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db2 SQL: value(), values(), with, recursive SQL
-- comment should be on a separate line outside an SQL statement
select 1 from (values 1) as aa -- this is not a valid db2 comment
way to create simple tests against dynamic table:
select 'a' as col1,'b' as col2 from table (values 1) as dummy
or shorter:
select 'a','b' from (values 1) qq
In fact, for simple tests you don't even need select and a dummy table.
values ( 'mama', 1)
values (cast (2.5 as decimal(10,3)) * cast (2.5 as decimal(10,3)) )
using cast( ) and values( ), building null values on the fly:
'abc' as col1,
cast(null as varchar(80)) as col2
table (values (1,2),(3,4)) as dummy
Hint how to make running tests from the prompt easy:
I create 2 aliases:
alias vv='vi test.sql'
alias rr='db2 -tvf test.sql'
Type 'vv' to edit test.sql file (remember - you should end each SQL statement with a semicolon ';')
Then type 'rr' to run this SQL.
simple insert:
insert into inst1.test (A) values ('a'), ('b'), ('c')
using case:
when 1<2 then 'mama'
when 1>2 then 'papa'
as person
from table (values 1) as qq
select 'mama' concat ' papa' from table (values 1) as qq;
select 'mama' || ' papa' from table (values 1) as qq;
union, intersect & except:
select .. from T1 union T2 - remove duplicates
select .. from T1 union all T2 -- preserve duplicates
select .. from T1 intersect T2 - remove duplicates
select .. from T1 intersect all T2 -- contains min number of repetition
select .. from T1 except T2 - remove duplicates, then do except
select .. from T1 except all T2 do except, then remove duplicates
value( ) function:
-- value() function - accepts a variable number of parameteres and returns a
first non-null value
-- parameters should be of compatible types
-- the actual name for this function is coalesce() - means "to arise from a
combination of distinct elements"
select value(1,2) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 1
select value(cast(null as int),2) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 2
select value(cast(null as int),cast(null as int),3) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 3
2 ways (common table and inline table expression) to define table dynamically in the SQL statement:
with tree (id,pid) as (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
select * from tree
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 [NULL]
5 3
6 5
-------------------------------------------- another way to do the same
select * from (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
as a
Getting root of the tree using recursive SQL:
tree (id,pid) as (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
rr (id,pid) as (
select tr.id, tr.pid from tree tr where tr.id=1
union all
select tt.id,tt.pid from tree tt, rr
where tt.id = rr.pid
select id from rr where rr.pid is null
More recursive SQL:
We have table storing a tree (each row has id and parent_id).
To get root id for a given id (12345) we fill out temporary table rr:
first with given id and its parent_id. Then union with recursively calculated
id and parent_id as we go up the tree:
with rr (parent_id, id) as
select p.parent_id, p.id
from mytree p
where p.id = 12345
union all
select p.parent_id, p.id
from mytree p, rr
where p.id = rr.parent_id
select id ROOT from rr where parent_id is null;
Here is an example going in the oposite direction (down the tree). We showing the whole tree under a given id:
with rr (id, level) as
select id, 1
from mytree
where id = 10001
union all
select child.id, parent.level + 1
from mytree child, rr parent
where parent.id = child.parent_id
select * from rr;
10001 1
29361 2
23044 3
25162 3
25302 3
Here is how to combine 2 above queries together:
-- Given any node in any tree, this query will drill up to the top
-- level of the tree, and then query down to give all nodes that exist
-- within the tree (i.e. given any node_id, show the whole
-- tree that contains it).
-- Note: This query will never go deeper than 'stop_level' levels (10).
with rec_root (parent_id, child_id, sub_query, level, stop_level) as
select my_parent_id, my_id, 1, 0, 0
from mydb.mytable
where my_id = 25162
union all
select parent.my_parent_id, parent.my_id, 2, 1, child.level + 1
from mydb.mytable parent, rec_root child
where parent.my_id = child.parent_id
and sub_query in (1,2)
and child.stop_level < 10
union all
select my_parent_id, my_id, 3, parent3.level + 1, parent3.level + 1
from rec_root parent3, mydb.mytable child3
where parent3.child_id = child3.my_parent_id
and ( (parent3.sub_query = 2 and parent3.parent_id is null)
or parent3.sub_query = 3
and parent3.stop_level < 10
select * from rec_root
where parent_id is null
or sub_query = 3;
-- comment should be on a separate line outside an SQL statement
select 1 from (values 1) as aa -- this is not a valid db2 comment
way to create simple tests against dynamic table:
select 'a' as col1,'b' as col2 from table (values 1) as dummy
or shorter:
select 'a','b' from (values 1) qq
In fact, for simple tests you don't even need select and a dummy table.
