锁定老帖子 主题:这次苹果做的有点儿过分了
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[url]http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/06/29/leaked-apples-internal-iphone-4-antenna-troubleshooting-procedures/ [/url] The antenna issues plaguing the iPhone 4 have infuriated many iPhone users (and rightfully so), but have you ever wondered how Apple is training its employees to deal with the fiasco? Well thanks to one of our Apple connects, we now know the exact procedures AppleCare reps must follow when dealing with any reception complaints regarding the iPhone 4. Hit the jump to check them out. 引用 1. Keep all of the positioning statements in the BN handy – your tone when delivering this information is important. a. The iPhone 4’s wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. Our testing shows that iPhone 4’s overall antenna performance is better than iPhone 3GS. b. Gripping almost any mobile phone in certain places will reduce its reception. This is true of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, and many other phones we have tested. It is a fact of life in the wireless world. c. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 3GS, avoid covering the bottom-right side with your hand. d. If you are experiencing this on your iPhone 4, avoid covering the black strip in the lower-left corner of the metal band. e. The use of a case or Bumper that is made out of rubber or plastic may improve wireless performance by keeping your hand from directly covering these areas. 2. Do not perform warranty service. Use the positioning above for any customer questions or concerns. 3. Don’t forget YOU STILL NEED to probe and troubleshoot. If a customer calls about their reception while the phone is sitting on a table (not being held) it is not the metal band. 4. ONLY escalate if the issue exists when the phone is not held AND you cannot resolve it. 5. We ARE NOT appeasing customers with free bumpers – DON’T promise a free bumper to customers. Clearly Apple is taking the position that nothing is wrong with the antenna, although that’s not surprising since most companies will never willingly admit their flagship product is potentially suffering from an unfixable flaw. But does anyone else find it interesting, if not troubling, that there is no mention of an impending software fix? 找到一个网站的翻译 http://digital.ynet.com/3g/a/11400434.shtml 引用 以下为苹果客服人员应当遵循的要点: 1.保持统一口径。你在提供信息时的语气非常重要。 a.iPhone 4的无线性能是我们所提供产品中最好的。我们的测试表明,iPhone 4的总体天线性能好于iPhone 3GS。 b.紧握任何一部手机的某个特定部位都会导致接收信号强度下降。对iPhone 4、iPhone 3GS,以及其他我们测试过的手机来说都是一样。这是移动通信行业的一个事实。 c.如果你在iPhone 3GS上发现这一问题,那么请不要用手握住手机的右下方。 d.如果你在iPhone 4上发现这一问题,那么请不要握住金属边左下角的黑色部分。 e.使用橡胶或塑料保护套时,你的手将无法直接握住这些区域,从而能够提升手机的无线性能。 2.不要进行任何保修服务。采用以上的说法来应对用户的问题和关注。 3.不要忘记,你仍然需要进行分析和故障处理。如果用户表示,当手机放在桌上时仍然有信号问题,那么这不是由于金属边引起的。 4.当用户没有手握手机时,如果问题仍然存在,并且你无法解决,可以提交至上一级解决。 5.我们不会向用户提供免费的保护套,因此不要向用户做出承诺。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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呵呵,转一篇老罗的文章 关于苹果的粉丝
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weiqingfei 写道
mac与pc的圣.战本来就是左右脑的圣.战。乔布斯自己就是大学工科本科都没念下来,学字体去了。 mac用户不认为两点之间直线最短,而是没有杈路的封闭高速路最短。 pc用户笑mac用户傻13, 花那么多钱,买个什么配置啊,更可笑的是自己都不知道自己花那么多钱买到的配置低成什么样;mac用户笑PC用户,天天这主频那渲染管线,你是用户啊还是工程师啊,像蛮牛一样眼睛里只看到频率和“玩家实测数据”,如果配置不能转化成用户体验,那还有个球用?我买的是产品,被统一设计过的产品,而不是一堆参数。 苹果黑永远不用担心乔帮主推出不够傻13的作品来,比如电池不能换,比如这个得另配,那个不支持,那个不开放…… 传说有些人是三角形的,他们有三角形的信仰;有些人是圆形的,他们有圆形的信仰。两种人谁也不能说服对方,但也只能这样继续活着。。 |
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就事论事,老乔不能要求大家像L那样拿手机,也不能像黄宏那样让人家买鞋的再另外买瓶胶水。 ![]() ![]() 老乔还不如黄宏呢,人家至少免费给粘上,老乔连个防护套都舍不得给。 |
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海版有新帖,可别隐藏了呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀 |
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zhouxwyeah 写道 我投良好是为了对抗那一票隐藏,仅此而已,
海版有新帖,可别隐藏了呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀 +1 |
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coolspeed 写道 zhouxwyeah 写道 我投良好是为了对抗那一票隐藏,仅此而已,
海版有新帖,可别隐藏了呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀 +1 +2 |
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