Today our high-end,Domineering,high grade(高端霸气上档次)1027 group strat its first voyage.(please forgive me for decribing our group with so many adj)Now let's talk about the technology problem.
1:basic data type (eight)
2:String class
* 1.byte -128~127
* 2.short -2^32~2^32-1
* -4 bit~4 bit -1
* 4.long -8 bit~8 bit -1
* floating-point type(both are plus-minus)
* 5.float -16 bit~16 bit-1
* 6.double -32 bit~32 bit-1
* char type(only plus)
* 7.char 0~16 bit-1
* only true and false(boolean)
* 8.boolean true or false
* @author Administrator
be careful:the range of the data
type a=128;
type b=(type)a;(b=-128)
mission statistic every number of char's appearence code
public class homework0703 {
public static void main(String[] args){
//define the string
String sa="euriyui3743289^%^&*&DJHK2312";
homework0703 ho=new homework0703();
//use statistics way
public void statistics(String a){
//turn the string into char array
char sa[]=a.toCharArray();
int k=a.length();
//define other two array to store char and number
char sb[]=new char[k];//statistic the char
int sc[]=new int[k];//statistic the char number
int N=0;//counter
//search char from zero to k
for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
boolean NB=true;
//exam whether the char has appeared before or not
for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
{ sb[N]=sa[i];//assignment sa[] to sb[];
//calculate the number of the char N
for(int p=i;p<k;p++){
for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
System.out.print(sb[i]+" ");
just use the "toCharArray()" way and array
later on,i will improve it and try to use as many ways as possible in the String class.And by reaching to API frequently,i feel like i am gradually comprehending how to use it.There are still many problem in How to use String class flexible,but i think you can get the answer in the API which is incrediable useful.So tonight let's end with the famous saying "there always start with a big-bang".
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protected string MasterFile { get { return UIHelper.GetMasterPage(Tsingda.XXB.Common.WebSession.UserRole); } } /// /// 重写controller的View方法,使它可以根据用户角色应用指定视图 /// ...
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User deserializedUser = mapper.readValue(jsonString, User.class); System.out.println(deserializedUser.getName()); // 输出:John } } ``` 在这个例子中,`ObjectMapper`就是`JsonConverter`的一个实现,...
- **JSON 转对象**:使用 `JSON.parseObject(String, Class)` 或 `JSON.toJavaObject(JSONArray, Class)` 方法,将 JSON 字符串或 JSON 数组转换为 Java 对象。 - **映射到集合**:可以将 JSON 数组映射到 List ...
它于2021年4月20日更新至mORMot-master版本,展示了其持续的发展和优化。在本文中,我们将深入探讨mORMot的核心特性和使用方法,帮助开发者更好地理解和利用这个强大的工具。 1. **什么是ORM框架?** ORM框架是...
public static void main(String[] args) { // if open it close // System.setProperty("awt.useSystemAAFontSettings", "on"); EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ...