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Asterisk config queues.conf


Asterisk config queues.conf

ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) distributes incoming calls in the order of arrival to the first available agent. The system answers each call immediately and, if necessary, holds it in a queue until it can be directed to the next available call center agent. Balancing the workload among agents ensures that each caller receives prompt and professional service.

Asterisk supports multiple call queues. They are defined in the queues.conf file and then referenced as arguments to the Queue application in extensions.conf. Agents are defined in the agents.conf file.

See also Asterisk call queues.


; Global settings for call queues

Persistent Members

; Store each dynamic member in each queue in the astdb so that when asterisk is restarted, each member will be automatically read into their recorded queues. Default is 'yes'.
persistentmembers = yes

Keep Stats

; Keep queue statistics during a reload. Default is 'no'
keepstats = no

AutoFill Behavior

; The old/current behavior of the queue has a serial type behavior in that the queue will make all waiting callers wait in the queue even if there is more than one available member ready to take calls until the head caller is connected with the member they were trying to get to.
; The next waiting caller in line then becomes the head caller, and they are then connected with the next available member and all available members and waiting callers waits while this happens.
; The new behavior, enabled by setting autofill=yes makes sure that when the waiting callers are connecting with available members in a parallel fashion until there are no more available members or no more waiting callers.
; This is probably more along the lines of how a queue should work and in most cases, you will want to enable this behavior.
; If you do not specify or comment out this option, it will default to no to keep backward compatibility with the old behavior.
autofill = yes


; Autopause will pause a queue member if they fail to answer a call


; Maximum number of people waiting in the queue (0 for unlimited)
;maxlen = 0

Set Interface Var

; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member the following variables will be set
; MEMBERINTERFACE is the interface name (eg. Agent/1234)
; MEMBERNAME is the member name (eg. Joe Soap)
; MEMBERCALLS is the number of calls that interface has taken,
; MEMBERLASTCALL is the last time the member took a call.
; MEMBERPENALTY is the penalty of the member
; MEMBERDYNAMIC indicates if a member is dynamic or not
; MEMBERREALTIME indicates if a member is realtime or not

Set Queue Entry Var

; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
the following variables will be set
; QEHOLDTIME callers hold time
; QEORIGINALPOS original position of the caller in the queue

Set Queue Var

; If set to yes, the following variables will be set just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member and just prior to the caller leaving the queue
; QUEUENAME name of the queue
; QUEUEMAX maximum number of calls allowed
; QUEUESTRATEGY the strategy of the queue;
; QUEUECALLS number of calls currently in the queue
; QUEUEHOLDTIME current average hold time
; QUEUECOMPLETED number of completed calls for the queue
; QUEUEABANDONED number of abandoned calls
; QUEUESRVLEVEL queue service level
; QUEUESRVLEVELPERF current service level performance

Member Macro

; if set, run this macro when connected to the queue member
; you can override this macro by setting the macro option on
; the queue application
; membermacro=somemacro

Monitor Format

; Calls may be recorded using Asterisk's monitor/MixMonitor resource
; This can be enabled from within the Queue application, starting recording
; when the call is actually picked up; thus, only successful calls are
; recorded, and you are not recording while people are listening to MOH.
; To enable monitoring, simply specify "monitor-format"; it will be disabled
; otherwise.
; You can specify the monitor filename with by calling
; Otherwise it will use MONITOR_FILENAME=${UNIQUEID}
; Pick any one valid extension for monitor format recording. If you leave
; monitor-format commented out, it will not record calls.
; monitor-format = gsm|wav|wav49

Monitor Type

; By setting monitor-type = MixMonitor, when specifying monitor-format to enable recording of queue member conversations, app_queue will now use the new MixMonitor application instead of Monitor so the concept of "joining/mixing" the in/out files now goes away when this is enabled.
; You can set the default type for all queues here, and then also change monitor-type for individual queues within queue by using the same configuration parameter within a queue configuration block.
; If you do not specify or comment out this option, it will default to the old 'Monitor' behavior to keep backward compatibility.
monitor-type = MixMonitor

UpdateCDR behavior.

; This option is implemented to mimic chan_agents behavior of populating CDR dstchannel field of a call with an agent name, which you can set at the login time with AddQueueMember membername parameter.
; updatecdr = no

Shared lastcall

; shared_lastcall will make the lastcall and calls received be the same in members logged in more than one queue.
; This is useful to make the queue respect the wrapuptime of another queue for a shared member

queue specific config


; Musicclass sets which music applies for this particular call queue.
; The only class which can override this one is if the MOH class is set directly on the channel using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan.


; Second settings for service level (default 0)
; Used for service level statistics (calls answered within service level time frame)
;servicelevel = 60

New feature (Jul 31, 2005 CVS HEAD)

Periodic announcements are available in queues using the new periodic-announce and periodic-announce-frequency options. This allows a message like "Thank you for holding, your call is important to us." to be played at regular intervals while a caller is in the queue. e.g:

     periodic-announce = thank-you-message
     periodic-announce-frequency = 60 ; every 60 seconds

Weight New feature (Jan 06, 2005):

Gives queues a 'weight' option, to ensure calls waiting in a higher priority queue will deliver its calls first. Only delays the lower weight queue's call if the member is also in the higher weight queue. Thanks to k3v for this option
; Weight of queue - when compared to other queues, higher weights get first shot at available channels when the same channel is included in more than one queue.

weight = expects an integer value

This option may cause a queue deadlock - please see Bug Note 6196 http://bugs2.digium.com/view.php?id=6196 for information and patch

Join empty

If there are calls queued, and the last agent logs out, the remaining incoming callers will immediately be removed from the queue, and the Queue() call will return, If leavewhenempty" is set to "strict".
"joinempty" set to "strict" will keep incoming callers from being placed in queues where there are no agents to take calls. The Queue() application will return, and the dial plan can determine what to do next.
; This setting controls whether callers can join a queue with no members.
There are three choices
; yes - callers can join a queue with no members or only unavailable members
; no - callers cannot join a queue with no members
; strict - callers cannot join a queue with no members or only unavailable members
; loose - same as strict, but paused queue members do not count as unavailable
; joinempty = yes

leave When Empty - New feature (Sep 28, 2004):

Introduced right after the v1.0 release
; If you wish to remove callers from the queue when new callers cannot join, set this setting to one of the same choices for 'joinempty'
; leavewhenempty = yes

If you are using CVS-HEAD and agents the queue app sees the agents as queue members always thus breaking this try
; leavewhenempty=strict

NOTE: In version 1.0.9 (and perhaps other versions of the 1.0 release series), you must use Asterisk cmd AddQueueMember instead of Asterisk cmd AgentCallbackLogin or Asterisk cmd AgentLogin if you want the options leavewhenempty and joinempty to work properly. If you have any static queue members defined as "Member => Agent/XXXX" in your Queue definition, Asterisk will considered the Queue in-use, regardless of whether any Agents are logged in or not. AddQueueMember() on the other hand will dynamically add and remove the interface from the queue... and these options will work properly.

Event Member Status

If this is set to yes, the following manager events will be generated
; QueueMemberStatus
; (may generate a WHOLE LOT of extra manager events)
; eventmemberstatus = no

Report Hold Time

; If you wish to report the caller's hold time to the member before they are connected to the caller, set this to yes.
; reportholdtime = no

Ring Inuse

; If you want the queue to avoid sending calls to members whose devices are
; known to be 'in use' (via the channel driver supporting that device state)
uncomment this option. (Note
only the SIP channel driver currently is able
; to report 'in use'.)
; ringinuse = no

New feature: Position announcement

Introduced into Asterisk after v0.7.2 (see bug note #214 in the Mantis bugtracker). See the file queues.conf.sample for configuration options like

; Calls may be recorded using Asterisk's monitor resource 
; This can be enabled from within the Queue application, starting recording 
; when the call is actually picked up; thus, only successful calls are 
; recorded, and you are not recording while people are listening to MOH. 
; To enable monitoring, simply specify "monitor-format"; it will be disabled 
; otherwise. 

