(Victor Laszlo comes into Rick's saloon.)
Victor: Mister Blain, I wonder if could talk to you.
Rick: Go ahead!
Victor: Well ,Is there some other place? It's rather confidential ,what I have to say.
Rick:Come up to my office .(They come to Rick's office.)
Victor:You must know it's very important I get out of Casablanca.
Rick: Why you more important than any of the other thousands who are stuck here?
Victor:Whether Victor Laszlor,the man ,gets out is not important at all.But It's my privilege to be one of the leaders of the great movement.You know what I've been dong .You know what it means to the work,to the lives of thousands and thousands of people that I be free to reach America and continue my work.
Rick: I'm not interested in politics and the problems of the world are not in my department. I'm a saloon keeper.
Victor: That wasn't always you attitude.
Rick:Wasn't it ?
Victor:My friends of the underground tell me that you have quite a record.You ran guns to Ethiopia.You fought against fascists in Spain.
Rick:what of it ?
Victor:Isn't it strange that you always happen to be fighting on the side of the underdogs?
Rick: Yes,I found that a very expensive hobby too.But then I never was much of a businessman.
Voctor:Are you enough of a businessman to appreciate an offer of a 100,000 francs?
Rick: I appreciate it but I don't accept it .
Victor: I raise it to 200,000 francs.
Rick:My friend ,you could make it a millon francs or three.My answer would still be the same.
Victor:There must be some reason that you won't let me have them.
Rick:There is .I suggest that you ask your wife.
Victor: I beg you pardon?
Rick:I said "ask your wife".
Victor:My wife?
Rick: How did you get in ?
Ilsa:The stairs from the street.
Rick:I told you this morning you could come around,but this is a little ahead of schedule .Well ,won't you sit down?
Ilsa:Richard,I had to see you.
Rick:I'm "Richard" again. We're back in Paris!
Rick:Your unexpected visit isn't connected by any chance withe the letters of transit? Seems as long as I have those letters ,I'll never be lonely.
Ilsa:Richard ,you can ask for any price you choose,but you must give us those letters.
Rick:I went all through that with your husband.It's no deal.
Ilsa:I know how you feel about me.And I don't blame you.But I must ask you to put your feelings aside for something more important.
Rick:Do I have to hear again what a great man your husband is ,and what an important cause he is fighting for?
Ilsa:It is your cause too. In your own way,you were fighting for the same thing.
Rick: Well, I'm not fighting for any thing any more,except myself.I'm the only cause I'm interested in now.
Ilsa:Richard, we loved each other once.If those days meant anything at all to you....
Rick:I would't bring up Paris, if I were you.It is poor salesmanship.
Ilsa:Please,please listen to me.If you knew really what happended to me ! If you only knew the truth!
Rick:I wouldn't believe you no matter what you told me.You'll say anthing now to get what you want.
Ilsa:You want to feel sorry for yourself,don't you? There is so much you must think of you feelings. With so much at stake, all you think of is your own feelings .One woman has hurt you,and you take revenge on the rest of the world!You are a coward and weak(But as soon as the two words come out ,she is in torment.)No, Richard ,I'm sorry.I'm sorry but you are our last hope.If you don't help Victor,Victor will die in Casablanca.
Rick:What of it ?I'm going to die in Casablanca too.It's a good spot for it .
10. **《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)**:这句台词展现了命运的巧合,暗示了主角与女主角的重逢是命中注定的。 11. **《我不是天使》(I'm No Angel)**:这部电影的对白体现了角色的独立和自我主张,提醒我们在社会角色...
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Casablanca120是C++ REST SDK的一个版本,这是一个强大的开源库,专为构建基于云的应用程序而设计。这个SDK,也被称为cpprestsdk,由微软开发,旨在简化HTTP通信、JSON序列化/反序列化、SSL/TLS安全连接以及多线程...
您将在每个新选项卡中打开Casablanca HD图像! 惊人的! 每个新标签中的真棒高品质卡萨布兰卡图像。 对于真正的粉丝,就像我一样:)您会非常有启发性的,并且您会喜欢这个不错的扩展。 简单易用(只需向下滚动即可...
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C++ REST SDK(代号Casablanca)为使用云计算进行软件架构的C++开发者提供最好的支持。 相关资料: http://www.okbase.net/doc/details/3529 http://blog.okbase.net/vchelp/archive/735.html
在Spark AR Studio的世界里,"armc:来自devc Casablanca Spark AR大师班会议的AR资源"是一个集合,它包含了一系列与增强现实(AR)相关的开发资源,特别是针对那些参加了devc Casablanca活动的专业人士或爱好者。...
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INSERT INTO `easy_tz_language` VALUES (1, 1, '(UTC+01:00) 卡萨布兰卡', 'zh'); INSERT INTO `easy_tz_language` VALUES (2, 1, '(UTC+01:00) Casablanca', 'en'); INSERT INTO `easy_tz_language` VALUES (3, 2,...
摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡的Cloud Native Community Group的登录页面。 在此页面中,您将找到有关社区,我们即将进行的活动和以前的活动的信息,并带有指向录音,幻灯片和任何共享链接的链接。 facebook.png我们的社交媒体云...
本文的目的是研究卡萨布兰卡亚热带气候下暴露于太阳辐射的当地居住空间的能源效率。 这项研究主要集中在相变材料(PCM)在两个不同位置插入双层砖墙的7厘米厚空气层中的作用上。 我们注意到,实验研究是使用位于Ain ...
`Restweb` 是一个基于C++的项目,利用了`cpprestsdk`库(也称为Casablanca),旨在为初学者提供一个基础框架,用于构建RESTful Web服务,并与数据库(如PostgreSQL)进行集成。这个项目特别适合那些想要学习如何在...
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