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Mina 过滤器定义:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376161
Mina 日志过滤器与引用计数过滤器:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376226
Mina 过滤链默认构建器:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375985
EntryImpl是过滤器在过滤链上存在的形式,EntryImpl有一个前驱和一个后继,内部包裹一个过滤器 with name,及过滤器的后继过滤器NextFilter。后继过滤器NextFilter的传递IoHandler和IoSession事件的方法,主要是将事件转发给后继Entry对应的过滤器。
从上面来看,HeadFilter触发IoHandler和IoSession事件时,将事件传递给后继过滤器;但对于IoSession write/close事件除了传递事件外,需要调用实际的事件操作doWrite/doClose,这两个方法需要子类扩展实现。
EntryImpl是过滤器在过滤链上存在的形式,EntryImpl有一个前驱和一个后继,内部包裹一个过滤器 with name,及过滤器的后继过滤器NextFilter。后继过滤器NextFilter的传递IoHandler和IoSession事件的方法,主要是将事件转发给后继Entry对应的过滤器。过滤链头为HeadFilter,链尾为TailFilter。
HeadFilter触发IoHandler和IoSession事件时,将事件传递给后继过滤器;但对于IoSession write/close事件除了传递事件外,需要调用实际的事件操作doWrite/doClose,这两个方法需要子类扩展实现。
Mina 日志过滤器与引用计数过滤器:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376226
Mina 过滤链默认构建器:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375985
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.mina.common.ConnectFuture; import org.apache.mina.common.IdleStatus; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilter; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilterAdapter; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilterChain; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilterLifeCycleException; import org.apache.mina.common.IoSession; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilter.NextFilter; import org.apache.mina.common.IoFilter.WriteRequest; import org.apache.mina.util.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.mina.util.SessionLog; /** * An abstract implementation of {@link IoFilterChain} that provides * common operations for developers to implement their own transport layer. * <p> AbstractIoFilterChain未过滤链的抽象实现,为开发者提供了传输层的一般操作。 开发者仅需要实现#doWrite方法,当过滤器拦截到会话发送消息,则调用此方法。 * The only method a developer should implement is * {@link #doWrite(IoSession, IoFilter.WriteRequest)}. This method is invoked * when filter chain is evaluated for * {@link IoFilter#filterWrite(NextFilter, IoSession, IoFilter.WriteRequest)} and * finally to be written out. * * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org) * @version $Rev$, $Date$ */ public abstract class AbstractIoFilterChain implements IoFilterChain { /** * A session attribute that stores a {@link ConnectFuture} related with * the {@link IoSession}. {@link AbstractIoFilterChain} clears this * attribute and notifies the future when {@link #fireSessionOpened(IoSession)} * or {@link #fireExceptionCaught(IoSession, Throwable)} is invoked */ public static final String CONNECT_FUTURE = AbstractIoFilterChain.class .getName() + ".connectFuture"; private final IoSession session;//过滤链关联会话 //HashMap<String,EntryImpl>,key为过滤器名,value为过滤器Entry private final Map name2entry = new HashMap(); private final EntryImpl head;//过滤链头 private final EntryImpl tail;//过滤链尾 protected AbstractIoFilterChain(IoSession session) { if (session == null) { throw new NullPointerException("session"); } //初始化Session this.session = session; //初始化过滤链头为HeadFilter EntryImpl head = new EntryImpl(null, null, "head", new HeadFilter()); //初始化过滤链尾为TailFilter EntryImpl tail = new EntryImpl(head, null, "tail", new TailFilter()); head.nextEntry = tail; } }
private class EntryImpl implements Entry { private EntryImpl prevEntry;//前驱 private EntryImpl nextEntry;//后继 private final String name;//过滤器名 private final IoFilter filter;//关联过滤器 private final NextFilter nextFilter;//过滤器后继 private EntryImpl(EntryImpl prevEntry, EntryImpl nextEntry, String name, IoFilter filter) { if (filter == null) { throw new NullPointerException("filter"); } if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name"); } this.prevEntry = prevEntry; this.nextEntry = nextEntry; this.name = name; this.filter = filter; this.nextFilter = new NextFilter() { public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextSessionCreated(nextEntry, session); } public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextSessionOpened(nextEntry, session); } public void sessionClosed(IoSession session) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextSessionClosed(nextEntry, session); } public void sessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextSessionIdle(nextEntry, session, status); } public void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextExceptionCaught(nextEntry, session, cause); } public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextMessageReceived(nextEntry, session, message); } public void messageSent(IoSession session, Object message) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; callNextMessageSent(nextEntry, session, message); } public void filterWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.prevEntry; callPreviousFilterWrite(nextEntry, session, writeRequest); } public void filterClose(IoSession session) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.prevEntry; callPreviousFilterClose(nextEntry, session); } }; } public String getName() { return name; } public IoFilter getFilter() { return filter; } public NextFilter getNextFilter() { return nextFilter; } public String toString() { return "(" + getName() + ':' + filter + ')'; } }
//会话创建事件 public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) { //后去当前Entry的后继Entry Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.nextEntry; //将会话创建时间传递给Entry对应的过滤器 callNextSessionCreated(nextEntry, session); }
//将会话创建时间传递给Entry对应的过滤器 private void callNextSessionCreated(Entry entry, IoSession session) { try { entry.getFilter().sessionCreated(entry.getNextFilter(), session); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } }
public void filterClose(IoSession session) { Entry nextEntry = EntryImpl.this.prevEntry; callPreviousFilterClose(nextEntry, session); }
private void callPreviousFilterClose(Entry entry, IoSession session) { try { entry.getFilter().filterClose(entry.getNextFilter(), session); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } }
private void callNextSessionOpened(Entry entry, IoSession session) { try { entry.getFilter().sessionOpened(entry.getNextFilter(), session); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } } private void callNextSessionClosed(Entry entry, IoSession session) { try { entry.getFilter().sessionClosed(entry.getNextFilter(), session); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } } private void callNextSessionIdle(Entry entry, IoSession session, IdleStatus status) { try { entry.getFilter().sessionIdle(entry.getNextFilter(), session, status); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } } private void callNextMessageReceived(Entry entry, IoSession session, Object message) { try { entry.getFilter().messageReceived(entry.getNextFilter(), session, message); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } } private void callNextMessageSent(Entry entry, IoSession session, Object message) { try { entry.getFilter().messageSent(entry.getNextFilter(), session, message); } catch (Throwable e) { fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } } private void callNextExceptionCaught(Entry entry, IoSession session, Throwable cause) { try { entry.getFilter().exceptionCaught(entry.getNextFilter(), session, cause); } catch (Throwable e) { SessionLog.warn(session, "Unexpected exception from exceptionCaught handler.", e); } } private void callPreviousFilterWrite(Entry entry, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) { try { entry.getFilter().filterWrite(entry.getNextFilter(), session, writeRequest); } catch (Throwable e) { writeRequest.getFuture().setWritten(false); fireExceptionCaught(session, e); } }
EntryImpl是过滤器在过滤链上存在的形式,EntryImpl有一个前驱和一个后继,内部包裹一个过滤器 with name,及过滤器的后继过滤器NextFilter。后继过滤器NextFilter的传递IoHandler和IoSession事件的方法,主要是将事件转发给后继Entry对应的过滤器。
private class HeadFilter extends IoFilterAdapter { public void sessionCreated(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) { nextFilter.sessionCreated(session); } public void sessionOpened(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) { nextFilter.sessionOpened(session); } public void sessionClosed(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) { nextFilter.sessionClosed(session); } public void sessionIdle(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, IdleStatus status) { nextFilter.sessionIdle(session, status); } public void exceptionCaught(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Throwable cause) { nextFilter.exceptionCaught(session, cause); } public void messageReceived(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Object message) { nextFilter.messageReceived(session, message); } public void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Object message) { nextFilter.messageSent(session, message); } public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception { if (session.getTransportType().getEnvelopeType().isAssignableFrom( writeRequest.getMessage().getClass())) { doWrite(session, writeRequest); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Write requests must be transformed to " + session.getTransportType().getEnvelopeType() + ": " + writeRequest); } } public void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { doClose(session); } }
