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学习一下 Pixel Bender -
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A*寻路 -- 更加真实 的路径(一) -
[/flash][/flash][/fl[u][u]ash][ ...
Alternativa3D 8 基础理论 / 概念
- 使用A*得出基本路径
- 删除路径中方向相同的节点 比如 [0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,2] 可表现为 [0,1][0,3][1,2]
- 把余下的节点做为转角,代入flody算法进行计算,最后得出最简洁的方法。
flody算法:参考 http://www.itweb2.com/article/system/317.htm
package { /** * ... * @author sliz http://game-develop.net/blog/ */ import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.utils.getTimer; import sliz.miniui.Button; import sliz.miniui.Checkbox; import sliz.miniui.Label; import sliz.miniui.LabelInput; import sliz.miniui.layouts.BoxLayout; import sliz.miniui.Window; public class Game2 extends Sprite { private var _cellSize:int = 5; private var _grid:Grid; private var _player:Sprite; private var _index:int; private var _path:Array; private var tf:Label; private var astar:AStar; private var path:Sprite = new Sprite(); private var image:Bitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(1, 1)); private var imageWrapper:Sprite = new Sprite(); public function Game2(){ stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; addChild(imageWrapper); imageWrapper.addChild(image); makePlayer(); var w:Window = new Window(this, 20, 20, "tool"); numCols = new LabelInput("numCols ", "numCols"); numCols.setValue("50"); w.add(numCols); numRows = new LabelInput("numRows ", "numRows"); w.add(numRows); numRows.setValue("50"); cellSize = new LabelInput("cellSize", "cellSize"); cellSize.setValue("10"); w.add(cellSize); density = new LabelInput("density ", "density"); density.setValue("0.1"); w.add(density); isEight = new Checkbox("是否8方向"); isEight.setToggle(true); w.add(isEight); tf = new Label("info"); w.add(tf); w.add(new sliz.miniui.Link("author sliz")); w.add(new sliz.miniui.Link("source", "http://code.google.com/p/actionscriptiui/")); var btn:Button = new Button("新建", 0, 0, null, newMap); w.add(btn, null, 0.8); w.setLayout(new BoxLayout(w, 1, 5)); w.doLayout(); imageWrapper.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGridClick); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); imageWrapper.addChild(path); makeGrid(); } private function newMap(e:Event):void { makeGrid(); } private function changeMode(e:Event):void { /*if (_grid.getType()==1) { _grid.calculateLinks(0); (e.currentTarget as Button).text = " 四方向 "; }else { _grid.calculateLinks(1); (e.currentTarget as Button).text = " 八方向 "; }*/ } private function makePlayer():void { _player = new Sprite(); _player.graphics.beginFill(0xff00ff); _player.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 2); _player.graphics.endFill(); imageWrapper.addChild(_player); } private function makeGrid():void { var rows:int = int(numRows.getValue()); var cols:int = int(numCols.getValue()); _cellSize = int(cellSize.getValue()); _grid = new Grid(cols, rows); for (var i:int = 0; i < rows * cols * Number(density.getValue()); i++){ _grid.setWalkable(Math.floor(Math.random() * cols), Math.floor(Math.random() * rows), false); } _grid.setWalkable(0, 0, true); _grid.setWalkable(cols / 2, rows / 2, false); if (isEight.getToggle()) _grid.calculateLinks(); else _grid.calculateLinks(1); astar = new AStar(_grid); drawGrid(); isClick = false; _player.x = 0; _player.y = 0; path.graphics.clear(); } private function drawGrid():void { image.bitmapData = new BitmapData(_grid.numCols * _cellSize, _grid.numRows * _cellSize, false, 0xffffff); for (var i:int = 0; i < _grid.numCols; i++){ for (var j:int = 0; j < _grid.numRows; j++){ var node:Node = _grid.getNode(i, j); if (!node.walkable){ image.bitmapData.fillRect(new Rectangle(i * _cellSize, j * _cellSize, _cellSize, _cellSize), getColor(node)); } } } } private function getColor(node:Node):uint { if (!node.walkable) return 0; if (node == _grid.startNode) return 0xcccccc; if (node == _grid.endNode) return 0xcccccc; return 0xffffff; } private function onGridClick(event:MouseEvent):void { var xpos:int = Math.floor(mouseX / _cellSize); var ypos:int = Math.floor(mouseY / _cellSize); xpos = Math.min(xpos, _grid.numCols - 1); ypos = Math.min(ypos, _grid.numRows - 1); _grid.setEndNode(xpos, ypos); xpos = Math.floor(_player.x / _cellSize); ypos = Math.floor(_player.y / _cellSize); _grid.setStartNode(xpos, ypos); findPath(); //path.graphics.clear(); //path.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xff0000,0.5); //path.graphics.moveTo(_player.x, _player.y); } private function findPath():void { var time:int = getTimer(); if (astar.findPath()){ _index = 0; isClick = true; astar.floyd(); _path = astar.floydPath; time = getTimer() - time; tf.text = time + "ms length:" + astar.path.length; trace(astar.floydPath); path.graphics.clear(); for (var i:int = 0; i < astar.floydPath.length; i++){ var p:Node = astar.floydPath[i]; path.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xff0000); path.graphics.drawCircle((p.x + 0.5) * _cellSize, (p.y + 0.5) * _cellSize, 2); path.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0xff0000, 0.5); path.graphics.moveTo(_player.x, _player.y); } } else { time = getTimer() - time; tf.text = time + "ms 找不到"; } } private var isClick:Boolean = false; private var numCols:LabelInput; private var numRows:LabelInput; private var cellSize:LabelInput; private var density:LabelInput; private var isEight:Checkbox; private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void { if (!isClick){ return; } var targetX:Number = _path[_index].x * _cellSize + _cellSize / 2; var targetY:Number = _path[_index].y * _cellSize + _cellSize / 2; var dx:Number = targetX - _player.x; var dy:Number = targetY - _player.y; var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (dist < 1){ _index++; if (_index >= _path.length){ isClick = false; } } else { _player.x += dx * .5; _player.y += dy * .5; path.graphics.lineTo(_player.x, _player.y); } } } } import flash.geom.Point; class AStar { //private var _open:Array; private var _open:BinaryHeap; private var _grid:Grid; private var _endNode:Node; private var _startNode:Node; private var _path:Array; private var _floydPath:Array; public var heuristic:Function; private var _straightCost:Number = 1.0; private var _diagCost:Number = Math.SQRT2; private var nowversion:int = 1; public function AStar(grid:Grid){ this._grid = grid; heuristic = euclidian2; } private function justMin(x:Object, y:Object):Boolean { return x.f < y.f; } public function findPath():Boolean { _endNode = _grid.endNode; nowversion++; _startNode = _grid.startNode; //_open = []; _open = new BinaryHeap(justMin); _startNode.g = 0; return search(); } public function floyd():void { if (path == null) return; _floydPath = path.concat(); var len:int = _floydPath.length; if (len > 2){ var vector:Node = new Node(0, 0); var tempVector:Node = new Node(0, 0); floydVector(vector, _floydPath[len - 1], _floydPath[len - 2]); for (var i:int = _floydPath.length - 3; i >= 0; i--){ floydVector(tempVector, _floydPath[i + 1], _floydPath[i]); if (vector.x == tempVector.x && vector.y == tempVector.y){ _floydPath.splice(i + 1, 1); } else { vector.x = tempVector.x; vector.y = tempVector.y; } } } len = _floydPath.length; for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--){ for (var j:int = 0; j <= i - 2; j++){ if (floydCrossAble(_floydPath[i], _floydPath[j])){ for (var k:int = i - 1; k > j; k--){ _floydPath.splice(k, 1); } i = j; len = _floydPath.length; break; } } } } private function floydCrossAble(n1:Node, n2:Node):Boolean { var ps:Array = bresenhamNodes(new Point(n1.x, n1.y), new Point(n2.x, n2.y)); for (var i:int = ps.length - 2; i > 0; i--){ if (!_grid.getNode(ps[i].x, ps[i].y).walkable){ return false; } } return true; } private function bresenhamNodes(p1:Point, p2:Point):Array { var steep:Boolean = Math.abs(p2.y - p1.y) > Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x); if (steep){ var temp:int = p1.x; p1.x = p1.y; p1.y = temp; temp = p2.x; p2.x = p2.y; p2.y = temp; } var stepX:int = p2.x > p1.x ? 