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 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
 * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/

package java.util.concurrent.locks;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

 * Basic thread blocking primitives for creating locks and other
 * synchronization classes.
 * <p>This class associates, with each thread that uses it, a permit
 * (in the sense of the {@link java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
 * Semaphore} class). A call to {@code park} will return immediately
 * if the permit is available, consuming it in the process; otherwise
 * it <em>may</em> block.  A call to {@code unpark} makes the permit
 * available, if it was not already available. (Unlike with Semaphores
 * though, permits do not accumulate. There is at most one.)

 * <p>Methods {@code park} and {@code unpark} provide efficient
 * means of blocking and unblocking threads that do not encounter the
 * problems that cause the deprecated methods {@code Thread.suspend}
 * and {@code Thread.resume} to be unusable for such purposes: Races
 * between one thread invoking {@code park} and another thread trying
 * to {@code unpark} it will preserve liveness, due to the
 * permit. Additionally, {@code park} will return if the caller's
 * thread was interrupted, and timeout versions are supported. The
 * {@code park} method may also return at any other time, for "no
 * reason", so in general must be invoked within a loop that rechecks
 * conditions upon return. In this sense {@code park} serves as an
 * optimization of a "busy wait" that does not waste as much time
 * spinning, but must be paired with an {@code unpark} to be
 * effective.
park和unpark提供有效分方式blocking and unblocking线程,并且不会遇到Thread.suspend
循环检查返回的条件。park方法是busy wait的一种优化,不会浪费太多的时间自旋,

 * <p>The three forms of {@code park} each also support a
 * {@code blocker} object parameter. This object is recorded while
 * the thread is blocked to permit monitoring and diagnostic tools to
 * identify the reasons that threads are blocked. (Such tools may
 * access blockers using method {@link #getBlocker}.) The use of these
 * forms rather than the original forms without this parameter is
 * strongly encouraged. The normal argument to supply as a
 * {@code blocker} within a lock implementation is {@code this}.
 public static void park(Object blocker) 

 * <p>These methods are designed to be used as tools for creating
 * higher-level synchronization utilities, and are not in themselves
 * useful for most concurrency control applications. 

 * The {@code park}
 * method is designed for use only in constructions of the form:
 * <pre>while (!canProceed()) { ... LockSupport.park(this); }</pre>
 * where neither {@code canProceed} nor any other actions prior to the
 * call to {@code park} entail locking or blocking.  Because only one
 * permit is associated with each thread, any intermediary uses of
 * {@code park} could interfere with its intended effects.

 * <p><b>Sample Usage.</b> Here is a sketch of a first-in-first-out
 * non-reentrant lock class:
 * <pre>{@code
 * class FIFOMutex {
 *   private final AtomicBoolean locked = new AtomicBoolean(false); //原子锁
 *   private final Queue<Thread> waiters//线程等待队列
 *     = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Thread>();
 *   //加锁
 *   public void lock() {
 *     boolean wasInterrupted = false;
 *     Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
 *     waiters.add(current);
 *     // Block while not first in queue or cannot acquire lock
 *     while (waiters.peek() != current ||
 *            !locked.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
 *        LockSupport.park(this);
 *        if (Thread.interrupted()) // ignore interrupts while waiting
 *          wasInterrupted = true;
 *     }
 *     //如果是队列的头部,且获取锁成功,从队列中移除,当前线程
 *     waiters.remove();
 *     if (wasInterrupted)          // reassert interrupt status on exit
 *        current.interrupt();
 *   }
 *   //解锁
 *   public void unlock() {
 *     locked.set(false);//设置锁为打开状态
 *     LockSupport.unpark(waiters.peek());//unpark队列头部线程
 *   }
 * }}</pre>

public class LockSupport {
    private LockSupport() {} // Cannot be instantiated.

    // Hotspot implementation via intrinsics API
    //Hotspot VM调用操作系统API的辅助工具
    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final long parkBlockerOffset;

    static {
        try {
            parkBlockerOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); }

    private static void setBlocker(Thread t, Object arg) {
        // Even though volatile, hotspot doesn't need a write barrier here.
	//即使是volatile,在这里方法调用,hotspot VM 也不需要一个writer barrier
        unsafe.putObject(t, parkBlockerOffset, arg);

     * Makes available the permit for the given thread, if it
     * was not already available.  If the thread was blocked on
     * {@code park} then it will unblock.  Otherwise, its next call
     * to {@code park} is guaranteed not to block. This operation
     * is not guaranteed to have any effect at all if the given
     * thread has not been started.
     * @param thread the thread to unpark, or {@code null}, in which case
     *        this operation has no effect
    public static void unpark(Thread thread) {
        if (thread != null)

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes unless the
     * permit is available.
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call returns
     * immediately; otherwise
     * the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
     * purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts}
     * the current thread; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread upon return.
     * @param blocker the synchronization object responsible for this
     *        thread parking
     * @since 1.6
    public static void park(Object blocker) {
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        setBlocker(t, blocker);
        unsafe.park(false, 0L);
        setBlocker(t, null);

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes, for up to
     * the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.
     *此方法与park(Object blocker)类似,只不过要延迟long nanos,才park线程
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call
     * returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled
     * for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four
     * things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts}
     * the current thread; or
     * <li>The specified waiting time elapses; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread, or the elapsed time
     * upon return.
     * @param blocker the synchronization object responsible for this
     *        thread parking
     * @param nanos the maximum number of nanoseconds to wait
     * @since 1.6
    public static void parkNanos(Object blocker, long nanos) {
        if (nanos > 0) {
            Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
            setBlocker(t, blocker);
            unsafe.park(false, nanos);
            setBlocker(t, null);

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes, until
     * the specified deadline, unless the permit is available.
     * 与上述方法类似,不同的是有一个deadline
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call
     * returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled
     * for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four
     * things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts} the
     * current thread; or
     * <li>The specified deadline passes; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread, or the current time
     * upon return.
     * @param blocker the synchronization object responsible for this
     *        thread parking
     * @param deadline the absolute time, in milliseconds from the Epoch,
     *        to wait until
     * @since 1.6
    public static void parkUntil(Object blocker, long deadline) {
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        setBlocker(t, blocker);
        unsafe.park(true, deadline);
        setBlocker(t, null);

     * Returns the blocker object supplied to the most recent
     * invocation of a park method that has not yet unblocked, or null
     * if not blocked.  The value returned is just a momentary
     * snapshot -- the thread may have since unblocked or blocked on a
     * different blocker object.
     * @param t the thread
     * @return the blocker
     * @throws NullPointerException if argument is null
     * @since 1.6
    public static Object getBlocker(Thread t) {
        if (t == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        return unsafe.getObjectVolatile(t, parkBlockerOffset);

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes unless the
     * permit is available.
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call
     * returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled
     * for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of three
     * things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts}
     * the current thread; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread upon return.
    public static void park() {
        unsafe.park(false, 0L);

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes, for up to
     * the specified waiting time, unless the permit is available.
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call
     * returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled
     * for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four
     * things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts}
     * the current thread; or
     * <li>The specified waiting time elapses; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread, or the elapsed time
     * upon return.
     * @param nanos the maximum number of nanoseconds to wait
    public static void parkNanos(long nanos) {
        if (nanos > 0)
            unsafe.park(false, nanos);

     * Disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes, until
     * the specified deadline, unless the permit is available.
     * <p>If the permit is available then it is consumed and the call
     * returns immediately; otherwise the current thread becomes disabled
     * for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four
     * things happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Some other thread invokes {@link #unpark unpark} with the
     * current thread as the target; or
     * <li>Some other thread {@linkplain Thread#interrupt interrupts}
     * the current thread; or
     * <li>The specified deadline passes; or
     * <li>The call spuriously (that is, for no reason) returns.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method does <em>not</em> report which of these caused the
     * method to return. Callers should re-check the conditions which caused
     * the thread to park in the first place. Callers may also determine,
     * for example, the interrupt status of the thread, or the current time
     * upon return.
     * @param deadline the absolute time, in milliseconds from the Epoch,
     *        to wait until
    public static void parkUntil(long deadline) {
        unsafe.park(true, deadline);


    Java 多线程与并发(9-26)-JUC锁- LockSupport详解.pdf



    如果仍然无法获取锁,`LockSupport.park()`会将线程挂起。线程的唤醒由`unpark()`操作触发,通常是在前一个节点的线程释放锁时。 **二、加锁过程详解** 1. **nonfairTryAcquire**:首次尝试获取锁,如果状态为0,...



