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《Parallel Programming in OpenMP》(英文版)

OpenMP并行编程设计,英文名:Parallel Programming in OpenMP,PDF格

Parallel Programming in OpenMP is the first book to teach both the novice and expert parallel programmers how to program using this new standard. The authors, who helped design and implement OpenMP while at SGI, bring a depth and breadth to the book as compiler writers, application developers, and performance engineers.
  * Designed so that expert parallel programmers can skip the opening chapters, which introduce parallel programming to novices, and jump right into the essentials of OpenMP.
  * Presents all the basic OpenMP constructs in FORTRAN, C, and C++.
  * Emphasizes practical concepts to address the concerns of real application developers.
  * Includes high quality example programs that illustrate concepts of parallel programming as well as all the constructs of OpenMP.
  * Serves as both an effective teaching text and a compact reference.
  * Includes end-of-chapter programming exercises.



    Parallel Programming in OpenMP

    Parallel Programming in OpenMP

    Parallel Programming in OpenMP.pdf

    本文将基于《Parallel Programming in OpenMP.pdf》的部分内容,对OpenMP的基本概念、历史发展以及其在多线程与多处理之间的选择进行深入探讨。 #### OpenMP简介 OpenMP(Open Multi-Processing)是一种为共享内存...

    parallel programming in openmp

    parallel programming in openmp, english edition


    **OpenMP并行编程简介** OpenMP(Open Multi-Processing)是一种广泛应用的并行编程模型...《Parallel Programming in OpenMP》是学习这一领域的优秀教程,对于想要提升并行编程技能的人来说是一本不可或缺的参考书。

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