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Helix Server+HelixProducer实现直播(绝对可以用)


Broadcasting a Stream

This section explains the basic steps for broadcasting a stream without creating a clip. Perform this step on the computer that has RealProducer installed.

Step 1: Encode a Music Stream

This step sets up RealProducer to encode a continuous stream from the music CD, and send the stream to Helix Server.

To create a live stream:
  1. Place a music CD in the computer's CD tray, and play it using the computer's CD player.
  2. Note: RealJukebox and RealPlayer do not initialize the audio device needed for encoding. If one of these programs launches to play the CD, stop the playback, start the computer's general CD player, and play the CD.
  3. Start RealProducer and give the File>New Job command.
  4. In the left-hand input section, click the Devices radio button, and select the audio device from the Audio pull-down list.
  5. Choose File>Add Destination Server. In the dialog box, leave the default settings, except for the following:
    1. Enter any destination name, such as My Helix Server.
    2. Use the stream name live.rm.
    3. For the server address, enter the IP address of the computer on which you installed Helix Server. If your RealProducer and Helix Server are on the same IPv4 machine, you can use For an IPv6 machine, use ::1.
    4. In the User Name and Password boxes, type the same user name and password you use for logging in to Helix Administrator.
  6. If you encoded an on-demand clip as described in the preceding tutorial, select that clip name in the Destination box, then click the trash icon to delete it. Your destination server name should be highlighted in the Destination box.
  7. Click the Encode button. After you have verified the broadcast in the following steps, you can turn off the encoding by clicking Stop.

Step 2: Write a Web Page Link (Optional)

Create a link for the clip in an HTML page served by your Web server. Use the following link format, in which you substitute your Helix Server's computer name or IP address for address:

<a href="http://address:HTTPport/ramgen/broadcast/live.rm">Click here</a>

You do not need to include the HTTP port number if you selected port 80 during the installation. Here is an example:

<a href="http://helixserver.example.com/ramgen/broadcast/live.rm">Click here</a>

If your RealPlayer is on the same machine as your Helix Server, you can typically use the local host address:

<a href="http://localhost/ramgen/broadcast/live.rm">Click here</a>
For More Information: The /ramgen/ parameter, which is described in "Launching Media Players and Opening URLs", causes the Web browser to start RealPlayer.

Step 3: Play the Broadcast

If you created a Web page link, browse the page and click the broadcast link. If you did not create a Web page link, launch RealPlayer, give the File>Open Location command, and enter the following URL:


You do not need to include the RTSP port number if you selected port 554 during the installation. Here is an example:


If your RealPlayer is on the same machine as your Helix Server, you can typically use the local host address:

Note: There may be few seconds of delay before playback commences. This slight broadcasting latency helps to ensure reliability.


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