有一个全新的项目,因为考虑到将来的数据扩展性能,所以考虑用Cassandra做数据存储,前端用Lighttpd + FastCGI + Rails。在使用Cassandra的时候,觉得有一些东西可能大家都需要,就写了一个简单的指南。因为内容比较长(16页),就弄了个PDF文件给大家下载。
Cassandra in Action with Twitter's Ruby Client.pdf
Okay, let me get something straight. I’m not going to persuade you to use Cassandra. I just assume you have already chosen Cassandra as your storage solution. Maybe you know the basic things, the underneath mechanisms, about Cassandra or maybe not. Anyway, I assume you don’t care what makes Cassandra outstanding and you just want to use it. If that’s the case, this tutorial is going to help you, in these 3 aspects:
1) to set up the environment correctly,
2) to understand how to model you data in a Cassandra way,
3) to understand and use Twitter’s Cassandra Ruby client.
After reading this tutorial, you should have a working environment and can start your project with a good understanding of doing your job in a very Cassandra way. Here we go!
这通常通过Ruby的包管理工具gem完成,执行`gem install twitter-cassandra-client`命令即可。 #### 数据模型理解 深入理解Cassandra的数据模型对于有效利用该数据库至关重要: 1. **存储配置文件**:了解...
标题中的“Ruby-CassandraDriver”指的是一个专门为Apache Cassandra设计的Ruby编程语言的客户端库。Apache Cassandra是一个分布式的、高可用的、面向列的NoSQL数据库系统,常用于处理大规模的数据存储和检索。Ruby-...
In NOSQL WEB DEVELOPMENT WITH APACHE CASSANDRA, you will learn about all aspects of using Cassandra in web applications–including accessing the Cassandra database using the common programming/...
With this hands-on guide, you'll get all the details and practical examples you need to understand Cassandra's non-relational database design and put it to work in a production environment., Author ...
The book starts by explaining the new features implemented in Cassandra 3.x and get you set up with Cassandra. Then you'll walk through data modeling in Cassandra and the rich feature set available to...
标题与描述均提到了“MariaDB与Cassandra的互操作性”,这主要指的是MariaDB中的Cassandra存储引擎(Cassandra Storage Engine)。这是一个重要的知识点,它实现了MariaDB与Cassandra数据库之间的桥梁,允许用户在...
【标题】"Cassandra Java Client.zip" 涉及到的主要知识点是Apache Cassandra数据库与Java客户端的交互。Cassandra是一款分布式NoSQL数据库系统,设计用于处理大规模数据分发在全球的数据中心,提供高可用性、线性可...
This book will teach you how to use Storm for real-time data processing and to make your applications highly available with no downtime using Cassandra. The book starts off with the basics of Storm ...
《实时分析:基于Storm与Cassandra的源码解析》 实时数据分析是当今大数据处理领域的重要组成部分,它在互联网、金融、广告、物联网等众多行业中都有着广泛的应用。本资料集主要探讨了如何利用Apache Storm和Apache...
Cassandra.Client client = new Cassandra.Client(protocol); try { transport.Open(); // 设置键空间 client.set_keyspace("Keyspace1"); // 插入数据 Map, byte[]> columns = new HashMap, byte[]>(); ...
Practical Cassandra: A Developer"s Approach Addison Wesley Data & Analytics Series Paperback – December 29 2013
用于储存收件箱等简单格式数据,集GoogleBigTable的数据模型与Amazon Dynamo的完全分布式的架构于一身Facebook于2008将 Cassandra 开源,此后,由于Cassandra良好的可扩展性,被Digg、Twitter等知名Web 2.0网站所...