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糊涂虫3000 写道 1.既然这么好沟通,为什么你不把图纸贴出来。你贴出来图纸,我们一看就明白,不就说明问题了,你不贴出来,你怎么知道你的图与别人很好沟通? 2.不是三种建模方法的结合,那是什么的结合呢?你知道UML的三个创始人吧?他们原来各自的建模方法你知道吗? 3.清华大学也教核物理,对于你写程序重要吗? 4.说什么可移植性的一看就是没有真正的软件开发产业里做过的。除了几个大公司,谁跟你讲可移植性了? 苹果的OS还没有可移植性呢,你怎么不跟苹果公司的领导讲一讲你的软件工程呢? 什么时候你看到ms office已经移植到了Linux平台的时候再来讲可移植性不迟。 长远的眼光来看,根本不需要一个统一的建模方法。 有本事先把语言统一成一种先。 5.瀑布模型当然没有被推翻,但早已不是主流了。在小规模的软件开发上很少会用的瀑布模型,目前最多使用的是原型方法。看来你对软件工程也不是很熟悉啊。 我不支持鼓吹UML,但是我认为将UML神化是错误的。 UML并不能解决大部分的问题,他就象是蚕丝一样最终会将蚕缚起来。 对你这种论调........ 再和你争就是我傻了..... |
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solonote 写道 这个话题完全没有必要进行下去。作者不爱用或者不会用UML,就觉得全世界的人都不会用UML。
请去向别人了解一下怎么使用UML,了解一下有没有人在使用UML,他们怎么使用UML。 对于你那么孩子气的言论,只能说,请自重。 你应该知道你是不是小孩子了。 我不支持使用UML已经说明原因了。 你不明白我说什么,还老是叫呼。 有意思吗? |
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直接说对方不懂这种回答太没意思, 而且这种回答永远无敌 ^_^
我是很希望有人能对lz "从软件开发的实际来看,用了UML并没有挺高软件开发的速度,也没有提高软件开发的可理解性,更没有提高软件的质量。" 这种论调用具体例子作出正面反驳,而不是空口讲道理 |
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2.这种辅助的UML图同时也能保证代码质量。 ^-^ 我发现很多概念都是理解层次的问题。 |
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“糊涂虫3000” 可以去下面这个链接看看。。里面几乎所有的项目都有提供use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams/activity diagrams.. "http://software.topcoder.com/catalog/c_showroom.jsp".. 看看人家是怎么开发的.. 这个UML的好处不是一两句话能说清楚的。 拿个最简单的来说吧。 设计系统的时候用到的那些设计模式,你是直接看code容易理解呢,还是看class diagram好理解? |
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hsy008 写道 这里提供一个支持UML的例子。。
“糊涂虫3000” 可以去下面这个链接看看。。里面几乎所有的项目都有提供use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams/activity diagrams.. "http://software.topcoder.com/catalog/c_showroom.jsp".. 看看人家是怎么开发的.. 这个UML的好处不是一两句话能说清楚的。 拿个最简单的来说吧。 设计系统的时候用到的那些设计模式,你是直接看code容易理解呢,还是看class diagram好理解? 看它的图,你觉得你能更好的理解吗? 特别是类图。这么多接口一看就很乱。 这个还只是包含了4个变量,少量接口的类。 如果多了呢?还能看吗? 下面是其中的一个图: |
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为什么不能更好的理解。 类图加上sequence diagram, 我们就可以知道类之间的相互炒作的流程。。总比你看代码从一个类跳到另一个类简单吧。 |
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hsy008 写道 乱吗?乱在何处?
为什么不能更好的理解。 类图加上sequence diagram, 我们就可以知道类之间的相互炒作的流程。。总比你看代码从一个类跳到另一个类简单吧。 请问我要记住所有的类图吗? 你这个是最简单的图了,看起来都费劲了。 那复杂点的图怎么描述? 如果方法有1000个,你还能用UML来描述吗? 请问要多大面积的纸? |
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亏你还是编程的。 你不会用电脑来看啊。 你知道这个世界上有电脑软件的东西吗? 我下面给出一些商业的UML 工具. 有大有小的。 如果说UML没有用的话,那下面这些软件工具,又是被人开发出来,然后拿来卖钱是干什么用的!!你也自己可以去google或者wiki一下。 当然如果你觉得,没用的必要,那我也没话说了。。 List of Commercial/Proprietary UML tools Potential users can freely download versions of most of the following tools; such versions usually impose limits in capability and/or by a time-period. AgileJ StructureViews: custom reverse-engineered class-diagrams — Java/Eclipse/XP. (Formerly marketed as "Modelistic".) Altova UModel: GUI UML editor, supports UML 2.2, code engineering in Java, C#, and Visual Basic, imports and exports XMI Apollo for Eclipse:supports UML 2.0 and Java 5. Integrates with the Eclipse IDE Artisan Studio: multi-user, multi-site modelling; supports UML 2.1 and OMG SysML 1.1; code synchronization for C, C++, C#, Java, Ada, SPARK Ada; supports MDA and simulation of dynamic behavior Avolution: ABACUS 3.x is a general modeling tool that supports UML amongst many other open standards and notations. BLU AGE: an MDA compliant software workbench that enables 100% automated transformation of your UML 2.X diagrams into Java EE and .Net Enterprise business applications. Blueprint Software Modeler: An integrated software-modeling environment with UML 2.1 modeling, OCL 2.0, meta-modeling and profiles; based on Eclipse Borland Together: UML modelling tool, integrated with Eclipse and with MS VS.NET 2005. Supports UML 2.0 and MDA, OCL, MOF. Cadifra UML Editor: UML diagram editor for Windows CaseComplete: Use Case and Requirements management tool including Use Case diagrams ConceptDraw 7: diagramming tool for Windows and Mac, supports UML 2.0 Creately - Online Diagramming: a web-based collaboratively UML tool for Windows, Linux and Mac that sports a WYSIWYG interface Enterprise Architect – UML 2.1 tool with forward- and reverse-engineering and integration with Visual Studio 2005 and Eclipse. Extensible through addins and modeling technologies. eRequirements: free web-based requirements-management tool Fooboard - free web based UML diagramming and collaboration tool GatherSpace: Online/On-Demand Use Case and Requirements Management