//会话写操作 public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception { if (session.getTransportType().getEnvelopeType().isAssignableFrom( writeRequest.getMessage().getClass())) { doWrite(session, writeRequest); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Write requests must be transformed to " + session.getTransportType().getEnvelopeType() + ": " + writeRequest); } }
protected abstract void doWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception;
//会话关闭 public void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { doClose(session); }
protected abstract void doClose(IoSession session) throws Exception;
从上面来看,HeadFilter触发IoHandler和IoSession事件时,将事件传递给后继过滤器;但对于IoSession write/close事件除了传递事件外,需要调用实际的事件操作doWrite/doClose,这两个方法需要子类扩展实现。
private static class TailFilter extends IoFilterAdapter { public void sessionCreated(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { //直接调用会话处理器IoHandler的sessionCreated session.getHandler().sessionCreated(session); } public void sessionOpened(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { try { session.getHandler().sessionOpened(session); } finally { // Notify the related ConnectFuture // if the session is created from SocketConnector. //如果是SocketConnector创建的会话,则通知相关ConnectFuture ConnectFuture future = (ConnectFuture) session .removeAttribute(CONNECT_FUTURE); if (future != null) { future.setSession(session); } } } public void sessionClosed(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { try { session.getHandler().sessionClosed(session); } finally { // Remove all filters.会话关闭,清除过滤链 session.getFilterChain().clear(); } } public void sessionIdle(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, IdleStatus status) throws Exception { session.getHandler().sessionIdle(session, status); } public void exceptionCaught(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Throwable cause) throws Exception { session.getHandler().exceptionCaught(session, cause); } public void messageReceived(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception { try { session.getHandler().messageReceived(session, message); } finally { //如果发送消息对象为ByteBuffer,则释放buffer ByteBufferUtil.releaseIfPossible(message); } } public void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception { try { session.getHandler().messageSent(session, message); } finally { //如果发送消息对象为ByteBuffer,则释放buffer ByteBufferUtil.releaseIfPossible(message); } } public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception { nextFilter.filterWrite(session, writeRequest); } public void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception { nextFilter.filterClose(session); } }
package org.apache.mina.util; import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer; /** * ByteBuffer utility. * * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org) * @version $Rev$, $Date$ */ public class ByteBufferUtil { /** * Increases the internal reference count of this buffer to defer * automatic release. You have to invoke {@link #release()} as many * as you invoked this method to release this buffer. 记录buffer内部引用的计数器自增 * */ public static void acquireIfPossible(Object message) { if (message instanceof ByteBuffer) { ((ByteBuffer) message).acquire(); } } //如果消息对象为ByteBuffer,则释放空间 public static void releaseIfPossible(Object message) { if (message instanceof ByteBuffer) { ((ByteBuffer) message).release(); } } private ByteBufferUtil() { } }
public synchronized void addFirst(String name, IoFilter filter) { checkAddable(name);//检查过滤器在过滤链上是否存在 register(head, name, filter); } /** * Checks the specified filter name is already taken and throws an exception if already taken. //检查过滤器在过滤链上是否存在 */ private void checkAddable(String name) { if (name2entry.containsKey(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Other filter is using the same name '" + name + "'"); } } private void register(EntryImpl prevEntry, String name, IoFilter filter) { //根据filter的前驱prevEntry和后继prevEntry.nextEntry,构造EntryImpl EntryImpl newEntry = new EntryImpl(prevEntry, prevEntry.nextEntry, name, filter); try { //触发过滤器onPreAdd事件 filter.onPreAdd(this, name, newEntry.getNextFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IoFilterLifeCycleException("onPreAdd(): " + name + ':' + filter + " in " + getSession(), e); } prevEntry.nextEntry.prevEntry = newEntry; prevEntry.nextEntry = newEntry; //添加过滤器name与Entry映射到过滤链 name2entry.put(name, newEntry); try { //触发过滤器onPostAdd事件 filter.onPostAdd(this, name, newEntry.getNextFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { deregister0(newEntry); throw new IoFilterLifeCycleException("onPostAdd(): " + name + ':' + filter + " in " + getSession(), e); } } //添加过滤器到链尾 public synchronized void addLast(String name, IoFilter filter) { checkAddable(name); register(tail.prevEntry, name, filter); } //添加过滤器到baseName过滤器的前面 public synchronized void addBefore(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter) { EntryImpl baseEntry = checkOldName(baseName);//获取baseName对应的过滤器 checkAddable(name);//检查过滤器是否存在 register(baseEntry.prevEntry, name, filter);//注册到过滤链上 } /** * Throws an exception when the specified filter name is not registered in this chain. *获取baseName对应的过滤器 * @return An filter entry with the specified name. */ private EntryImpl checkOldName(String baseName) { EntryImpl e = (EntryImpl) name2entry.get(baseName); if (e == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown filter name:" + baseName); } return e; } //添加过滤器到baseName过滤器的后面 public synchronized void addAfter(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter) { EntryImpl baseEntry = checkOldName(baseName); checkAddable(name); register(baseEntry, name, filter); }
public synchronized IoFilter remove(String name) { EntryImpl entry = checkOldName(name); deregister(entry);//反注册name过滤器对应的Entry return entry.getFilter(); } //反注册过滤器Entry private void deregister(EntryImpl entry) { IoFilter filter = entry.getFilter(); try { //触发过滤器onPreRemove事件 filter.onPreRemove(this, entry.getName(), entry.getNextFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IoFilterLifeCycleException("onPreRemove(): " + entry.getName() + ':' + filter + " in " + getSession(), e); } //委托给deregister0完成实际的移除工作 deregister0(entry); try { //触发过滤器onPostRemove事件 filter.onPostRemove(this, entry.getName(), entry.getNextFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IoFilterLifeCycleException("onPostRemove(): " + entry.getName() + ':' + filter + " in " + getSession(), e); } } private void deregister0(EntryImpl entry) { EntryImpl prevEntry = entry.prevEntry; EntryImpl nextEntry = entry.nextEntry; prevEntry.nextEntry = nextEntry; nextEntry.prevEntry = prevEntry; name2entry.remove(entry.name); }
//清空过滤链 public synchronized void clear() throws Exception { //遍历过滤链,移除过滤器 Iterator it = new ArrayList(name2entry.keySet()).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { this.remove((String) it.next()); } } //获取过滤链依附Io会话 public IoSession getSession() { return session; } //获取name对应的过滤器Entry public Entry getEntry(String name) { Entry e = (Entry) name2entry.get(name); if (e == null) { return null; } return e; } //获取name对应的过滤器 public IoFilter get(String name) { Entry e = getEntry(name); if (e == null) { return null; } return e.getFilter(); } //获取name对应的过滤器后继NextFilter public NextFilter getNextFilter(String name) { Entry e = getEntry(name); if (e == null) { return null; } return e.getNextFilter(); } //获取过滤链上的所有过滤器(正序,添加顺序),从头到尾 public List getAll() { List list = new ArrayList(); EntryImpl e = head.nextEntry; while (e != tail) { list.add(e); e = e.nextEntry; } return list; } //获取过滤链上的所有过滤器(逆序),从尾到头 public List getAllReversed() { List list = new ArrayList(); EntryImpl e = tail.prevEntry; while (e != head) { list.add(e); e = e.prevEntry; } return list; } //判断是否包含name过滤器 public boolean contains(String name) { return getEntry(name) != null; } //判断是否包含过滤器filter public boolean contains(IoFilter filter) { EntryImpl e = head.nextEntry; while (e != tail) { if (e.getFilter() == filter) { return true; } e = e.nextEntry; } return false; } //判断是否包含指定类型filterType的过滤器 public boolean contains(Class filterType) { EntryImpl e = head.nextEntry; while (e != tail) { if (filterType.isAssignableFrom(e.getFilter().getClass())) { return true; } e = e.nextEntry; } return false; }
//从链头传递SessionCreated public void fireSessionCreated(IoSession session) { Entry head = this.head; callNextSessionCreated(head, session); } public void fireSessionOpened(IoSession session) { Entry head = this.head; callNextSessionOpened(head, session); } public void fireSessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status) { Entry head = this.head; callNextSessionIdle(head, session, status); } //消息接收,从链头到链尾-》Iohanlder(这个过程handler有参数处理相关事件) public void fireMessageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) { Entry head = this.head; callNextMessageReceived(head, session, message); } public void fireMessageSent(IoSession session, WriteRequest request) { try { //写回写请求结果,及消息已发送 request.getFuture().setWritten(true); } catch (Throwable t) { fireExceptionCaught(session, t); } Entry head = this.head; callNextMessageSent(head, session, request.getMessage()); } //移除发生,如果是SocketConnector重建的会话,则从会话中移除CONNECT_FUTURE属性,并设置Future异常 public void fireExceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause) { // Notify the related ConnectFuture // if the session is created from SocketConnector. ConnectFuture future = (ConnectFuture) session .removeAttribute(CONNECT_FUTURE); if (future == null) { Entry head = this.head; callNextExceptionCaught(head, session, cause); } else { // Please note that this place is not the only place that // calls ConnectFuture.setException(). future.setException(cause); } } public void fireSessionClosed(IoSession session) { // Update future. try { //通过会话的closeFuture,会话已经关闭 session.getCloseFuture().setClosed(); } catch (Throwable t) { fireExceptionCaught(session, t); } // And start the chain. Entry head = this.head; callNextSessionClosed(head, session); } //消息发送,Iohanlder-》从链尾到链头(这是会话事件,只是在handler的方法中使用会话发 //送消息,handler并不处理会话事件) public void fireFilterWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) { Entry tail = this.tail; callPreviousFilterWrite(tail, session, writeRequest); } //触发会话关闭事件从链尾到链头- public void fireFilterClose(IoSession session) { Entry tail = this.tail; callPreviousFilterClose(tail, session); }
EntryImpl是过滤器在过滤链上存在的形式,EntryImpl有一个前驱和一个后继,内部包裹一个过滤器 with name,及过滤器的后继过滤器NextFilter。后继过滤器NextFilter的传递IoHandler和IoSession事件的方法,主要是将事件转发给后继Entry对应的过滤器。过滤链头为HeadFilter,链尾为TailFilter。
HeadFilter触发IoHandler和IoSession事件时,将事件传递给后继过滤器;但对于IoSession write/close事件除了传递事件外,需要调用实际的事件操作doWrite/doClose,这两个方法需要子类扩展实现。
/** * A container of {@link IoFilter}s that forwards {@link IoHandler} events * to the consisting filters and terminal {@link IoHandler} sequentially. * Every {@link IoSession} has its own {@link IoFilterChain} (1-to-1 relationship). * IoFilterChain是IoFilter的容器,用于转发IoHandler的事件到包含过滤器和Io处理器的链。 (IoService->IoProcessor->IoFilter->IoFilter->...->IoHandler) */ public interface IoFilterChain { /** * Represents a name-filter pair that an {@link IoFilterChain} contains. * *IoFilterChain包含的IOFilter对 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org) */ public interface Entry { /** * Returns the name of the filter. 过滤器名 */ String getName(); /** * Returns the filter. 当前过滤器 */ IoFilter getFilter(); /** * Returns the {@link NextFilter} of the filter. 过滤器后继 * * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@link NextFilter} is not available */ NextFilter getNextFilter(); } public abstract IoSession getSession();// /** * Returns the parent {@link IoSession} of this chain. 返回过滤链依附的Io会话 * @return {@link IoSession} */ IoSession getSession(); /** * Returns the {@link Entry} with the specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain. * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain 根据过滤器name获取Entry */ Entry getEntry(String name); /** * Returns the {@link IoFilter} with the specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain. * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain 根据过滤器name获取IoFilter */ IoFilter get(String name); /** * Returns the {@link NextFilter} of the {@link IoFilter} with the * specified <tt>name</tt> in this chain. * @return <tt>null</tt> if there's no such name in this chain 根据过滤器name获取IoFilter的后继过滤器NextFilter */ NextFilter getNextFilter(String name); /** * Returns the list of all {@link Entry}s this chain contains. 返回所有Entry(添加顺序) */ List getAll(); /** * Returns the reversed list of all {@link Entry}s this chain contains. 获取所有Entry倒序(LIFO) */ List getAllReversed(); /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains an {@link IoFilter} with the * specified <tt>name</tt>. 判断是否包含name对应的IoFilter */ boolean contains(String name); /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains the specified <tt>filter</tt>. 判断是否包含IoFilter类型的实例 */ boolean contains(IoFilter filter); /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this chain contains an {@link IoFilter} of the * specified <tt>filterType</tt>. 判断是否包含Class类型的过滤器 */ boolean contains(Class filterType); /** * Adds the specified filter with the specified name at the beginning of this chain. * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException * if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or * {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception. 添加过滤器到过滤链的头部 */ void addFirst(String name, IoFilter filter); /** * Adds the specified filter with the specified name at the end of this chain. * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException * if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or * {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception. 添加过滤器到过滤链的尾部 */ void addLast(String name, IoFilter filter); /** * Adds the specified filter with the specified name just before the filter whose name is * <code>baseName</code> in this chain. * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException * if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or * {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception. 添加过滤器到baseName过滤器的前面 */ void addBefore(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter); /** * Adds the specified filter with the specified name just after the filter whose name is * <code>baseName</code> in this chain. * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException * if {@link IoFilter#onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or * {@link IoFilter#init()} throws an exception. 添加过滤器到baseName过滤器的后面 */ void addAfter(String baseName, String name, IoFilter filter); /** * Removes the filter with the specified name from this chain. * @throws IoFilterLifeCycleException * if {@link IoFilter#onPostRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} or * {@link IoFilter#destroy()} throws an exception. 移除name对应的过滤器 */ IoFilter remove(String name); /** * Removes all filters added to this chain.清空过滤器链 * @throws Exception if {@link IoFilter#onPostRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} thrown an exception. */ void clear() throws Exception; /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionCreated(IoSession)} event. Most users don't need to * call this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport * or fire a virtual event. 通知IoHandler#sessionCreated创建事件。用户必须要调用这个方法。仅在实现一个新的transport或 通知一个虚拟事件时,才调用此方法。 */ public void fireSessionCreated(IoSession session); /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionOpened(IoSession)} event. Most users don't need to call * this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or * fire a virtual event. */ public void fireSessionOpened(IoSession session); /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionClosed(IoSession)} event. Most users don't need to call * this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or * fire a virtual event. */ public void fireSessionClosed(IoSession session); /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionIdle(IoSession, IdleStatus)} event. Most users don't * need to call this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new * transport or fire a virtual event. */ public void fireSessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status); /** * Fires a {@link #fireMessageReceived(IoSession, Object)} event. Most users don't need to * call this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport * or fire a virtual event. */ public void fireMessageReceived(IoSession session, Object message); /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#sessionOpened(IoSession)} event. Most users don't need to call * this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or * fire a virtual event. */ public void fireMessageSent(IoSession session, WriteRequest request); /** * Fires a {@link IoHandler#exceptionCaught(IoSession, Throwable)} event. Most users don't * need to call this method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new * transport or fire a virtual event. */ public void fireExceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause); /** * Fires a {@link IoSession#write(Object)} event. Most users don't need to call this * method at all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or fire a * virtual event. 通知IoSession#write事件 */ public void fireFilterWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest); /** * Fires a {@link IoSession#close()} event. Most users don't need to call this method at * all. Please use this method only when you implement a new transport or fire a virtual * event. 通知IoSession#close事件 */ public void fireFilterClose(IoSession session); }
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MINA的核心组件包括Acceptor(服务器端接收器)、Session(会话)和FilterChain(过滤器链)等。 2. **MINA Server端实现**:在MINA中,Server端主要负责监听指定的端口,接收到客户端连接请求后,创建一个Session...
SSLEngine是SSL/TLS协议的抽象实现,允许用户在自定义的网络协议上添加安全层。开发者需要设置证书、密钥和其他安全参数,然后在MINA的过滤器链中使用SSLEngine进行数据的加密和解密。 3. **过滤器链**:MINA的核心...
通过分析源码,你可以了解到Mina如何实现非阻塞I/O、如何调度任务、如何组织过滤器链,以及如何处理各种网络事件。这对于优化和重构Mina代码以提升性能将非常有帮助。 对于希望提高网络应用性能或熟悉Java NIO编程...