values ( 'mama', 1)
values (cast (2.5 as decimal(10,3)) * cast (2.5 as decimal(10,3)) )
using cast( ) and values( ), building null values on the fly:
'abc' as col1,
cast(null as varchar(80)) as col2
table (values (1,2),(3,4)) as dummy
Hint how to make running tests from the prompt easy:
I create 2 aliases:
alias vv='vi test.sql'
alias rr='db2 -tvf test.sql'
Type 'vv' to edit test.sql file (remember - you should end each SQL statement with a semicolon ';')
Then type 'rr' to run this SQL.
simple insert:
insert into inst1.test (A) values ('a'), ('b'), ('c')
using case:
when 1<2 then 'mama'
when 1>2 then 'papa'
as person
from table (values 1) as qq
select 'mama' concat ' papa' from table (values 1) as qq;
select 'mama' || ' papa' from table (values 1) as qq;
union, intersect & except:
select .. from T1 union T2 - remove duplicates
select .. from T1 union all T2 -- preserve duplicates
select .. from T1 intersect T2 - remove duplicates
select .. from T1 intersect all T2 -- contains min number of repetition
select .. from T1 except T2 - remove duplicates, then do except
select .. from T1 except all T2 do except, then remove duplicates
value( ) function:
-- value() function - accepts a variable number of parameteres and returns a
first non-null value
-- parameters should be of compatible types
-- the actual name for this function is coalesce() - means "to arise from a
combination of distinct elements"
select value(1,2) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 1
select value(cast(null as int),2) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 2
select value(cast(null as int),cast(null as int),3) from (values 1) as aa
-- returns 3
2 ways (common table and inline table expression) to define table dynamically in the SQL statement:
with tree (id,pid) as (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
select * from tree
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 [NULL]
5 3
6 5
-------------------------------------------- another way to do the same
select * from (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
as a
Getting root of the tree using recursive SQL:
tree (id,pid) as (
values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4, cast(null as int)), (5,3), (6,5)
rr (id,pid) as (
select tr.id, tr.pid from tree tr where tr.id=1
union all
select tt.id,tt.pid from tree tt, rr
where tt.id = rr.pid
select id from rr where rr.pid is null
More recursive SQL:
We have table storing a tree (each row has id and parent_id).
To get root id for a given id (12345) we fill out temporary table rr:
first with given id and its parent_id. Then union with recursively calculated
id and parent_id as we go up the tree:
with rr (parent_id, id) as
select p.parent_id, p.id
from mytree p
where p.id = 12345
union all
select p.parent_id, p.id
from mytree p, rr
where p.id = rr.parent_id
select id ROOT from rr where parent_id is null;
Here is an example going in the oposite direction (down the tree). We showing the whole tree under a given id:
with rr (id, level) as
select id, 1
from mytree
where id = 10001
union all
select child.id, parent.level + 1
from mytree child, rr parent
where parent.id = child.parent_id
select * from rr;
10001 1
29361 2
23044 3
25162 3
25302 3
Here is how to combine 2 above queries together:
-- Given any node in any tree, this query will drill up to the top
-- level of the tree, and then query down to give all nodes that exist
-- within the tree (i.e. given any node_id, show the whole
-- tree that contains it).
-- Note: This query will never go deeper than 'stop_level' levels (10).
with rec_root (parent_id, child_id, sub_query, level, stop_level) as
select my_parent_id, my_id, 1, 0, 0
from mydb.mytable
where my_id = 25162
union all
select parent.my_parent_id, parent.my_id, 2, 1, child.level + 1
from mydb.mytable parent, rec_root child
where parent.my_id = child.parent_id
and sub_query in (1,2)
and child.stop_level < 10
union all
select my_parent_id, my_id, 3, parent3.level + 1, parent3.level + 1
from rec_root parent3, mydb.mytable child3
where parent3.child_id = child3.my_parent_id
and ( (parent3.sub_query = 2 and parent3.parent_id is null)
or parent3.sub_query = 3
and parent3.stop_level < 10
select * from rec_root
where parent_id is null
or sub_query = 3;
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在支持`WITH RECURSIVE`的数据库(如PostgreSQL、SQL Server)中,递归查询的通用语法如下: ```sql WITH RECURSIVE cte_name AS ( -- 初始化子查询(非递归部分) SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_...
