Starting working with DB2 on unix:
You have to install dbd2 client software on your unix workstation and reboot it.
You have to source a db2profile file with all necessary environment
You have to catalog properly, for example:
db2 catalog tcpip node xxx remote somer_server server some_port
db2 catalog db some_db at node xxx
db2 connect to some_db
db2 list database directory
db2 catalog db sample at node xxx
db2 connect to sample
db2 "select * from syscat.tables fetch first 5 rows only"
(note the quotes around select - to hide from shell processing)
db2 -tvf myfile.sql - to run many commands from a file. Don't forget to separate SQL statments with ";"
db2 "select char(reviewed_date, ISO) from oe.OE_contact fetch first 10 rows only"
《Starting Out with C++》是一本非常经典的C++编程入门书籍,由Anthony G. Caine撰写,Addison-Wesley出版社出版。这本书以其深入浅出的讲解方式和丰富的实例,深受全球程序员和初学者的喜爱,许多中文版的C++教程...
《Starting Out With Python》是一本针对Python编程语言的入门教程,由Tony Gaddis编写,Pearson出版社出版。本书为全球教育定制的特别版,由Pearson教育集团与全球各地的教育工作者合作,经过修改、定制和适应,以...
2. 该教材名为《Starting Out with Visual Basic® 2012 Sixth Edition》,属于“Starting Out With”系列教程,是由Tony Gaddis 和 Kip Irvine撰写。教材第六版的出版年份为2012年。 3. 教材的出版商为Pearson ...
Starting out with Visual C# 2012.3Ed
Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through Objects(6th) 英文无水印pdf 第6版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn...
《Starting out with C++》是一本专为C++初学者设计的教材,旨在帮助读者从零开始学习这门强大的编程语言。这本书详细介绍了C++的基础概念、语法和编程技巧,涵盖了从基本的数据类型和控制结构到面向对象编程的深度...
《Starting Out with Java: Early Objects》是一本针对初学者的Java教材,它采用了“早起对象”作为教学的重点,意在让学习者在初学阶段就能够理解并运用面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)的...
《Starting Out with C++ Early Objects 5th Edition》是一本专为初学者设计的C++编程教科书,由著名计算机教育家Tony Gaddis撰写。这本书是第五版,旨在全面介绍C++编程语言,特别关注面向对象的概念。C++是一种...
《Starting Out with C++:From Control Structures through Objects》第八版是一本广泛应用于美国高等教育领域的经典C++编程教材。该书由托尼·加迪斯(Tony Gaddis)编写,他是海伍德社区学院的一名教授,在计算机...
In Starting Out with Python®, Third Edition Tony Gaddis’ evenly-paced, accessible coverage introduces students to the basics of programming and prepares them to transition into more complicated ...
[17:16:33] Starting DB2 snapshot data collector, collection every 15 second(s), max duration 20 minute(s), max file growth/hour 100.0M, hit <CTRL+C> to cancel [17:16:33] Writing to 'db2snap-mydb-AIX64...