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Rails 是 Ruby 的最佳实践吗?

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作SAP的用户可以从顾问和售前人员的口中经常听到Best Practices,但是并不情愿地接受行业解决方案是最佳的商业实践,试图通过程序员开发出可以自定制的可以改造的程序来运行符合用户情景的商业管理程序。真正完全全盘接受best practices的非常的少,那是相当的少。


那么Best Practice到底是什么? 下面的译文也许会给些许的启发:


From www.nextslm.org? 我Fly 大哥写的
translated by Joey.Dang


泰戈。伍兹和ITIL有什么共同之处? 这可不是一个搞笑的问题!

我们的答案是: 泰戈。伍兹的挥杆和ITIL都是最佳实践。




完成最佳实践就是我们的目标吗?答案是否定的,最佳实践只是给我们了一个基线,或者说是以后发展的一个起点。最佳实践可以让我们更快的完成任务,接着你就可以根据你的特殊需求来对其进行优化。拿高尔夫作比喻,许多打高尔夫的都模仿泰戈。伍兹的击球姿势来提高他们的水平。但是请记住,世界上只有一个泰戈。伍兹。如果你比伍兹要矮一点,柔韧性差一点,力量少一点,菜一点( 当然我们肯定比他菜 ?) ,那么你就需要根据你的实际情况对伍兹的击球姿势做些调整。


如果你并不是刚刚开始IT服务管理,你可能已经有了IT服务和支持的流程。 ITIL最佳实践同样对你会有帮助。你可以按照ITIL的流程去看看你自己的流程是否还可以改进,从而可以达到最好的效果,但请记住这些改进都是根据你实际的情况来进行!



What is Best Practice?What do Tiger Wood's swing and ITIL have in common? The question is no joke! Both Tiger Wood's swing and ITIL are best practices.

Here's the analogy:
When a beginner golfer picks up the clubs for the first time, the instructor doesn't say "keep hitting the ball till you figure out your swing?" Instead, they recommend one of two common grips, basic stance, and straight left arm. These are best practices. In other words, they provide a way to do something based on what is commonly viewed as the best way to do it. A best practice is simply a way of doing something, based on how others have successfully done it before, that helps you quickly achieve a level of competence.

Is the best practice the end goal? No. Best practice provides a baseline, or starting point. It's a way to quickly achieve results, that you can then build on and adapt to your unique needs. In golf, many players copy Tiger Wood's swing to improve their game. But there is only one Tiger Woods! If you are shorter, less flexible, weaker, or less practiced than Tiger (as most of us are), then you need to adapt Tiger's swing to your??unique requirements.
The same goes with ITIL.? ITIL is a set of best-practice guidelines that are based on how others have successfully managed IT. These guidelines help you quickly achieve an expected level of performance.? Is ITIL the end goal? No. Based on your unique and changing requirements, you should identify key areas of? requiring exceptional - performance, and adapt ITIL to meet your needs.? So you're not a beginner golfer?? Your organization already has IT service and support process in place?? Best practices can still help.? Use best practices to go back and improve areas that are currently effective, but t still need to be enhanced.? Look at how others have done it, and modify as needed to help achieve the goals of your unique circumstance.? ?Your take away - adapt ITIL best practices to improve IT service efficiency.? Look for solutions that implement ITIL out-of-box, but are easily adapted to your unique requirements.? Leverage the best, but don't get stuck with a golf swing or an IT process that doesn't quite fit your needs!




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