1 : (p2.x < p1.x ? -1 : 0); var stepY:int = p2.y > p1.y ? 1 : (p2.y < p1.y ? -1 : 0); var deltay:Number = (p2.y - p1.y) / Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x); var ret:Array = []; var nowX:Number = p1.x + stepX; var nowY:Number = p1.y + deltay; if (steep){ ret.push(new Point(p1.y, p1.x)); } else { ret.push(new Point(p1.x, p1.y)); } while (nowX != p2.x){ var fy:int = Math.floor(nowY) var cy:int = Math.ceil(nowY); if (steep){ ret.push(new Point(fy, nowX)); } else { ret.push(new Point(nowX, fy)); } if (fy != cy){ if (steep){ ret.push(new Point(cy, nowX)); } else { ret.push(new Point(nowX, cy)); } } nowX += stepX; nowY += deltay; } if (steep){ ret.push(new Point(p2.y, p2.x)); } else { ret.push(new Point(p2.x, p2.y)); } return ret; } private function floydVector(target:Node, n1:Node, n2:Node):void { target.x = n1.x - n2.x; target.y = n1.y - n2.y; } public function search():Boolean { var node:Node = _startNode; node.version = nowversion; while (node != _endNode){ var len:int = node.links.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++){ var test:Node = node.links[i].node; var cost:Number = node.links[i].cost; var g:Number = node.g + cost; var h:Number = heuristic(test); var f:Number = g + h; if (test.version == nowversion){ if (test.f > f){ test.f = f; test.g = g; test.h = h; test.parent = node; } } else { test.f = f; test.g = g; test.h = h; test.parent = node; _open.ins(test); test.version = nowversion; } } if (_open.a.length == 1){ return false; } node = _open.pop() as Node; } buildPath(); return true; } private function buildPath():void { _path = []; var node:Node = _endNode; _path.push(node); while (node != _startNode){ node = node.parent; _path.unshift(node); } } public function get path():Array { return _path; } public function get floydPath():Array { return _floydPath; } public function manhattan(node:Node):Number { return Math.abs(node.x - _endNode.x) + Math.abs(node.y - _endNode.y); } public function manhattan2(node:Node):Number { var dx:Number = Math.abs(node.x - _endNode.x); var dy:Number = Math.abs(node.y - _endNode.y); return dx + dy + Math.abs(dx - dy) / 1000; } public function euclidian(node:Node):Number { var dx:Number = node.x - _endNode.x; var dy:Number = node.y - _endNode.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } private var TwoOneTwoZero:Number = 2 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 3); public function chineseCheckersEuclidian2(node:Node):Number { var y:int = node.y / TwoOneTwoZero; var x:int = node.x + node.y / 2; var dx:Number = x - _endNode.x - _endNode.y / 2; var dy:Number = y - _endNode.y / TwoOneTwoZero; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } private function sqrt(x:Number):Number { return Math.sqrt(x); } public function euclidian2(node:Node):Number { var dx:Number = node.x - _endNode.x; var dy:Number = node.y - _endNode.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } public function diagonal(node:Node):Number { var dx:Number = Math.abs(node.x - _endNode.x); var dy:Number = Math.abs(node.y - _endNode.y); var diag:Number = Math.min(dx, dy); var straight:Number = dx + dy; return _diagCost * diag + _straightCost * (straight - 2 * diag); } } class BinaryHeap { public var a:Array = []; public var justMinFun:Function = function(x:Object, y:Object):Boolean { return x < y; }; public function BinaryHeap(justMinFun:Function = null){ a.push(-1); if (justMinFun != null) this.justMinFun = justMinFun; } public function ins(value:Object):void { var p:int = a.length; a[p] = value; var pp:int = p >> 1; while (p > 1 && justMinFun(a[p], a[pp])){ var temp:Object = a[p]; a[p] = a[pp]; a[pp] = temp; p = pp; pp = p >> 1; } } public function pop():Object { var min:Object = a[1]; a[1] = a[a.length - 1]; a.pop(); var p:int = 1; var l:int = a.length; var sp1:int = p << 1; var sp2:int = sp1 + 1; while (sp1 < l){ if (sp2 < l){ var minp:int = justMinFun(a[sp2], a[sp1]) ? sp2 : sp1; } else { minp = sp1; } if (justMinFun(a[minp], a[p])){ var temp:Object = a[p]; a[p] = a[minp]; a[minp] = temp; p = minp; sp1 = p << 1; sp2 = sp1 + 1; } else { break; } } return min; } } class Grid { private var _startNode:Node; private var _endNode:Node; private var _nodes:Array; private var _numCols:int; private var _numRows:int; private var type:int; private var _straightCost:Number = 1.0; private var _diagCost:Number = Math.SQRT2; public function Grid(numCols:int, numRows:int){ _numCols = numCols; _numRows = numRows; _nodes = new Array(); for (var i:int = 0; i < _numCols; i++){ _nodes[i] = new Array(); for (var j:int = 0; j < _numRows; j++){ _nodes[i][j] = new Node(i, j); } } } /** * * @param type 0四方向 1八方向 2跳棋 */ public function calculateLinks(type:int = 0):void { this.type = type; for (var i:int = 0; i < _numCols; i++){ for (var j:int = 0; j < _numRows; j++){ initNodeLink(_nodes[i][j], type); } } } public function getType():int { return type; } /** * * @param node * @param type 0八方向 1四方向 2跳棋 */ private function initNodeLink(node:Node, type:int):void { var startX:int = Math.max(0, node.x - 1); var endX:int = Math.min(numCols - 1, node.x + 1); var startY:int = Math.max(0, node.y - 1); var endY:int = Math.min(numRows - 1, node.y + 1); node.links = []; for (var i:int = startX; i <= endX; i++){ for (var j:int = startY; j <= endY; j++){ var test:Node = getNode(i, j); if (test == node || !test.walkable){ continue; } if (type != 2 && i != node.x && j != node.y){ var test2:Node = getNode(node.x, j); if (!test2.walkable){ continue; } test2 = getNode(i, node.y); if (!test2.walkable){ continue; } } var cost:Number = _straightCost; if (!((node.x == test.x) || (node.y == test.y))){ if (type == 1){ continue; } if (type == 2 && (node.x - test.x) * (node.y - test.y) == 1){ continue; } if (type == 2){ cost = _straightCost; } else { cost = _diagCost; } } node.links.push(new Link(test, cost)); } } } public function getNode(x:int, y:int):Node { return _nodes[x][y]; } public function setEndNode(x:int, y:int):void { _endNode = _nodes[x][y]; } public function setStartNode(x:int, y:int):void { _startNode = _nodes[x][y]; } public function setWalkable(x:int, y:int, value:Boolean):void { _nodes[x][y].walkable = value; } public function get endNode():Node { return _endNode; } public function get numCols():int { return _numCols; } public function get numRows():int { return _numRows; } public function get startNode():Node { return _startNode; } } class Link { public var node:Node; public var cost:Number; public function Link(node:Node, cost:Number){ this.node = node; this.cost = cost; } } class Node { public var x:int; public var y:int; public var f:Number; public var g:Number; public var h:Number; public var walkable:Boolean = true; public var parent:Node; //public var costMultiplier:Number = 1.0; public var version:int = 1; public var links:Array; //public var index:int; public function Node(x:int, y:int){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } public function toString():String { return "x:" + x + " y:" + y; } }
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- **Floyd-Warshall算法**:由罗伯特·弗洛伊德和劳伦斯·沃舍尔提出,适用于所有节点对之间的最短路径计算,尤其适合处理负权重边的情况。 - **Bellman-Ford算法**:由理查德·贝尔曼和劳伦斯·福特提出,能够...
本文将详细介绍四种经典的寻路算法:A*(A-star)、迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)、SPFA(Shortest Path Faster Algorithm)以及弗洛伊德(Floyd-Warshall)算法。 首先,我们来看A*算法。A*算法是一种启发式搜索算法,它...
7. **Yen's K_shortest_paths算法** 当需要找到多条最短路径时,Yen的算法是一个不错的选择。它可以找到k条具有不同结构的最短路径,避免了简单的重复路径。 在Android开发中,理解并熟练运用这些最短路径算法对于...
3. **弗洛伊德-沃瑟斯坦(Floyd-Warshall)算法**:该算法适用于所有节点对之间的最短路径。通过动态规划的方法,它逐步考虑所有中间节点,逐步填充一个距离矩阵,最终得到所有节点间的最短路径。 4. **A*搜索算法*...
3. **弗洛伊德-沃普斯算法 (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm)**:此算法用于求解所有对最短路径问题,即找出图中任意两个节点间的最短路径。通过动态规划的方法,它在O(V^3)的时间复杂度内完成计算,V为节点数。虽然它同样...
3. **弗洛伊德算法 (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm)**:这是一个动态规划方法,可以一次性找出图中所有节点对的最短路径。它通过不断更新距离矩阵,直到矩阵稳定,适用于所有类型的边权重。 4. **A* 搜索算法 (A* ...
这款程序的核心算法是弗洛伊德(Floyd-Warshall)最短路径算法,它在计算机科学领域具有广泛的应用,尤其是在图论和网络优化问题中。 首先,我们要理解电脑鼠走迷宫的基本概念。电脑鼠是一种微型机器人,通常配备有...