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Nagios configuration Tools (Web frontends or GUI)

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Nagios is the industry standard in enterprise-class monitoring for good reason. It allows you to gain insight into your network and fix problems before customers know they even exist. It’s stable, scalable, supported, and extensible.

Here is a list of nagios 3.x web frontends or GUI tools that you might find useful if you are looking for a web interface to administer your nagios configuration.


NConf is a PHP based web-tool for configuring the Nagios monitoring software. It differs from similar tools by offering enterprise-class features like service templates, dependencies and to configure a large-scale, distributed Nagios server topology.

Current Version :- 1.2.4-0

Project Home page :- http://sourceforge.net/projects/nconf/


Centreon is a network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool, it is based upon the most effective Open Source monitoring engine : Nagios.

Current Version :- 2.0.1

Project Home page :- http://www.centreon.com/


The Lilac Platform is a collection of tools to enhance existing open source monitoring applications. Currently the focus is on the Lilac Configurator, a configuration tool written to configure Nagios, a popular Network monitoring application.

Current Version :- 1.0rc2

Project Home page :- http://www.lilacplatform.com/


NagiosQL is a web based administration tool for Nagios 2 and Nagios 3. It helps you to easily build a complex configuration with all options, manage and use them. NagiosQL is based on a webserver with PHP, MySQL and local file or remote access to the Nagios configuration files.

Current Version :- 3.0.2

Project Home page :- http://www.nagiosql.org


This is the Ignoramus- A Nagios Config Generator project (”ignoramus-anagi”).IGNORAMUS is a Config Generator / Editor for Nagios 3.0.

Current Version :- 0.2.3

Project Home page :- http://ignoramus-anagi.sourceforge.net/


Monarch is a web-based engine for the configuration and management of the Nagios network monitoring system. It is included as a component of GroundWork Monitor Open Source, a full featured and highly integrated IT monitoring solution.

Current Version :- 2.5

Project Home page :- http://sourceforge.net/projects/monarch

Nagios Control PaneL (NCPL)

NCPL is a webbased solution written in PERL for configuring Nagios. NCPL gives you centralized control over remote Nagios systems from a central server and permits to edit and install new config files. It uses MySQL to store configuration data.

Current Version :- 1.000.051

Project Home page :- http://sourceforge.net/projects/ncpl/


A PHP/MySQL web front-end for Nagios setup. With the ability to add/remove/edit the config items. The web front-end for NAGIOS has the ability to test the config. We want to build a simple possibility to find and show all the features in NAGIOS.

Current Version :- 1.6.4

Project Home page :- http://nag2web.de/


Opsview is a fully integrated monitoring tool that incorporates popular Open Source software including Nagios, Net-SNMP and RRDtool. The Catalyst web framework provides an extensible monitoring and configuration user interface. Opsview server software runs on Linux and Solaris 10. It will monitor all common operating systems including Linux, AIX, Solaris and Windows.

Current Version :- 3.0.3

Project Home page :- http://opsview.org


Ossim stands for Open Source Security Information Management. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive compilation of tools which, when working together, grant a network/security administrator with detailed view over each and every aspect of his networks/hosts/physical access devices/server/etc… Besides getting the best out of well known open source tools, some of which are quickly described below these lines, ossim provides a strong correlation engine, detailed low, mid and high level visualization interfaces as well as reporting and incident managing tools, working on a set of defined assets such as hosts, networks, groups and services.
Integrating Snort, Acid/Base, MRTG, NTOP, Nagios, NMAP, Nessus and RRDTool we want the user to have full control over every network or security aspect.

Current Version :- 1.0.0rc1

Project Home page :- http://www.ossim.net/

NagiosAdmin (German)

NagiosAdmin is a web-based management tool for Nagios written in PHP. You can easily add new servers to the running Nagios-installation.

Current Version :- 0.9.2

Project Home page :- http://www.nagiosadmin.de

Nagios Configurator

Nagios Configurator is PHP based webinterface, import/export nagios configuration files, graphical representation of services, dependencies etc. for confirmation and documentation of Nagios implementation. Works independently with all versions of Nagios

Current Version :- 0.1

Project Home page :- http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagiosconfig/




    Nagios Tools是由Esty公司开发的一系列与Nagios相关的辅助工具,旨在增强Nagios的核心功能,提供更高效、便捷的管理和监控体验。这个"nagios_tools.zip"压缩包很可能是Nagios Tools项目的源代码或者相关脚本集合。 ...