; monitor-format = gsm|wav|wav49 
; How often to announce queue position and/or estimated holdtime to caller (0=off) 

;announce-frequency = 90 

; Should we include estimated hold time in position announcements? 
; Either yes, no, or only once; hold time will not be announced if <1 minute 

;announce-holdtime = yes|no|once 

; Use these sound files in making position/holdtime announcements. The 
; defaults are as listed below — change only if you need to. 

;queue-youarenext = "queue-youarenext" ; ("You are now first in line.") 
;queue-thereare = "queue-thereare" ; ("There are") 
;queue-callswaiting = "queue-callswaiting" ; ("calls waiting.") 
;queue-holdtime = "queue-holdtime" ; ("The current est. holdtime is") 
;queue-minutes = "queue-minutes" ; ("minutes.") 
;queue-thankyou = "queue-thankyou" ; ("Thank you for your patience.") 
;Note: when the semicolons don't work, leave them out e.g.:
; Note that a timeout to fail out of a queue may be passed as part of application call 
; from extensions.conf: 
; Queue(queuename|options|optionalurl|announceoverride|timeout) 
; example: Queue(dave|t|||45) 

Understanding announcements

The key point with announcements is that they are only played within the timeout/retry period set on the queue. For the most part this works OK as when all queue members are busy/unavailable, the timeout/retry period is effectively ignored (i.e. you can consider the queue to always be in this state) and announcements will be played as per your setting of the announce-frequency and periodic-announce-frequency parameters. When a handset is available and the queue is ringing it, the timeout/retry timeouts become critical. For example, if you want announcements every 20 seconds, but the timeout is set to 60 seconds, when a queue member is ringing, you will only ever get announcements every 60 seconds.

; Queue position announce?
; Either yes or no. If turned off, only the holdtime will be announced (as configured in announce-holdtime) (1.6.X default=no)
'announce-position' = yes | no

'announce-frequency' controls how often the queue position (if 'announce-position' is set), estimated hold time ('announce-holdtime') and the thank you file ('queue-thankyou') are played.

'min-announce-frequency' defines a minimum time which must pass between position/holdtime announcements. This stops the caller receiving multiple queue position announcement messages in quick succession for a queue that has many callers and is being serviced quickly.

'periodic-announce-frequency' defines how often the file(s) defined in 'periodic-announce' are played.

Note that calls are not offered to queue members whilst the announcement is playing and it is possible for callers to slip ahead in the queue as a result. For example, call 1 arrives and is queued. Call 2 arrives ten seconds later and is queued. After twenty seconds, call 1 is played the periodic announce message. Exactly one second after call 1 starts hearing the message an agent becomes free. Since call 1 is tied up with announcements, call 2 is successfully offered to the agent. Call 1 remains on hold and yet a call which arrived later has been serviced.


This setting can be in agents or in the queue. But it needs to be in the queue.conf file for agents that are are listed as members.
; After a successful call, how long to wait before sending a potentially
; free member another call (default is 0, or no delay)


This sets a delay period between the time that the member answers the call and when it is connected.
; If you wish to have a delay before the member is connected to the caller (or before the member hears any announcement messages), set this to the number of seconds to delay.
;memberdelay = 5


; If timeoutrestart is set to yes, then the time out for an agent to answer is reset if a BUSY or CONGESTION is received.
; This can be useful if agents are able to cancel a call with reject or similar.
;(I found that when agents return NOANSWER (ring, no-answer) this also causes the queue to move to the next agent in a round robin)
;timeoutrestart = yes


