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Roman Holiday 对白


(After the dance party in her honor,she came to her room,extremely bored.)
Ann:I hate this nightgown.I hate all my nightgowns ,and I hate all my underwear too.
Attendant: My dear, you have lively things.
Ann:But I am not two hundred years old. Why can't I keep pajamas?
Attendant:(Suprised to hear it .)Pajamas?
Ann:Just the top part.Did you know there are people who sleep with absolutely nothing on at all.
Attendant:I rejoice to say that I did not.
Ann:Listen!(Hearing merry nusic coming in from the window,she jumps down from the bed and runs to the window barefooted.)
Attendant : Oh, your slippers!(Goes to fetch her slippers.)Put on you slippers and come away from the window.(Ann relunctantly goes back onto the bed.)...You milk and crackers.
Ann:(Murmuring something unintelligibly)
Attendant:They will help you to sleep.
Ann:I'm tired of sleep.Not a sleep of a wink.
Attendant:Now ,my dear,if you don't mind,tomorrow's schedule.Two schedules whichever you prefer.Both are correct.8:30.breakfast here with the embassy staff.9 o'clock ,we will leave for the Polenine Automative Works,and you will be presented with a small car.
Ann:(Listening absent-mindedly and speaking as if on the occasion.)Thank you.
Attendant:(Surprised at what Ann has said and corrects her.)Which you will not accept.
Ann: No thank you.
Attendant:Then thirty-five ,an inspection of a food and agricultural organization ,which will present you an olive tree.
Ann:No thank you.
Attendant:Which you will accept.
Ann:Thank you.
Attendant:10:55,the new fondling home for orphans .You will preside over the lay of the corner-stone,the same as the last month.
Ann:Trade relation.
Ann:For the orphans?
Attendant:No,no ,the other one.
Ann:Youth progress?
Attendant:Precisely!11:45 back here for the rest.No, that's wrong .11:45 the conference here with the press.
Ann:(Imitating the advance given on her manners ususlly on such ocassions.)Sweetness and decency.
Attendant:One o'clock sharp,lunch with the Foreign Ministry.You will wear a white lace and carry a bouquet of (Ann echoing) very small pink roses.
Attendant:3:05 ,a presentation of a plaque.
Ann:Thank you.
Attendant:4:10 ,review of a special guid of Caribbean police.
Ann:(Getting impatient)No thank you.(Speaking at the same time as the Royal attendant goes on reading the schedule.)How do you do ?Charm. So happy .(Then suddenly)Stop! Could you stop,stop?!(Begins to cry and becomes hysteric with words incoherently.)
Attendant:...It's all right.Oh, my dear,you are ill .I'll send for Dr. Banakou.
Ann: I don't want Dr. Banakou.I'm dying .Please let me die! Please let me die!Please leave me!Leave me!

Joe:Everything is ruined?(Referring to the clothes)
Ann:Oh, no .They'll be dry in a minute.(Seeing that Ann is wearing his bathrobe.)
Joe:Suits you.You should always wear my clothes.
Ann:Semms I do.
Joe:Have a little wine might be good.
Ann:Shall I cook something?
Joe:No kitchen.Nothing to cook.I always eat out.
Ann:Do you like that?
Joe:Life isn't always what one likes,is it ?
Ann:No, 'tisn't.
Ann:A little.
Joe:You had quite a day.
Ann:A wonderful day.

Ann: May I have a little more wine? Sorry I can't cook us some dinner.
Joe:Did you learn how in school?
Ann:I am a good cook,I could earn my living at it . I can sew too,and clean the house and iron, I've learned to do all those things. I just I haven't had the chance to do it for anyone.
Joe:It looks like I'll have to move,and get myself a place with a kitchen.
Ann:Yes.(Silent for a while.) I...I have to go now.

(Then they are seen driving in a car.)
Ann:Stop at the next corner,please.
Ann:Yes.I have to leave you now .I'm going to that corner there and turn.You stay in the car  and then drive away.Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner.Just drive away and leave me as I leave you.
Joe:All right.
Ann:I don't know how to say good-bye.Can't think of any words.
Joe:Don't try.



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