    Java 多线程与并发(10-26)-JUC锁- 锁核心类AQS详解.pdf

    AQS还提供了ConditionObject类,它与AQS一起使用,可以实现更灵活的线程间协作模式。通过ConditionObject可以更细致地控制线程的等待和唤醒,而不仅仅依赖于Object类提供的wait/notify机制。 总结来说,AQS作为Java...


    在 Java 中,许多同步类都依赖于 AQS,如 ReentrantLock、Semaphore 和 CountDownLatch 等。ReentrantLock 是一个独占锁,state 初始化为 0,表示未锁定状态。当线程 lock() 时,会调用 tryAcquire() 并将 state+1。...

    AQS源码分析 (1).pdf

    AQS通过模板方法的设计模式,将一些方法定义为final,这些方法可以被子类直接使用,而将一些可以被子类改写的方法定义为protected,这些方法需要被子类提供具体实现。 AQS中的同步器可以被分为两部分:同步队列和...


    Java的锁和同步器框架AbstractQueuedSynchronizer(AQS)就是通过LockSupport的`park()`和`unpark()`方法来管理线程的阻塞和恢复执行。 `park()`方法用于阻塞当前线程,如果当前线程能够获取到许可(即没有其他线程...




    1. **AQS类及其父类**:了解AQS类的基本结构,以及它继承自AbstractOwnableSynchronizer的原因。 2. **主要属性**:深入理解state字段,以及head和tail这两个指针,它们分别指向队列的首节点和尾节点。 3. **关键...


    - 如果当前线程无法获取锁,它将被封装为一个`Node`对象并插入到等待队列中,然后该线程会被挂起等待。 3. **释放锁的过程**:当线程完成其任务后,通过调用`ReentrantLock.unlock()`方法来释放锁。这个过程涉及到...


    LockSupport是线程阻塞和唤醒的低级工具,提供了park()和unpark()方法,用于线程的挂起和恢复。它是基于 Unsafe 类实现的,可以实现非阻塞的线程挂起,提高并发效率。 三、Condition接口的设计与实现 Condition接口...

    JUC AQS的加解锁.pdf





    LockSupport是Java并发包中用于线程控制的工具类,提供如`park()`和`unpark(Thread thread)`等方法。这些方法可以用来暂停和恢复线程的执行,是构建复杂并发控制的基础。 **AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (AQS)** ...


    Java并发编程中的`JUC`(Java Util Concurrency)库是Java平台中用于处理多线程问题的核心工具包,它提供了一系列高效、线程安全的工具类,帮助开发者编写并发应用程序。`AQS`(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer)是JUC库中的...


    AQS是一个抽象类,它提供了线程同步的基本机制,包括线程的排队、等待和唤醒。在Java.util.concurrent包中,许多并发工具类如ReentrantLock、Semaphore、CountDownLatch等都基于AQS实现。 AQS的核心概念是基于一个...



    7 AQS源码分析.docx

    如果自旋达到一定次数(默认10次,可调整),轻量级锁会升级为重量级锁,此时线程会被挂起,等待被唤醒。 AQS提供了两种基本的同步模式:独占模式和共享模式。独占模式下,只有一个线程可以获取锁,例如`...

    Java-JUC-多线程 进阶

    8 锁的现象是 Java 中的一种并发编程模型,描述了 8 种不同的锁机制,它们是:公平锁、非公平锁、可重入锁、读写锁、StampedLock、LockSupport、AbstractQueuedSynchronizer(AQS)、ReentrantLock。这些锁机制可以...


    `LockSupport`工具类提供了`park()`和`unpark(Thread thread)`方法,用于线程的阻塞和唤醒,这些方法在AQS中起到了关键作用。 总之,显式锁和AQS的出现极大地丰富了Java并发编程的能力,通过定制化同步策略,我们...

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