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使用SAP CRM中间件从ERP下载Customer的错误消息:Customer classification does not exist
Distribution channel is not allowed for sales organization
I try to download customer material info record from ERP via request download. This is my download request created in tcode R3AR2:
一、什么是Weblogic WLST?
WebLogic 脚本工具 (WebLogic Scripting Tool , WLST) 是一种命令行脚本界面,系统管理员和操作员用它来监视和管理 WebLogic Server 实例以及域。WLST提供以下功能:
(一)联 ...
如何实现SAP WebClient UI附件批量上传
Recently several customers have asked for multiple attachment upload functionality in CRM. As current UI component GS_CM does not support this, I have built a simple prototype to achieve it. Although ...
SAP CRM中间件下载时,为什么有时候会生成一个奇怪的BDOC容器
# Subject: RE: Subtractive changes in CRM Product Settypes by Request Load Functionality
The reason that the proper structures do not make it through was a filter setting for the object MATERIAL in C ...
How to test Delta download in CRM Side
Subject: How to test Delta download in CRM Side
1. Select one product in CRM side ( QD3/504 ) which you would like to test. The product must have already been downloaded from ERP successfully.
In th ...
SAP CRM中间件下载时数据库表CRMATAB为空的处理方法
# Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: how to fill empty table
How to resolve empty table issue in ERP:
Run report SMOF_FILL_CRMATAB in CRM system:
Mark checkbox “All objects”:
如何关闭SAP CRM中间件的delta download方式
# Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: How to test Delta download in CRM Side
我们测request download时,需要选在ERP修改某个product,然后在CRM端trigger request download看修改是否成功同步到CRM。
但是如下面邮件描述的,一旦在ERP修改了之 ...
SAP CRM customer material info record
You can maintain customer material info record in ERP via tcode VD51(create) and VD52(change). This info record describes the relationship between customer and material.
See one example in ERP:
It ...
Error message Object BOM does not allow filter on MAST.STLNR
When you try to define filter as below in request download to download the very BOM from ERP:
When you save, you meet with the following error message: Object BOM does not allow filter on MA ...
阿里巴巴的 Kubernetes 应用管理实践经验与教训
> **导读**:本文整理自孙健波在 ArchSummit 大会 2019 北京站演讲稿记录。首先介绍了阿里巴巴基于 Kubernetes 项目进行大规模应用实践过程中遇到的问题;随后会逐一介绍解决这些问题的现有实践及其本身存在的局限性;最后会介绍阿里巴巴目前正在进行的尝试和社区在这一领域的发展方向。
如今,阿里巴巴内部维护了数十个大规模的 K8s 集群,其中最大的集群约 1 万个节点,每个 ...
分布式事务 GTS 的价值和原理浅析
GTS 今年双 11 的成绩
今年 2684 亿的背后,有一个默默支撑,低调到几乎被遗忘的中间件云产品——GTS(全局事务服务,Global Transaction Service),稳稳地通过了自 2014 年诞生以来的第 5 次“大考”。
> 2019 年 11 月 1 日至 12 日,GTS 日均处理分布式事务数量达 **亿级** ,每天峰值 TPS 达 ...