Gliffy: Desktop application feel in a web-based UML diagramming solution idungu: web-based UML diagramming solution Imagix 4D - C, C++ and Java reverse engineering / program comprehension tool generating UML Class Diagrams. JUDE: object-oriented analysis and design with UML and Mindmap. JUDE/Community, though free to use, does not provide open source. Konesa: Canyon Blue's collaborative modelling tool MacA&D: UML and requirements-management for Mac OS X MagicDraw UML: UML 2.0 tool with forward- and reverse-engineering and support for many plugin products for MDA. Integrates with many IDEs, including Eclipse and NetBeans. Supports SysML. MasterCraft (software): a suite of tools from Tata Consultancy Services Limited which support object-oriented analysis and design using UML for development of MDA-based application-software. The tool-suite consists of IDE-based modelers which allow for UML-based modeling. Metamill: a round-trip UML tool for C++, C# and Java. Runs under Windows and Linux. MicroGOLD WithClass: UML modeling tool that can generate code and reverse engineer C++, Java, Delphi, VB, IDL, Perl, PHP, C#, and VB.net. Works with EJB. Microsoft Visio:– a diagramming tool that also supports UML (Stencil and Template for UML 2.2) MyEclipse: An Eclipse-based IDE. Professional Edition includes UML solutions. North State Software: NSF is a highly extensible, software development framework for implementing UML 2.0 State Machines, including run-time engine with threading, timer, and trace utilities. Objecteering: provides complete coverage of model-driven development (UML 2.0, MDA). A free (as in beer) edition is available. OmniGraffle: for Mac OS X. OptimalJ: a model-driven development environment for Java. Pacestar UML Diagrammer: supports UML 2.0 Poseidon for UML: commercial version of ArgoUML - supports UML 2.0 PowerDesigner: by Sybase; supports UML 2.0, data-modeling, business-process modeling - round trip engineering Rational Rose: by Rational Software (sold to IBM in 2003); supports UML 1.x. Rational Rose XDE: an "eXtended Development Environment" in the tradition of Rational Rose; supports UML 1.x Rational Software Architect: Eclipse-based UML 2.0 tool by the Rational Division of IBM SDMetrics: a UML-design quality-measurement and design-rule-checking tool Select Architect: a BPM/UML/MDA platform for Microsoft Windows, running on a scalable repository it integrates with Eclipse and VS.NET sinelaboreRT - generates human readable c-code from state-charts especially targeting embedded systems SmartDraw: UML-diagram tool for Microsoft Windows System Architect: supports UML integrated with other notations and methods in an Enterprise Architecture environment. Telelogic Rhapsody: supports UML 2.0 and SysML for embedded and real-time systems markets Telelogic TAU: supports UML 2.0 and SysML TopCoder UML Tool tool designed and developed entirely by the TopCoder Community to model sequence, class, use case, and activity diagrams. Free and open-source but with a specific license agreement. Trace Modeler: an easy-to-use and smart editor for UML sequence diagrams. It's lightweight, portable and ensures diagrams are always visually pleasing and structurally correct. Use Case Studio: a use-case authoring tool by Rewritten Software. Free for educational use. Visustin: reverse-engineers UML activity-diagrams and flow-charts Visual Paradigm for UML: supports UML 2.1, data modeling, business modeling and reverse engineering of source code and databases Visible Analyst for UML: supports UML 2.1, enterprise architecture, strategic planning, structured analysis and design, data modeling, real-time modeling business modeling and forward and reverse engineering of source code and databases; common repository and multi-user by design, www.visible.com WinA&D: UML and requirements management for Microsoft Windows yalips: modeling tool that also supports brainstorming and gantt project management Visual Use Case: Use Case and Diagramming tool Model Realization: A Java code generation tool. It supports UML 2.0 and Java 5 Zeligsoft CX: An adaptive, non-prescriptive toolkit utilizing domain-specific modeling and code generation. An Eclipse plugin. |
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很多人在代码中滥用接口就是UML惹的祸。这玩意应该标明,不适合初学者 |
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