2. **Filter Chain**:Mina通过过滤器链处理进来的消息。开发者可以自定义过滤器来实现特定功能,如身份验证、数据编码解码等。 3. **ProtocolCodecFactory**:用于将网络数据流转换成应用程序可以理解的对象,以及...
总的来说,通过Apache Mina实现的多人聊天室项目,不仅展示了Mina如何处理网络通信,还涉及到并发编程、协议解析、过滤器链等多方面的技术知识。对于学习和理解网络编程以及Mina框架的工作原理,这是一个非常有价值...
2. **过滤器链**:MINA 的过滤器链是其设计的一个亮点,它提供了一种可插拔的架构,允许开发者插入自定义的过滤器来处理数据。这些过滤器可以实现数据编码、解码、认证、加密等功能,增加了系统的灵活性和可扩展性。...
5. **丰富的过滤器链**:MINA中的过滤器链机制允许在数据传输过程中添加自定义处理逻辑,例如数据编码解码、安全加密、压缩等。 6. **跨平台兼容**:由于MINA是用Java编写的,因此它可以在任何支持Java的平台上运行...
3. **协议独立**:Mina提供了抽象层,使得开发者可以专注于业务逻辑,而不必关心底层网络协议的实现。例如,你可以用相同的代码处理TCP和UDP协议。 4. **过滤器链**:Mina的过滤器链机制允许开发者插入自定义的过滤...
通过阅读源码,你可以深入了解MINA的设计思想和实现细节,例如如何实现非阻塞I/O、过滤器链的工作原理、以及如何自定义协议编码解码器等。 学习MINA源码可以帮助你: 1. **理解网络编程**:MINA是基于Java NIO实现...
Mina的核心设计理念之一是过滤器链(Filter Chain),它借鉴了Servlet的过滤器模型。每个过滤器都可以在数据传输过程中进行拦截和处理,如数据编码、解码、安全检查等。过滤器之间通过`Filter.nextFilter`方法串联...
2. **Filter Chain**:MINA的过滤器链机制,允许开发者插入自定义的过滤器来处理进/出站数据,实现数据预处理、安全检查等功能。 3. **Transport Layer**:MINA提供了多种传输层实现,如NioSocketAcceptor和...
通过阅读MINA 2.0.9的源码,你可以了解如何实现高效的网络通信,包括事件驱动的设计模式、多线程处理、数据包的拆分和组合,以及如何利用过滤器链实现复杂的功能。此外,源码分析还能帮助你掌握如何自定义Filter和...
5. **可扩展性**:MINA的过滤器链机制允许用户自定义过滤器,实现数据编码、解码、安全加密等功能,增强了框架的灵活性和可扩展性。 6. **跨平台性**:MINA完全由Java编写,因此具有良好的跨平台特性,可以在任何...
2. **Filter**:MINA使用过滤器链模式来处理网络数据。过滤器是处理I/O事件或数据的小型组件,它们按照特定顺序排列,数据在过滤器链中逐个传递,每个过滤器可以添加、修改或转发数据。 3. **Protocol Buffers**:...
4. **过滤器链**:MINA引入了过滤器的概念,数据在传输过程中会经过一系列过滤器,每个过滤器可以执行特定的操作,如编码、解码、日志记录等。这种设计使得模块化和复用变得简单。 5. **多线程支持**:MINA支持多...
- **Filter链**: Mina采用过滤器链设计模式,每个Filter处理一部分业务逻辑,形成一个完整的处理流程。 - **ProtocolCodec**: 用于数据编码和解码,确保网络传输的数据能够在两端正确解析。 5. **Android集成** ...
总的来说,Apache Mina通过提供高度抽象的网络通信接口,简化了网络应用的开发工作,让开发者可以专注于业务逻辑,而不是底层网络通信的复杂性。通过IoSession、IoHandler和IoFilter的组合,Mina构建了一个灵活、...
2. **过滤器链**:Mina的过滤器链是其核心设计之一,它允许开发者插入自定义的过滤器来处理数据,这些过滤器可以实现如数据编码解码、安全认证等功能。 3. **协议支持**:Mina对多种网络协议如TCP/IP、UDP、SSL/TLS...