    《Nagios Tools详解及其组件解析》 Nagios Tools,作为一个广泛使用的系统监控解决方案,其核心在于及时发现并报告网络和服务的异常状态,确保企业的IT基础设施稳定运行。本篇文章将深入探讨Nagios Tools的主要组件...


    ### Nagios监控Linux主机、Web服务及其实现飞信自动报警 #### 一、Nagios简介 Nagios是一款非常强大的开源网络监控系统,它主要用于监控计算机系统的各种服务状态,比如服务器硬件健康状况、应用软件运行状态、...

    Nagios.zip 网络监控系统

    Nagios 是一种开源的网络监控系统,可用于监控网络设备、服务器和应用程序。它提供了强大的监控和报警功能,使网络管理员能够实时了解系统的状态并及时采取措施。 Nagios 具有以下主要功能: 监控服务:Nagios 可以...


    安装和配置Nagios通常需要按照一定的顺序进行,首先安装Nagios Core,然后配置监控对象和通知方式,接着安装和配置NRPE或NSClient++(如果需要监控远程主机),再安装Nagios Plugins,最后设置Web界面,完成汉化工作...

    Nagios 搭建+配置(包含Nagios英文版、中文版安装包)

    5. **重启Nagios和Apache**:确保配置文件无误后,重启Nagios守护进程和Apache web服务器。 ``` sudo /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg sudo systemctl restart nagios sudo ...




    - 配置CGI接口,使Nagios可以通过Web界面查看和管理监控状态。 5. 安装和配置Web服务器(Apache): - 安装Apache并配置其与Nagios的集成,确保Nagios的CGI脚本可访问。 - 设置Apache的DocumentRoot指向Nagios的...


    1. 启动Apache服务,确保Nagios可以通过Web界面访问。 2. 配置Nagios监控项,如主机、服务和时间周期,然后重启Nagios服务。 3. 访问Nagios Web界面(如http://yourserver/nagios),使用之前创建的nagios用户登录,...


    Nagios的Web界面依赖于CGI脚本,因此需要为Apache配置CGI支持: ```bash sudo cp contrib/init.d/nagios /etc/init.d/ sudo chkconfig --add nagios sudo chkconfig nagios on sudo service httpd restart ``` ...


    Nagios是一款广泛使用的开源网络监控系统,它能够监控网络服务、主机以及各种系统资源,及时发现并通知系统管理员可能出现的问题。在“Nagios监控服务器架设”过程中,我们需要了解和掌握以下几个关键知识点: 1. *...


    此外,别忘了配置Nagios的Web界面,将Nagios用户添加到Apache的`/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf`配置文件中的`&lt;Directory&gt;`块,允许访问Nagios Web界面。 在完成所有配置后,重启Nagios服务以应用更改。可以通过`...

    NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool-开源

    1. **Web界面**:通过Web界面,管理员可以方便地创建、编辑和管理Nagios的监控配置,无需直接操作文本配置文件,降低了配置错误的可能性。 2. **对象管理**:支持主机、服务、主机群组和服务群组等Nagios对象的管理...


    ### Nagios中文完整版知识点详解 #### 一、Nagios概述 - **定义与功能:** - **Nagios**是一款强大的开源系统及网络监视工具,它能够监控所指定的本地或远程主机以及服务,并提供异常通知等功能。Nagios支持多种...

    Lilac-Reloaded - Nagios Configuration-开源

    1. **易用性**:与原生Nagios的命令行界面相比,Lilac-Reloaded采用了直观的Web UI设计,使得管理员能够更轻松地配置和管理Nagios监控系统,无需深入学习复杂的Nagios命令行语法。 2. **轻量级**:尽管增加了丰富的...


    分别启动Nagios服务和Apache服务,以便Nagios开始监控和Web界面正常工作。 Nagios的配置文件主要位于`/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects`目录下,包括服务器端和客户端的配置。对于Linux服务器的监控,主要参考`/usr/...


    2. **安装Web配置**:为了使Nagios能够通过Web界面访问,需要安装Apache配置文件: ```bash make install-webconf ``` 3. **创建Web用户**:创建一个名为`nagiosadmin`的Web用户,用于登录Web界面: ```bash ...


    * Nagios Web 界面:提供了一个友好的 Web 界面,管理员可以通过 Web 界面来监控设备的状态。 * 插件:Nagios 提供了许多插件,以监控不同的设备或服务,例如 SNMP 插件、HTTP 插件等。 三、 Nagios 原理 Nagios ...

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