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锁定老帖子 主题:Help!英文面试题
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1.Design an eclipse RCP application which uses menu or button to display "hello, world". 2.Design a module which will add menu or button to the previous application, the new menu or button will display "hello, SoEasy". The previous application should be able to get updated by this new module over the web. Implementation Conditions 1.This project should be submitted by email. It is desired to have the second part submitted as URL, regardless whether candidate can manage to get the second part working over the web or not, a detail documentation is required. 2.This project should be finished within 4 days. 这是一家公司给我发的面试题,电话说让我做完后马上回过去。再决定是否通知我来面试,据说它公司技术总监现在在美国,这题做完后还要发给他去看。题目看了N遍,结合网上翻译,好像是说: 1:设计一个Eclipse RCP程序,实现菜单或按钮点击显示"hello.world"; 2:设计一个模型,将添加菜单或按钮用来给前一个程序使用,新菜单将展示“hello,SoEasy”.新前一个程序应该能够获得更新依靠新程序在网上! 呵呵,不好意思!第二句总是翻译不通啊,英语不好就是郁闷!现在这个时候机会对我这种小菜鸟很是难得啊,不想失去这个宝贵的机会啊!那位大好人能够帮我翻译下就好啦,非常感谢! 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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hey, I can not type pingying right now, so I just wanna tell you what I understand about question 2. he means you should deveop a module to add/update menu or button any time,that's it. hope it can help you.
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Design a module which will UPDATE menu or button to the previous application, the new menu or button will display "hello, SoEasy".
Words express unclearness, I think. If add change to update, it is easy to understand the meaning. |
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http://www.budebu.com/Test.rar,这是我的一个rcp的小例子,你拿去参照一下就OK了. 第二点的意思是要叫你做个另外的更新点,像另外的插件那样,可以通过web直接更新下来这个功能....跟eclipse的更新达到一样的效果吧. |
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