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To configure Hibernate in a Jakarta-Struts application: 1. Create your struts-config.xml file. 2. Add the following configuration for the plugin: <plug-in className="edu.arbor.util.plugin.HibernatePlugIn"> <!-- 'path-to-config-file' is relative to the root of the class path. It MUST start with a '/'. The default is "/hibernate.cfg.xml --> <set-property property="configFilePath" value="path-to-config-file" /> <set-property property="storeInServletContext" value="true-or-false" /> </plug-in> 3. Copy the code into a source file and compile. package edu.arbor.util.plugin; import java.net.URL; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory; import net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet; import org.apache.struts.action.PlugIn; import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig; /** * Implements the <code>PlugIn</code> interface to configure the Hibernate * data persistence library. A configured * <code>net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory</code> is stored in the * <code>ServletContext</code> of the web application unless the property * <code>storedInServletContext</code> is set to <code>false</code>. * * <p> * &plugin class=&net.sf.hibernate.plugins.struts.HibernatePlugIn&& * &set-property name=&configFilePath"" * value=&path-to-config-file&/& * &set-property name=&storedInServletContext"" * value=&true-or-false&/& * &/plugin& * * @author <a href="mailto:bhandy@users.sf.net">Bradley M. Handy</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class HibernatePlugIn implements PlugIn { /** * the key under which the <code>SessionFactory</code> instance is stored * in the <code>ServletContext</code>. */ public static final String SESSION_FACTORY_KEY = SessionFactory.class.getName();; private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernatePlugIn.class);; /** * indicates whether the <code>SessionFactory</code> instance will be stored * in the <code>ServletContext</code>, or not. */ private boolean _storedInServletContext = true; /** * the path to the xml configuration file. the path should start with a * '/' character and be relative to the root of the class path. * (DEFAULT: "/hibernate.cfg.xml"); */ private String _configFilePath = "/hibernate.cfg.xml"; private ActionServlet _servlet = null; private ModuleConfig _config = null; private SessionFactory _factory = null; /** * Destroys the <code>SessionFactory</code> instance. */ public void destroy(); { _servlet = null; _config = null; try { _log.debug("Destroying SessionFactory...");; _factory.close();; _log.debug("SessionFactory destroyed...");; } catch (Exception e); { _log.error("Unable to destroy SessionFactory...(exception ignored);", e);; } } /** * Initializes the <code>SessionFactory</code>. * @param servlet the <code>ActionServlet</code> instance under which the * plugin will run. * @param config the <code>ModuleConfig</code> for the module under which * the plugin will run. */ public void init(ActionServlet servlet, ModuleConfig config); throws ServletException { _servlet = servlet; _config = config; initHibernate();; } /** * Initializes Hibernate with the config file found at * <code>configFilePath</code>. */ private void initHibernate(); throws ServletException { Configuration configuration = null; URL configFileURL = null; ServletContext context = null; try { configFileURL = HibernatePlugIn.class.getResource(_configFilePath);; context = _servlet.getServletContext();; if (_log.isDebugEnabled();); { _log.debug("Initializing Hibernate from " + _configFilePath + "...");; } configuration = (new Configuration(););.configure(configFileURL);; _factory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();; if (_storedInServletContext); { _log.debug("Storing SessionFactory in ServletContext...");; context.setAttribute(SESSION_FACTORY_KEY, _factory);; } } catch (Throwable t); { _log.error("Exception while initializing Hibernate.");; _log.error("Rethrowing exception...", t);; throw (new ServletException(t););; } } /** * Setter for property configFilePath. * @param configFilePath New value of property configFilePath. */ public void setConfigFilePath(String configFilePath); { if ((configFilePath == null); || (configFilePath.trim();.length(); == 0);); { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "configFilePath cannot be blank or null.");; } if (_log.isDebugEnabled();); { _log.debug("Setting 'configFilePath' to '" + configFilePath + "'...");; } _configFilePath = configFilePath; } /** * Setter for property storedInServletContext. * @param storedInServletContext New value of property storedInServletContext. */ public void setStoredInServletContext(String storedInServletContext); { if ((storedInServletContext == null); || (storedInServletContext.trim();.length(); == 0);); { storedInServletContext = "false"; } if (_log.isDebugEnabled();); { _log.debug("Setting 'storedInServletContext' to '" + storedInServletContext + "'...");; } _storedInServletContext = new Boolean(storedInServletContext);.booleanValue();; } } 这是从hibernate老家看到的 http://www.hibernate.org/105.html 可是我不知道如何在程序中调用已经储存的SessionFactory 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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引用 if (_storedInServletContext) { _log.debug("Storing SessionFactory in ServletContext..."); context.setAttribute(SESSION_FACTORY_KEY, _factory); } SessionFactory sf=(SessionFactory);yourServletInstance.getServletContext();.getAttribute(HibernatePlugIn.SESSION_FACTORY_KEY);; |
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ServletContext context = getServletContext();; SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory);context.getAttribute(HibernatePlugIn.SESSION_FACTORY_KEY);; |
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zhenglinxi 写道 那我要是再一个普通的类里里呢?
反正要想方设法得到你的ServletContext |
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mikeho 写道 那如果我在ejb里面调用的话,我怎么获得这个Factory啊,我想这个plugin只是适合只使用struts和jdbc的轻量级的应用的。
这个plug in适合在单独的web application中使用,如果在EJB中调用Hibernate的SessionFactoryImpl,那么应该把Hibernate配置到App Server上的JNDI上,看看精华区,有文章讲怎么在weblogic上把SessionFactoryImpl配置为JNDI |
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