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锁定老帖子 主题:Java_CreateCSVFile
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public class CreateCSVFile extends BaseDAO{ private static CreateCSVFile _createCSVFile = null; private FileOutputStream _fos = null; private StringBuffer _sBuffer = null; private String _path = ""; public static final String DEL_CHAR = ","; public static final String AV_CHAR = "\""; public CreateCSVFile() { _path = Config.getString("csv_file_path"); this.init(_path); } /** * * @param path create csv file's path */ public void init(String path) { String method = "createCSVFile_init"; if(path == null || path.trim().equals("")) { _path = Constant.DEFAULT_PATH; } else { _path = path; } try { _fos = new FileOutputStream(_path,false); _sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); debug("", method, "create csv file sccuessful"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); debug("", method, "not found exception of create csv file"); } } /** * this method is append date in csv file * @param data */ public void setData(Object data) { _sBuffer.append(AV_CHAR); _sBuffer.append(data); _sBuffer.append(AV_CHAR); _sBuffer.append(DEL_CHAR); } public void writeLine() { if (_sBuffer.charAt(_sBuffer.length() - 1) == ',') _sBuffer.delete(_sBuffer.length() - 1, _sBuffer.length()); _sBuffer.append("\r\n"); } /** * this method is close fileoutputstream */ public void close() { String method = "close"; try { if(_sBuffer != null) { _fos.write(_sBuffer.toString().getBytes()); debug("", method, "close fileOutputStream successful"); } else { debug("", method, "null point exception"); } } catch (IOException e) { debug("", method, "close fileOutputStream failure"); } finally { try { if(_fos != null) { _fos.close(); _fos = null; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } 2.Create CSV File Action: /** * updateExpired method is update order_history table's attribute(is * expired) Expired that the <True> value is 0, 1 said that <False> * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @author wuwenqiang */ public ActionForward updateExpired(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String method = "updateExpired"; String createFileMethod = "createFile"; String userId = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("Portal"); ActionMapping _mapping = null; List allOrderHistoryList = new LinkedList(); List _orderHistoryList = new LinkedList(); try { DateManager.getInstance().compareTime(_am.queryALlGlobalSettings()); long startTime = DateManager.getInstance().get_timeMillisStart(); long endTime = DateManager.getInstance().get_timeMillisEnd(); allOrderHistoryList = _am.queryOrderHistoryAll(startTime, endTime); if (allOrderHistoryList == null || allOrderHistoryList.size() <= 0) { this.debug(userId, createFileMethod, Constant.MESSAGE_QUERY_NOELEMENT); } else { _orderHistoryList = _ohOperation .addOrderHistory(allOrderHistoryList); CreateCSVFile createCSVFile = new CreateCSVFile(); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.RESTAURANT_NAME); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.MEAL_NAME); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.MEAL_PRICE); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.NUM); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.SUBSCRIBER_NAME); createCSVFile.setData(Constant.ORDER_TIME); createCSVFile.writeLine(); for (int i = 0; i < allOrderHistoryList.size(); i++) { OrderHistory orderHistory = (OrderHistory) allOrderHistoryList .get(i); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getMeal() .getRestaurant().getRestName()); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getMeal().getMealName()); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getMeal() .getSinglePrice()); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getNum()); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getEmployee() .getFullName()); createCSVFile.setData(orderHistory.getTime()); createCSVFile.writeLine(); } createCSVFile.close(); } _am.updateExpired(startTime, endTime); request.getSession().setAttribute("addOrderHistory_list",_orderHistoryList); request.setAttribute("flag", "flag_true"); this.debug(userId, method, Constant.LOG_UPDATE_SUCCESS); return mapping.findForward("list_update"); } catch (ManagerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.error(userId, method, "hibernate exception", e); } this.debug(userId, method, Constant.LOG_UPDATE_FAIL); request.setAttribute("flag", "flag_false"); return mapping.findForward("return_error"); } 3.DownLoad CSV File Action: /** * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public ActionForward downloadCSVFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String method = "downloadCSVFile"; String userId = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("Portal"); PrintWriter pw = null; response.setContentType("application/octet-stream;charset=GBK"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"mealordering.csv\""); List allOrderHistoryList = new LinkedList(); String strHead = Constant.RESTAURANT_NAME + "," + Constant.MEAL_NAME + "," + Constant.MEAL_PRICE + "," + Constant.NUM + "," + Constant.SUBSCRIBER_NAME + "," + Constant.ORDER_TIME; try { pw = response.getWriter(); pw.println(strHead); allOrderHistoryList = (List)request.getSession().getAttribute("addOrderHistory_list"); if (allOrderHistoryList == null || allOrderHistoryList.size() <= 0) { this.debug("'", method, Constant.MESSAGE_QUERY_NOELEMENT); } else { for (Iterator iterator = allOrderHistoryList.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { OrderHistory orderHistory = (OrderHistory) iterator.next(); String restName = String.valueOf(orderHistory.getMeal() .getRestaurant().getRestName()); String mealName = String.valueOf(orderHistory.getMeal() .getMealName()); String mealPrice = String.valueOf(orderHistory.getMeal() .getSinglePrice()); String num = String.valueOf(orderHistory.getNum()); String subscriber = String.valueOf(orderHistory .getEmployee().getFullName()); String orderTime = String.valueOf(orderHistory.getTime()); String strLine = "\"" + restName + "\",\"" + mealName + "\",\"" + mealPrice + "\",\"" + num + "\",\"" + subscriber + "\",\"" + orderTime + "\""; pw.println(strLine); } pw.flush(); pw.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.debug(userId, method, "IOException"); } return null; } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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