Calls are distributed among the members handling a queue with one of several strategies
ringall: ring all available channels until one answers (default)
roundrobin: take turns ringing each available interface (depreciated in 1.4, use rrmemory)
leastrecent: ring interface which was least recently called by this queue
fewestcalls: ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue
random: ring random interface
rrmemory: round robin with memory, remember where we left off last ring pass
linear: Rings interfaces in the order they are listed in the configuration file. Dynamic members will be rung in the order in which they were added. (new in 1.6)
wrandom: Rings a random interface, but uses the agent's penalty as a weight (new in 1.6)
; rings random interface, but uses the member's penalty as a weight when calculating their metric.
; So a member with penalty 0 will have a metric somewhere between 0 and 1000, and a member with penalty 1 will have a metric between 0 and 2000, and a member with penalty 2 will have a metric between 0 and 3000.
; Please note, if using this strategy, the member penalty is not the same as when using other queue strategies.
; It is ONLY used as a weight for calculating metric.



; How long do we let the phone ring before we consider this a timeout...
; Timeout in seconds when calling an agent


; How long do we wait before trying all the members again?
;retry = 5


; A context may be specified, in which if the user types a SINGLE digit extension while they are in the queue, they will be taken out of the queue and sent to that extension in this context.
This is the context that is used to allow the caller to exit with a key for further action. For example, press "1" to leave a message

Default Rule

; If you wish to implement a rule defined in queuerules.conf (see configs/queuerules.conf.sample from the asterisk source directory for more information about penalty rules) by default, you may specify this by setting defaultrule to the rule's name
; defaultrule = myrule


The "announce = XXX" option in queues.conf makes Asterisk play the XXX announcement to the member of the queue who picks up the call in a similar manner to the A() option of the Dial() cmd. This can also be invoked in the Queue() application ('Queue(queuename,options,URL,announceoverride,timeout,AGI,macro,gosub,rule)').

Note that the announcement is played in the language set on the answering device, not in the language of the originating channel.




Asterisk Queues Tutorial (from Orderly Software).


The penalty parameter: You can have agents that are less likely to take calls (e.g. imagine a sales queue, you'd have the sales people with no penalty, you might have the receptionists with a penalty of 1 and us propeller heads in technical support with a penalty of 2). The technical support people would only be offered a call from the sales queue if all the sales people and the receptionists were busy.

If you include groups in your queue definition the calls get routed in the order of the group regardless of the specified strategy. So I just have a member= line for each agent.

member => Agent/@1  ; a group
member => Agent/501  ; a single agent
member => Agent/:1,1  ; Any agent in group 1, wait for first available, but consider with penalty

Some notes about roundrobin and rrmemory

roundrobin is not to be confused with "circular call distribution", infact even using roundrobin without memory subsequent calls are circulated between agent, here in detail it's how it works, by kpfleming.

round robin mode remembers the last agent it _started_ with for a new call, and starts with the next agent in the list. If you have three agents, the first call will go to agent 1->2->3, the next call will go to 2->3->1, the next call will go to 3->2->1, etc.

rrmemory mode remembers the last agent it tried to _call_, regardless of who it started with, so that the next call will go the agent after the last one who answered. If you have three agents and the first call rings 1->2 (and is answered), then the next call will ring 3->1 (and is answered), then the next call will ring 2->3->1, etc. For the first call, if agent 2 answered it in round robin mode, they would still be the first agent for the next call, but rrmemory mode will move past them.

You can, however, achieve circular call distribution by using round robin mode and putting a different penalty on each agent, in the order you wish them to be called. app_queue will always try all agents with no penalty, then the ones with penalty 1, etc. NOTE that this does not apply to 1.4.13 (an possibly earlier versions). There is no 'roundrobin' strategy any more and 'rrmemory' will continue to try the lowest priority handset(s) - there is no way of doing circular call distribution any more.

See also

Asterisk agents
Asternic Call Center Stats - Queue monitoring and reporting, GPL and commercial versions available.
Asterisk config agents.conf
Asterisk cmd Queue
AstQueueIcon: Alternative free queue solution utilizing the call parking feature instead of the queue application. As the queue app stays out of the media path, features like call forwarding will not be denied for the agents.
EasyQueue - Easy deploy and easy to use call_queue analyzer
http://www.orderlyq.com/asteriskcallcenterstatistics.html: Asterisk call centre statistics software.
OrderlyQ - Extension to Asterisk Queues that lets callers hang up, then call back without losing their place.
Queue-Tip - Open source (GPL) Asterisk Queue Monitoring and Reporting suite using Adhearsion and Ruby on Rails.


