盟(OMA )的一部分 Android 运行在一个开源Linux 内核上,但是,他们的目标是相似的,Android 的完整软件体系更进一步地接近这些指定标准的组织。
➤ Simply an application layer (like UIQ or S60) While Android does include an application
layer, ‘‘Android’’ also describes the entire software stack encompassing the underlying operating system, the API libraries, and the applications themselves.
➤ 不仅仅是一个像UIQ 或S60 那样的应用层 虽然Android 包含了一个应用层,但“Android ” 描绘了完整的软件体系,包含了底层操作系统,API 库和应用程序。
➤ A mobile phone handset Android includes a reference design for mobile handset manufacturers,
but there is no single ‘‘Android phone.’’ Instead, Android has been designed to support
many alternative hardware devices.
➤ 不是一台手机 Android 包含来自手机制造商的参考设计,但是这不是单一的“Android phone ” 。相反,Android 在设计上支持很多可选的硬件设备。
➤ Google’s answer to the iPhone The iPhone is a fully proprietary hardware and software
platform released by a single company (Apple), while Android is an open-source software stack produced and supported by the Open Handset Alliance and designed to operate on any handset that meets the requirements. Google has now released its first direct-to-consumer handset, the Nexus 1, but this device remains simply one hardware implementation running on the Android platform.
➤ 不是Google 对iPhone 的回应 iPhone 的软、硬件完整版权完全属于Apple 这一家公司,Android 是一个在开放硬件联盟开发、支持下的开源软件体系,被设计成可以在任何需要的硬件上进行操作的系统。谷歌现在已经发布了它的第一个面向最终用户的手机型 号,Nexus 1 ,这个设备是一个简化的运行Android 平台的硬件实现。
Professional Android 2 Development - 9
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《Professional Android 4 Application Development》是一本针对Android应用开发的专业指南,由Rob Miles撰写,是Android开发者中的经典之作。这本书全面覆盖了Android 4(Ice Cream Sandwich)版本的应用开发技术,...
《Wrox Professional Android 2 Application Development》是一本专注于Android应用开发的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和实践Android 2平台的应用程序构建技术。该书由Wrox出版社出版,针对的读者群体是那些...
《Professional Android 2 Application Development》是2010年由Wrox出版社出版的一本关于使用Android SDK 2.0进行专业应用开发的书籍。这本书详细介绍了如何利用Android平台开发高质量、功能丰富的应用程序,适用于...
《Professional Android Application Development》是一本专注于Android应用开发的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者快速掌握并应用Android平台上的各种技术来构建高质量的应用程序。本书适合那些希望深入了解Android开发并...
### 专业Android 2应用程序开发知识点汇总 #### 一、Android作为开发平台及移动开发最佳实践 - **Android概述**:介绍了Android操作系统的基本概念和发展历程,以及它在智能手机和平板电脑市场的地位。 - **开发...
2. **基本概念**:书中会讲解Android系统的架构,包括应用程序框架、运行时环境、库和API等。还会介绍Activity、Service、Broadcast Receiver、Content Provider这四大组件,它们构成了Android应用程序的核心。 3. ...
- **第2章:开始使用**(第19页):详细介绍了如何搭建Android开发环境,包括安装Android Studio、配置模拟器等。 - **第3章:创建应用程序和活动**(第45页):这一章节着重讲解了Android应用的基本构成单元——...
If you’re an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google’s lead ...
### 《Professional Android 4 Application Development》知识点概览 #### 一、绪论与环境搭建 - **绪论**:本书旨在为读者提供一个全面深入的学习Android 4应用开发的平台,适合各种程度的开发者,从新手到资深...
- **ISBN**:978-0-470-34471-2 #### 二、书籍概述 本书为开发者提供了构建移动应用所需的全面指南。通过实践性的例子和详尽的解释,帮助读者快速掌握构建实际的Android手机应用的方法。本书覆盖了Android SDK 1.0...