postgre sql recursive sql. 在postgoresql 中使用recursive的脚本实现循环查询结果
使用标准 DH 参数描述的开放运动链的递归 Newton-Euler 逆动力学可选的: 机器人工具箱用于比较: http : //www.petercorke.com/RTB/ 下载并解压缩文件。 使用“pathtool”命令将路径添加到 MATLAB。...
WITH RECURSIVE hierarchy(id, parent_id) AS ( SELECT id, parent_id FROM table WHERE id = root_id UNION ALL SELECT t.id, t.parent_id FROM table t JOIN hierarchy h ON t.parent_id = h.id ) SELECT * ...
### SQL中的WITH...AS语句详解 在SQL中,`WITH...AS`是一种非常有用的特性,主要用于定义公用表表达式(Common Table Expression,简称CTE)。通过CTE,我们可以更清晰地组织复杂的查询语句,并且能够提高某些类型...
### SQL_WITH_AS实现父子递归查询 #### 一、引言与背景 在现实的软件开发项目中,处理具有层级关系的数据是一项常见的需求。比如在组织结构、产品分类、地理位置等多个场景下,都需要管理和展示这样的父子关系数据...
- **SQL Server:** SQL Server提供了类似的SELECT语句结构,但并不支持`START WITH ... CONNECT BY` 子句。为了实现层次结构查询,可以使用递归公共表表达式(Recursive CTEs)。 ```sql SELECT select_list ...
在SQL中,`WITH`语句,也称为公共表表达式(Common Table Expression,简称CTE),是一种非常有用的工具,特别是在处理递归查询时。它允许我们定义一个临时的结果集,这个结果集可以在同一个查询中被多次引用,提高...
- **中文名**: SQL袖珍参考手册(第3版,涵盖DB2,MySQL,Oracle,PostgreSQL,SQL Server) - **原名**: SQL Pocket Guide: A Guide to SQL Usage - **作者**: Jonathan Gennick - **资源格式**: PDF - **版本**: ...
6)DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature; 7)YOLOv6: A Single-Stage Object Detection Framework for Industrial Applications; 8)YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art ...
6)DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature; 7)YOLOv6: A Single-Stage Object Detection Framework for Industrial Applications; 8)YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art ...
6)DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature; 7)YOLOv6: A Single-Stage Object Detection Framework for Industrial Applications; 8)YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art ...
SQL Server中的递归查询主要通过CTE(公共表表达式)来实现,它是一种非常强大的工具,特别适用于处理层次结构数据。CTE是T-SQL脚本中的临时结果集,可以用于复杂的查询,尤其是需要递归操作的情况。本文将深入探讨...
- **递归查询**:使用WITH和RECURSIVE关键字处理层次结构数据。 - **并行查询**:在多处理器系统上加速查询执行。 学习并熟练掌握这些SQL语句将使你能够高效地操作和管理数据库,无论是在开发、数据分析还是...
12 ORA‐00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2 13 ORA‐01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 7 with name 14 "_SYSSMU7_4222772309$" too small 15 Process ID: 1730 16 Session ID: 1996 ...
重温 Iso-Recursive 子类型化(工件)抽象的这个包包含与论文“Revisiting Iso-Recursive Subtyping”相关的 Coq 公式。 本文档解释了如何运行 Coq 公式。入门我们强烈建议您通过opam2安装 Coq 证明助手。 安装 (>=...
- **MS SQL Server** 使用 `WITH RECURSIVE` 进行递归查询。 - **PostgreSQL** 同样支持使用 `WITH RECURSIVE`。 #### 系统对象名(表名、索引等)大小写敏感性 - **PostgreSQL** 默认对标识符(如表名、列名等)是...
Delve into the internal architecture of T-SQL—and unveil the power of set-based querying—with comprehensive reference and advice from a highly regarded T-SQL expert and members of Microsoft's SQL ...