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    基于Matlab与Cplex的激励型需求响应模式:负荷转移与电价响应的差异化目标函数解析,基于Matlab与CPLEX的激励型需求响应负荷转移策略探索,激励型需求响应 matlab +cplex 激励

    基于Matlab与Cplex的激励型需求响应模式:负荷转移与电价响应的差异化目标函数解析,基于Matlab与CPLEX的激励型需求响应负荷转移策略探索,激励型需求响应 matlab +cplex 激励型需求响应采用激励型需求响应方式对负荷进行转移,和电价响应模式不同,具体的目标函数如下 ,激励型需求响应; matlab + cplex; 负荷转移; 目标函数。,Matlab与Cplex结合的激励型需求响应模型及其负荷转移策略




    内容概要:本文全面介绍了深度学习模型的概念、工作机制和发展历程,详细探讨了神经网络的构建和训练过程,包括反向传播算法和梯度下降方法。文中还列举了深度学习在图像识别、自然语言处理、医疗和金融等多个领域的应用实例,并讨论了当前面临的挑战,如数据依赖、计算资源需求、可解释性和对抗攻击等问题。最后,文章展望了未来的发展趋势,如与量子计算和区块链的融合,以及在更多领域的应用前景。 适合人群:对该领域有兴趣的技术人员、研究人员和学者,尤其适合那些希望深入了解深度学习原理和技术细节的读者。 使用场景及目标:①理解深度学习模型的基本原理和结构;②了解深度学习模型的具体应用案例;③掌握应对当前技术挑战的方向。 阅读建议:文章内容详尽丰富,读者应在阅读过程中注意理解各个关键技术的概念和原理,尤其是神经网络的构成及训练过程。同时也建议对比不同模型的特点及其在具体应用中的表现。


    该文档提供了一个关于供应链管理系统开发的详细指南,重点介绍了项目安排、技术实现和框架搭建的相关内容。 文档分为以下几个关键部分: 项目安排:主要步骤包括搭建框架(1天),基础数据模块和权限管理(4天),以及应收应付和销售管理(5天)。 供应链概念:供应链系统的核心流程是通过采购商品放入仓库,并在销售时从仓库提取商品,涉及三个主要订单:采购订单、销售订单和调拨订单。 大数据的应用:介绍了数据挖掘、ETL(数据抽取)和BI(商业智能)在供应链管理中的应用。 技术实现:讲述了DAO(数据访问对象)的重用、服务层的重用、以及前端JS的继承机制、jQuery插件开发等技术细节。 系统框架搭建:包括Maven环境的配置、Web工程的创建、持久化类和映射文件的编写,以及Spring配置文件的实现。 DAO的需求和功能:供应链管理系统的各个模块都涉及分页查询、条件查询、删除、增加、修改操作等需求。 泛型的应用:通过示例说明了在Java语言中如何使用泛型来实现模块化和可扩展性。 文档非常技术导向,适合开发人员参考,用于构建供应链管理系统的架构和功能模块。



    MXTU MAX仿毒舌自适应主题源码 苹果CMSv10模板.zip

    主题说明: 1、将mxtheme目录放置根目录 | 将mxpro目录放置template文件夹中 2、苹果cms后台-系统-网站参数配置-网站模板-选择mxpro 模板目录填写html 3、网站模板选择好之后一定要先访问前台,然后再进入后台设置 4、主题后台地址: MXTU MAX图图主题,/admin.php/admin/mxpro/mxproset admin.php改成你登录后台的xxx.php 5、首页幻灯片设置视频推荐9,自行后台设置 6、追剧周表在视频数据中,节目周期添加周一至周日自行添加,格式:一,二,三,四,五,六,日



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